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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Satisfying Blockbuster Film
As a blockbuster - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire satisfies as an appropriately darker, energetic, visually pleasing and action-packed fourth entry in the iconic franchise. As an adaptation, it is a little crammed and rushed in places. And this film has a strange portrayal of Dumbledore (too shouty). But the acting from the cast is reliably strong, the score is great, the world building is excellent and all the emotional scenes hit. Plus Voldemort making his official debut is epic, amazing and memorable to behold (Ralph Fiennes deserved an Oscar nomination). Brendan Gleeson as Mad Eye Moody is the MVP.

Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

Everything I Wanted
Brought me right back to Deathly Hallows Part 2. It was emotional and heartwarming; and like Part 2 - I bawled my eyes out and cried like a baby.

It was wonderful to reunite with the cast for the first time in 10 years (after first meeting 20 years ago). It was also lovely to visit the iconic sets again. Warner Bros and HBO spared no expense (which I appreciated) as the production quality is excellent.


Jane Austen meets Fifty Shades of Grey meets Gossip Girl
A fantastic cast, wonderful costumes and production design, a lovely score, narrated by Julie Andrews, lots of romance and very steamy sex scenes. Can't wait for future seasons.

Sleeping Beauty

One of the worst films ever made
Awful, pointless, stupid and disgusting. That's 2 hours I'll never get back.

Scream Queens

Emma Roberts is the MVP
Funny, entertaining and well cast with some interesting mysteries and creative kills.

After We Collided

Better than the first film
I recommend seeing it. I can't wait for film 3 and 4.

Colin Farrell and Nicole Narain Sex Tape

A Hot Porno
Colin Farrell is sexy and a talented actor, with a big dick, who can't do wrong.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Is the script flawed? Yes. But Crimes of Grindelwald remains visually stunning, well acted and entertaining. Jude Law is the best screen portrayal of Dumbledore and Johnny Depp is fantastic as the titular villain.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Great introduction to a new series
This film is as the title suggests, fantastic. It's Well-acted, charming, funny and gorgeous to look at, with a fresh location and cute creatures. A promising franchise-starter that works as a companion to Harry Potter. Queenie is the MVP.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

Perfect Ending
Deathly Hallows Part 2 is a thrilling, action-packed, emotional, visually arresting, wonderfully acted and ultimately satisfying conclusion to the series. Alan Rickman was snubbed an Oscar nomination for his beautiful portrayal of Severus Snape.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1

Great Prelude
It does drag in the middle. But Deathly Hallows Part 1 is beautifully filmed, powerfully acted and emotionally impactful with some thrilling action and a refreshing trek outside of Hogwarts; into the unknown.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Weakest Potter Enty
Half-Blood Prince is the funniest film in the series. It's well-acted, nicely shot and Dumbledore is wonderful. But as I'm a Potterhead, and as an adaptation it disappoints. Too romance-focused and not enough focus on Voldemort, and it's unfortunate how Ginny is portrayed here.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I hate Harry's hair here. But Order of the Phoenix is beautifully shot with emotion, entertaining action and wonderful performances. This entry also delivers two fantastic villains in Dolores Umbridge and Bellatrix Lestrange.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Wonderful Harry Potter Entry
Prisoner of Azkaban excels under the direction of Alfonso Cuarón. Boasting strong visual effects, an eerie tone and great performances. Plus I'm a sucker for a good time travel adventure. I watch this film annually for Halloween.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Great Sequel
I loved it much more as a kid and while it's a tad too long. Chamber of Secrets succeeds with better special effects, stronger acting, a darker tone, strong production design and at it's core an intriguing mystery. A satisfying sequel.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

A Must-See!
Some special effects don't quite hold up in 2020. But Philosophers Stone is a magical and charming introduction to Hogwarts and the Wizarding World. A faithful adaptation with an iconic score, great production design and stellar British ensemble; each actor is perfectly cast.


Underrated Gem!
It's about 15 minutes too long with some slow and overly dramatic moments and a few too many songs. But Rocketman is wonderfully shot and sexy with fabulous costumes, a great performance from Taron Edgerton and a strong supporting cast. It felt like a musical drama instead of a generic biopic, which I loved. And it depicted it's LGBT characters and themes wonderfully.

The Bling Ring

Emma Watson steals this movie
The Bling Ring is a rare arthouse film that I like. Some shots do linger for too long and there are too many scenes of driving. You could describe this as a slow film. But I found it interesting and the final act is entertaining and tense. I think it told its fact based story well and delivered what it promised. The story of the American teenagers that robbed from celebrities houses, and what happened to them after the events. The film is also well acted (Emma Watson gives the best performance and has some great lines), it's well shot and felt timely. It's also not too long. And I appreciated its LGBT representation. This all helped to elevate the script for an overall enjoyable experience.

Let It Snow

While somewhat forgettable, Let It Snow feels like a teenage Love Actually. It's well acted, sweet, harmless and funny. A solid entry in the Christmas romcom genre.

Thor: The Dark World

Chris Hemsworth is wonderful as Thor and Tom Hiddleston's Loki is the best. But Thor: The Dark World is a step down from 2011's Thor with average action, a flat romance and story that is slightly boring and feels insignificant within the Marvel canon.

Power Rangers

The cast tries and the ending had some fun and wacky moments. But its about 10-15 minutes too long. There is patchy CGI. The colour palette is dark for majority of the film. It takes way too long for the characters to morph. And boring for long stretches of the runtime. I wanted the film to be campy, funny and action packed.


Waste of time
Good performances aside Duplex (borrowing from Throw Momma Off A Train, though much less successfully) fails on all accounts. Reliant on over the top and juvenile gags, it wasn't funny or romantic and never went as dark as it could've for a black comedy. It provokes more annoyance than laughter.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Skip this one
Good performances from its likeable cast aside. Timothy Green is too sappy, sentimental and boring. I was hoping for inspirational and sweet. Plus Odeya Rush's character was full manic pixie dream girl.

Throw Momma from the Train

Well-made from a technical standpoint and succeeding on the duo chemistry of Crystal and DeVito. This black comedy walks the fine line successfully and has some good laughs and a nice ending. Every time I was worried it would go overboard; it surprised me and reeled me back in).

Keeping Mum

Great black comedy
Elevated by Maggie Smith's great performance - Keeping Mum is heartfelt, funny and dark. The supporting cast is great too.

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