
IMDb member since June 2015
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What an amazing series!
Last night, the final story in the Grimm fairy-tale was told, and oh boy, was it told perfectly. I've been watching this show since episode 1 and was very sad to hear that this season was going to be it's last, even with that I was very intrigued to see what the creators were going to do to send this show off, would it be a devastating ending, which it was looking like that was gonna be the case, or would it be the fairy-tale ending for all. We find Nick in the last episode at a complete emotional loss with the antagonist zerstorer seemingly killing off all that is important in Nick's life, until Nick realizes that to get his own personal world back (family, friends) he must give up everyone else's world, it's only when he gains his full Grimm power (with help from his mom and aunt Marie and trouble) that he truly believes that he can beat the evil and have the good win out. And in classic Nick Burkheart style, he wins out and evil is defeated. After zerstorer is defeated his all mighty staff opens a wormhole and Nick and Eve are sucked back into, their original earth, with everyone alive and well, and totally confused with why Nick is so amazed and happy, it was that his heart was finally whole after experiencing what he thought was the worst moments in his life, and having them turn out to be untrue, he was just relieved to have everything back to normal.

Now that Grimm has ended, I find that this series was a very fun and enjoyable experience with all these unimaginable characters that seemed so real, it's almost to good to be true that the book has closed. I will say that the reason for my 9/10 is because of the royals and just the poor placement of their story-line, it just seemed that they were going to move Grimm into an area that it wouldn't survive, which I believe is why Grimm lost a step in popularity. With all that said I very much encourage any who have not seen this (all though I don't know why you would read this if you haven't seen the show) to go and watch this series, you will be taken on a journey to another world inside our world, and you will be very happy that you went on that ride.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Very fun and enjoyable experience
The new adaption of Lemony Snicket's a series of unfortunate events Has a lot of upside to it, with little to no downside. The energy Neil Patrick Harris brings to count Olaf is more of a playful yet serious nature, and he heads a very well bolstered cast, the acting of the children is very good, seems almost mature in their years in acting for being very young. The one hinge in this very well rounded cast, is Mr. Po, his character is the one dark spot on this show, his overall naive and somewhat child like unaccredited trust in every one of Count Olaf's goofy disguises, has played over too much and now has become somewhat of a disturbance to me, where it's almost like he just has complete ignorance too the children and just ignores their overall well being. When you get passed his flaws this show has very good writing and a very fun and playful set to it while adding in some darker yet appropriate darker scenes. An enjoyable experience to watch and it is the dark horse in Netflix's already bolstered lineup, it would be in your best interest to give this show a good shot, very happy and I hope to see a many more seasons of this fun show.

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