Reviews (24)

  • My first time watching this. Wanted to watch another great Sandler performance everyone talked about besides Uncut Gems. And I liked him even more this movie! Paul Thomas Andersons' direction is beautiful. Shots are on point and score gives me anxiety. Which is what I believe Sandlers character has, social anxiety. I also love how it has aittle bit of everything. Romance, comedy, drama, and a little bit of thriller.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I missed this at Theaters and I wanted to see it so bad but just missed it. Mike Flanagan is becoming such a good Thriller/Horror director. Ewan McGregor gives a great performance along with Kyliegh Curran, the little girl. As The Shining sequel it's great. I feel of you love The Shining you'll really like this. There are some things Im still not sure how I feel about them. Like going back to the infamous hotel was great and so fun. But bringing back the similar scenes and ghosts from The Shining are maybe too much "fan service" but I get why Flanagan did it. Also there's like two time jumps the first two acts that I feel some parts were cut out. I know there is a Directors Cut and I'm more than sure there's more stuff there. Overall, this is a great movie and I loved the Shining. And I loved this. If you love Stephen King. Watch this
  • JoJo Rabbit is probably the 2nd most controversial film in the Best Picture Nominees but it's still great. Roman Griffen Davis gives a great underrated performance and Scarlett gives maybe her best this year. Taika gives a good funny Performance playing Hitler. (So weird to say). JoJo Rabbit is a roller coaster ride of emotions. You could be laughing at all the jokes then all of a sudden in tears. Has such a great story and message to anyone who sees this movie. Oh and Sam Rockwell is great. The costume designs are also great as we see them from the perspective from JoJo. Overall it's a great watch and would definitely recommend.
  • Matt Damon and Christian Bale have the best chemistry on screen I've seen all year. It's a bummer they didn't know who to push for the acting category for the Oscars. Because they both should be nominated. The story of this movie is great and the performances are great. The small issue I had is it was slow at times with the 2hr 30min runtime. But with this story, I get why it is this long. James Mangold does an amazing job with this movie. He is probably the most underrated Director working right now. He can pretty much do any genre and it's good. Overall, Ford v Ferrari probably won't win Best Picture but It's still one of the best movies of the year.
  • This movie reminded me a lot of Dunkirk. Which I loved. It throws you in the War instantly and you follow our characters to see if they survive. Bravo to Sam Mendes and Rodger Deakins for making such a beautiful movie. Every scene is just amazing to watch and the score is one of the best of the year. This could potentially be the winner for Best Picture at this years Oscars. And it deserves it. Not only is it one of the best movies of the year but one of the best "War" movies EVER. Please do yourself a favor and watch it.
  • I'm on an Oscar binge right now. And WOW this movie suprised me. Not a huge fan or foreign films and having to read a lot of the subtitles but I couldn't miss this with all the hype around it. Such a crazy thriller and a lot of funny moments with it as well. Not gonna give anything away because I feel everyone who sees this should go in it blind. By far one of the best movies of the year.
  • Nothing to take away from William Defoes performance because he was great, but my God! Pattinson was AMAZING. If the Oscar acting category wasn't so stacked this year he would probably make a nominee. (Even though he should still be nominated, but won't unfortunately) The Lighthouse is a one set location, survival psychological thriller. It's riveting and gets under your skin at the time. The Fog Horn made me want to go crazy. I could go on forever and ever on what this movie means to me. This competes with Marriage Story for best acting performances of the year. The Ending is incredible. Pattinson going crazy with an amazing distorted scream. Scene that will never be forgotten. Go watch this now.
  • Yes this movie is not Empire Strikes Back. But it is far from being as bad as Attack of The Clones. Yes the story is kind of all over the place (especially the 1st act, it all moved so fast) and there are holes in the story. I won't lie, some of this movie tries to retcon some of The Last Jedi, with a character that is not a spoiler anymore because he's in the trailers and posters, The Emperor. I feel JJ Abrams threw in the Emperor in this movie from the hate received by fans from The Last Jedi. It's hard to review this movie without giving spoilers. So to keep it short, I enjoyed watching this movie. I think it's a good ending to this Saga and by far, I mean by far! Kylo Ren is the best character out of this whole Trilogy. Adam Driver yet again is great as this character. Also don't listen to others reviews, go and watch the movie yourself, and judge it yourself.
  • I think for everyone Michael Bay movies have always been a mixed bag. When I go into a Michael Bay movie I at least want to see fun action scenes that are well directed, like the Transformers movies. This movie doesn't even give me that, the action is just mediocre. And this whole movie, I honestly had no idea what was going on. The cuts are so choppy and editing is poor. So many time jumps from past to present. I wanted an enjoyable movie that I can go back on and actually watch again, like a Transformers or Bad Boys. But this movie I don't see myself watching again even for entertainment. I guess for some people you can watch this just for fun and I can see that. Overall I was disappointed in this movie because I was hoping Bay would surprise a lot of people.
