Reviews (10)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Outlander is not know for it's realism, but this one takes the cake. It has become one of my least favorite episodes due to it's absolute absurdity. Between Bree getting yeeted across a field by a buffalo and popping up completely unscathed (I genuinely laughed out loud), and Claire bringing Jamie back from the brink of death by rubbing him with her tatas (go ahead and try to justify it by saying it was just about "touch"), it just missed the mark.

    Outlander has become a sea of tropes including using r**e far too regularly as a plot-tool, but this was the beginning of the end for me. I am now 2 seasons behind because I couldn't get past this horrible season.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie definitely follows the rule that sequels aren't as good as the first, but it isn't as bad as most people are saying in the reviews. It follows the same spirit of the first and of any Disney musical. The duet between Amy and Mya was particularly fun - I could picture it as a number played live in a parade at Disney World.

    It also has a few nods to Disney classics which is something I enjoyed about the first. Also going for it is seeing Amy play "wicked" after being so relentlessly perky as Giselle.

    Is it everything I hoped it would be? No. But I guess that follows in the spirit of the movie: Not everything is perfect and it doesn't have to be.
  • Is it REALLY a 10/10 But for pure nostalgia, goofy fun, and to counteract the grouches who hate fun, I'm giving it a 10. Girl power, b*****s.
  • For nostalgia alone and an appreciation for the Star Wars universe, it's ok. But that child chase seen was sooooooooooo bad. Worse than the speederbike chase scene in Boba Fett. Everyone and everything feels a bit forced and wooden. I'm hoping for everything to come together, but I'm afraid it's going to follow the way of Phantom Menace which was a relative ***blows a raspberry***
  • It's loud, it's preposterous, it's a muddled mess, and the aliens are dull, but it's fun for what it is. Considering it's a movie based entirely on a board game, I went into expecting it to be a reach (and it definitely was) but it wasn't as horrible as most reviewers are making it out to be.

    Bonus points for the drunken burrito heist.
  • The story was kind of all over the place, but some of the cast made up for it. It was still very entertaining.

    Extra points for Julius Caesar (Ciarán Hines), Mark Antony (James Purefoy), and Atia (Polly Walker) to make it a ROME reunion in space.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    **SPOILERS AND PISSY FAN BABBLE AHEAD** Last week should've been the finale with the bit of them meeting in heaven added at the end. picturing how I would've liked it, it would be the boys driving off into the sunset in Baby, and then, rather than those usual little recap screens that said "THEN" or "NOW", a screen that said "MUCH LATER" followed by them meeting on the bridge in heaven. I wish the story of what they did with the rest of their lives had been left open-ended, unwritten, since their whole lives were already written by Chuck. They did Dean dirty with this. He spent his whole life fighting for earth and didn't get more than a minute to experience the earth that he helped create before being wiped off the map by one of the weakest baddies they ever faced. I've watched this show since day one of it airing...more than half my life. My mom and I actually watched it together from the beginning until she became sick and passed last year. Watching it without her was hard enough, but to see it end like that was so disappointing. I am grateful to this show, its cast and crew, and its fan base for making it all come to life and I kind of get WHY they may have felt they needed to spell it all out starting with an unceremonious kill-off of half the heart of this entire show, but I just truly wish they hadn't. It's as though they're trying to say dying was a better reward for someone who gave so much rather than letting him get to enjoy what he worked for. Instead, he got the consolation prize like, "Sorry you're out of the game, but please hang out in this nice waiting room while everyone else finishes playing without you." You're never going to make everyone happy with the ending of a show, especially one that's run so long and appealed to so many different people, and I'm still happy to have been along for the ride, but, for my own sake, I'm just going to pretend this final season never happened (the last few seasons in general) and be happy with what made it special to me. So thank you all again for giving me enough of what made it great that I can ignore what wasn't.
  • The book started with a good young adult premise, but was so disjointed and needed one hell of an editor to sync up the storylines between the two different authors that tagteamed this book. The movie, as many of the book-lovers complained, is nothing like the book which is honestly to its benefit. The characters are better represented by an amazing cast and the storyline is streamlined to patch up the gaps between the books authors writing styles. Worth the watch
  • Hard-core fans need to settle down and appreciate this series in its entirety for what it is. Even the originals had plot holes. Star Wars, for me, has always been about expansive world-building which each one, even the prequels, managed. I give extra appreciation to this one, regardless of its flaws, as a final homage to Carrie Fisher who was a positive and defining figure of pop culture.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There is nothing more relatable than being out of shape but forcing yourself to run, hiking up your yoga pants that started to slip while you stumble along, holding down your boobs so they don't punch you in the face. I actually laughed out loud for that scene and it was worth it!

    Fun concept for a story, good mindless fun, and not MEANT to be an award-winning piece of cinema, so get over yourselves you nay-sayers.