
IMDb member since April 2015
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Will & Grace: 11 Years Later
Episode 1, Season 9

hmmm, from a big WAG fan... it's time to call it a day
Side Note: I am from the UK.

In it's hay day, I used to absolutely love curling up and getting ready for another episode of WAG... Knowing it was set for a revival, I was ecstatic! But...

From the start, I started to feel that something was just off here. From the political rhetoric, to the same old setting... however with a cast that is hitting and exceeding their 50's was painful to watch. I tried desperately to laugh and enjoy the show, but I just can't do it. I watch re-runs all the time, I love the show that much! But I don't think I could watch a re-run of that.

Megan Mullaly (Karen), however was a fabulous relief! The 4 is purely for her part in the show. Give her a chair and a camera and I will watch all day long! :)

Sean Hayes (Jack), however the opposite... Watching a close to 50yr old man, with the same immature and naive personality just doesn't work!

Sorry team, I love you guys, but please! either change the setting, the direction this show is going in or hang up your boots with a glorious legacy behind you! :)

Yours Truly! A true WAG Fan x

USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage

Starts with potential and that fades... quickly
I really thought this was gonna be a great film and the reviews were just people being overly critical... But, no.

This really is as bad as people say. It starts with potential, then it quickly descends. Bad acting, which I never thought I would say about a Cage movie! but it really is, especially when they are on the water. I mean really bad! I wasn't sure when they were afraid or they were genuinely being comedic.

I would save yourself watching this quite excruciating film and use the time to watch paint dry instead. :/

Grey's Anatomy: The Room Where It Happens
Episode 8, Season 13

Yes, as filler episode, but powerful, emotional and incredible acting make this episode one of the best i've seen.

The episode starts slowly, but really builds into an emotion packed masterpiece. Brilliant acting and writing combined wreaks havoc on the tear ducts and brings back memories long lost... Season 13 has been rather slow to gain pace and with this latest episode, I have no doubt that it will improve. Would love to see more of this, reminds me of more classic Grey's episodes.

This is why Grey's is still my favourite TV show!


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