  • The biggest takeaway from Marriage Story after watching are the Performances. Like Wow! Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson shine in this movie. Both of them should be nominated for Best actor and actress. Obviously the big talk about this movie are the Performances but this movie tells a story about what I'm sure happens to a lot of couples. Their jobs get in the way from them trying to be a parent and when getting divorced they use that against you. This movies screenplay alone is what makes this movie. The dialogue is almost perfect. I don't see this movie losing in the Oscar Screenplay category.(unless another great writer, Tarantino, wins). Even though I think Adam Driver gives his best performance of his Career in this movie. I do think he loses to Joaquin at the Oscars. Scarlett who is strong, gives another STRONGER performance in a different movie this year. Overall, watch this movie if you want to see World Class acting and a powerful story.
  • The 9th film of Quentin Tarantino is really good! Brad Pitt and DiCaprio SHINE in this movie. Their chemistry is spot on and should both be Oscar nominees. Tarantino once again ,without spoilers, changes history. If you go into this movie expecting Violent Tarantino, you'll be disappointed. This is more Jackie Brown On the level of violence. But this movie is of course still worth watching if you're a Tarantino fan. It does not disappoint
  • After loving Unbreakable and Split. I respect M Night Shyamalan for going for such a risky choice on how to end this trilogy. This review is based on my second viewing of Glass and with a rewatch, I really liked this movie. I was conflicted after watching it a first time and didn't know how I felt. But the second time I watched it and knowing what was going to happenwas way better. If you didn't like or wasn't sure about Glass the first time. Give it a rewatch and it might change your opinion.
  • First Man was a Black Friday 4k blind buy. I had seen Damien's first two films and loved them. (La La Land and Whiplash). But I missed First Man in theaters. But dam this movie was really good. Strong performances and sad and inspirational Neil Armstrong Biopic. Sure it feels long at times but once the Apollo Mission starts, it takes off! The Score when the moon landing was happening was AMAZING. And the whole Moon scene on IMAX looked amazing. Overall this movie was really good. Damien Chazelle is on a roll and can't wait for his next film.
  • Now first things first I am no History expert. So I don't even know how accurate this movie is. But I am judging it off just a Film alone. And this movie is so GOOD. Timothee Chalamet gives a GREAT Performance as King Henry V and so does the rest of the supporting cast. The score is really good and so is the story of the film. The story is so relevant now about war. Especially the reveal at the end. It's about every recent War we have in real life, what was the reason for it?? The beginning of the movie is a bit slow but it isn't enough to turn off a viewer like me. Check it out. It's on Netflix and is definitely worth the watch!
  • So I had seen this movie before and LOVED it. The reason I watched it again was because of "Joker". And after watching Taxi Driver again, you can definitely see the inspiration for Joker. Taxi Driver is a Dark Character Study about Travis. And Like Jokers' Arthur, he suffers for insomnia and mental illness. So I can't say anything about this movie that hasn't already been said. It's AMAZING, it's DARK. Oh and the Score is just so so GREAT. If you LOVE Joker, watch this now!
  • El Camino takes place right after the Ending of Breaking Bad. It shows how Jesse must escape and free himself from everything he got into. Vince Gilligan created the show and he comes back to make this movie. And he does such an amazing job handling Jesse's Story. Every goodbye Jesse says to his friends or family is so heartbreaking and yet at the same time you feel happy for him. There are AWESOME cameos that I obviously will not Spoil but you're gonna love them. Only really minor issue is that there are flashback scenes and characters from those scenes don't look the way they should if you go back and watch Season 5 of Breaking Bad. And also it's just a tad bit predictable, but I won't take off my score just for those things. If you seen the movie already there's this one person, and I think you'll know who I'm talking about lol. If you LOVED Breaking Bad like myself, I can't see how you would not like this movie if your a fan. Overall, it's a beautiful Conclusion for Jesse and to the already AMAZING Breaking Bad show. This just proves that Breaking Bad will go down as probably the Greatest Show of All Time. (And it already was before El Camino)
  • I recently saw Ari Asters 2nd movie, Midsommar, and I really liked it. Hereditary, his debut feature film, is also REALLY GOOD. This movie came out last year and realized the main Actress from this movie didn't get nominated for an Oscar! HOW?! Her performance was amazing. Really the whole caat was GREAT. This is a Slowburn movie but it's a good one. There's this horrible accident in the first act of the movie and the story just keeps you invested. Most of the scares are in the 3rd act. And they are creepy to look at. My only really flaws with the movie is that they try to involve the son with some girl and they touch on it for like 3 minutes and never again. Thought that was kind of weird , unless I missed something where that was very important to the story. And also the last couple of minutes of the movie. Ari Aster basically explained via dialogue the ending of the movie. I get why he did it because it would've been very confusing for audiences but it would've kept them thinking and have them rewatch or research more about the movie. Overall, Hereditary was GREAT. Ari Aster is off the a terrific start with his first 2 films and can't wait to see what he does next!
