
IMDb member since May 2015
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


Nick Helm's Heavy Entertainment

Never mind the quality, we're on trend.
Watched Nick Helm's Heavy Entertainment for the first time last night, 12 May 2015. I was incredulous at it's utter lack of, well anything really. No originality and seriously unfunny. His piece de resistance is an ability to shout and swear very loudly which, in his - and apparently the commisioning editor's - view, constitutes humour This man should be applauded if only for his supreme confidence in his ability to overcome, albeit without success, a complete and comprehensive lack of talent - he stands in front of cameras and performs as would a spoilt boy in front of adoring parents....expectant and over-indulged by studio audience sycophants.Presumably the commissioners and producers of this dross are so, so, cutting edge avantgarde but sadly with their heads firmly wedged up their a****. Their philosophy and reasoning behind his unnecessary exposure?.."never mind it's not funny, minority trending is all"

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