
IMDb member since May 2015
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    9 years


The Passion of the Christ

Incredible movie that gets better with time
Watching it again in 2021, and this film only seems to get more powerful and more relevant.

As culture in the West degrades almost everyday, and standards in Art plumb new depths, watching this film today felt revolutionary.

It's hard to imagine Cinema ever reaching these kind of heights again.

Spider-Man: Far from Home

A tired entry into a tired franchise.
Mysterio aside this film this film felt like pointless filler. It's tough to go back to these small-scale stories after the likes of Endgame. They're going to need to dig a lot deeper than this to make the new phase anything more than redundant.


Good show with interesting characters.
I find it quite gripping and would watch a second series, which now seems unlikely.


Intriguing low budget film
Slow, strange, unusual, but worth the watch.

Worth way more than the current score.


Let down by a poor, unfocused script.
This film isn't wholly without merit, but it's among the lesser lights you'll find on streaming sites.

The performances were mostly good and the production is fine, it's just that the story is quite illogical and the ending is almost absurdly anti-climatic.

I'd only recommend it if you've somehow managed to watch every other horror film in existence.

12 Angry Men

Great film, but the kid did it without a doubt!
Whilst the film had flaws in terms of predictability in both plot and the age old 'Liberals are good', 'Conservatives are bad' tropes, it's still a riveting and compelling watch.

However, watching it in 2020 it occurs to me the film is about something more than how prejudice can affect criminal cases, and more about how people can convince themselves of just about anything.

The only possibility that the boy was innocent was that someone else happened to find his knife and then proceeded directly to the boy's home to kill the boy's father. It would have to be someone the father knew intimately as he was in the house! This person would also need to be exactly the same height as the defendant.

It's beyond reasonable doubt that it was the kid who killed his own father. There is no other rational explanation...and so the film praised universally for being about prejudice in the judicial system is ultimately, really, about something else entirely.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Ignore the critics, they're only interested in politics.
The film lacked inventiveness, it erred on the side of caution, but ultimately it was a massive success, ending not only the trilogy well, but the 9 part saga.

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