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The Bastard Executioner

This story has grown on me and I Love It!
(November 17, 2015) This Sucks! I adored this show! I was upset that there was only 10 episodes this season and I had to wait 10 months for the continuation of the story of Wilkin, Lady Love and Corbett, now I find out there will be no further seasons of the Bastard Executioner and Wilkin is gone forever. Damn, Damn, Damn! I was really enjoying this show and looked forward to it every week. I am sick to death of cop and reality shows! The Bastard Executioner was such a different show and I love that it was from the middle ages an era that always fascinated me. I wish the Sutter will change his mind and give us at least one more season just so they will come out with the DVD's. Oh well back to Law and Order,,,, Blech!

(November 11, 2015) When I first wrote this review the story was basicallygrowing on me after a couple of episodes now I absolutely love it and find it a great adventure and quite the mystery. I am totally in love with Wilkin! To me he's like the Jax Teller of the Middle Ages he is always in confliction...LOL I can't believe they only made 10 episodes this season and now have to wait 10 months for continuation. Well, I pray we get at least 7 season out of this story and with a better ending than with SOA.

(First Review 9/30/15) I have to say that the first episode started out with too much gore and I thought it took away from the story and wasn't really impressing me too much. But I am still holding on and I have to say the story is getting me hooked little by little. This is one of those series that needs time to grow on a person and its working at least for me. I do have to say that Kurt Sutter is a genius story teller but a sick S.O.B. none-the-less, when it comes to the gore, rape scenes, violence etc. I seriously think he's got a fetish for this stuff. I know back in this time period of the Bastard Executioner the gore and violence is pretty much accurate and dead on but wow, Kurt really loves to throw in the viewers face. Either way I am really starting to care for the characters especially for Wilkin (Executioner)the Baroness, etc. and Katey Sagal playing the pagan witch Annora, she is amazing and so believable. I was halfway expecting a little bit of Gemma (you know just a touch bitchy) in this role but she is so far from that and I am loving her character.

For all the people giving this new series bad reviews, give it a few more episodes, most of the more popular TV shows over the years didn't start out favorable in their first season so I believe this one definitely deserves the chance. Besides I heard a lot of the actors from S.O.A. will be making guest appearances (Charlie Hunnam, Kim Coates, Tommy Flanagan, Etc. (and I pray Theo Rossi will make an appearance) I would love to see how Sutter is going to introduce them.


Finally a different cop show! People give it a chance.
I'm hearing a lot of negative comments in reference to this show and its realism especially as to the actor portraying Manson, I don't think that they got the info that the year this show is portraying is 1967, not 1969 when Mansons family did the killings and Manson was clearly then a madman.. I think the show is probably building up to it if the show last that long I personally think that the madness the actor is building up in his Manson character is exceptional, though this is my opinion and we all have one.

I find this series quite fascinating, it was a bit slow in the beginning but most new shows are. I found this show is different than all of the current cop shows on TV and I find it very entertaining. I was always a David Duchovny fan and I just discovered this show on demand over a weekend and spent the whole day watching all 12 episodes. The characters, to me, are mesmerizing, especially the guy who plays Manson (Genthon Anthony plays freaky amazingly well). I was never really into the whole Charlie Manson thing but my friend forced me to watch and I was hooked, in the beginning I thought that the plot would be the whole story line on Charlie Manson but there are other issues inter-weaved with the Charles Manson story not too mention the whole 60's era including the fashion, music, the attitude of the era between the hippy community and the so-called, overdrinking, straight laced adults which I really am enjoying. I'm hoping the show last a while.

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