  • Those three words sum up this movie perfectly. Midsommer is my first watch from Ari Aster. (Hereditary I will watch soon and will review later this week). But this movie looks so BEAUTIFUL. And the performances are GREAT. Especially the main character played by Florence. She maybe deserves an Academy Award nomination for this movie. That's how good she is. Like I said this movie is disgusting and hard to watch at times. A lot of "what is going on" scenes and I respect Ari for not holding back. As far as issues. It's a little lengthy. I love long movies but I feel this movie suffered at times and could've easily been chopped down to exactly 2hrs and it would've been fine. Last but not least the way this movie looks... Is AMAZING. This again deserves a Oscar nomination for best Cinematography. It's just gorgeous. I recommend this movie for anyone who really wants to see a weird bizzare movie that is still very good.
  • Let me start off by saying if Joaquin Phoneix doesn't get his Oscar for this movie. Then the Oscars should be cancelled. Phoneix is amazing as you might've heard from every review ever! But Todd Phillips. Is at his best here. The story lines he takes and visuals are just breathtaking. The score!! Omg the Score! Every time that score came on, I felt very uncomfortable, like something horrible was about to happen. It was GREAT. The Inspirations from Taxi Driver and King of Comedy are there, and add so much for the movie. And I got to be honest. There are scenes that are very violent. And its disturbing. But I honestly expected it to be WAYYYY more violent from all the controversy going on. Overall this movie was GREAT. Come Oscar season, it needs to be nominated for Best Picture, ScreenPlay, Cinematography, Actor, Score and Director
  • Let me just start off by saying this movie was NOT for me. I'm going to be honest, I might be a little dumb for this movie. I might need a rewatch. But I respect Adam McKay for not dumbing down the movie for anything, except for those cameos with Margot, Selena Gomez, explaining things to us. (Or maybe it was dumbed down lol). But just because I didn't understand it doesn't mean I'm going to give it a bad rating. This movie is filled with fantastic performances from the whole cast. Also the editing of this movie is what honestly made me keep watching. Some people might find it annoying but I thought it was terrific editing. Overall, this movie has a good true story, filled with amazing performances, and amazing editing. But this movie isn't for everyone. Just keep that in mind.
  • 25 September 2019
    So I've recently started watching some of Pattinsons work ever since he was casted as The Batman. I wanted to see if Twilight was just a miss. And WOW. At times while watching this movie, I completely forget it's Robert Pattinsons playing this character. His acting in this movie is GREAT. And same goes for the rest of the supporting cast. Especially his brother, who also helped direct the movie, is great in the movie for the little time he's in it. Good Time takes place all in 1day. The first 30mins of this movie is actually amazing. The 2nd act of this movie is where it gets a little slow. Which is my only issue with the movie, is that it slows down at parts. There's also a scene in the house that is very weird and hard to watch once you know some details about the characters. But it shows what kind of character our "Protagonist" is. Now why the quotation around Protagonist?? Because Pattinsons character is bad in this movie. Yes he's trying to do good for his brother but he obviously has issues and needs help. Which is why its a little sad. Yes he tries to help his brother but at the same time he uses his brother to help him do horrible crimes, like robbing the bank in the beginning. Still, this movie is worth the watch if you want to see some great acting, story, and dialogue.
  • I first Subbed to Chris Stuckmanns channel around 2015-16. I believe the first Review that got me into his channel was A review of Captain America Civil War. Even before that I knew who he was but never really subscribed untill I saw that the movies he loved were also the movies that interested me.(mainly superhero genre). But Chris helped me watch more movies. Way past the superhero genre. His channel, is not only one of the best movie review channels out there, but one of the best YOUTUBE channels. His passion for movies is so fun to watch, from his Hilariocity Series to his In Depth movie reviews. I hope he sees this one day so he can see that how many fans he has
  • Warning: Spoilers
    IT Chapter Two is the most recent movie I have seen this year. So it is still fresh in my mind. Having said, this movie had a lot of potential to be great. Let's start off with the Cast. Nothing was wrong with the Cast at all. Every Actor and Actress were so perfect for the older Losers Club. (Especially Bill Hader). On a Comedy level this movie is great just like the first. But unfortunately the scares were average. Though a scene when Pennywise eats a kid with McAvoys character in a glass maze was one of the film's best scenes. This movie also starts off really strong when one half of a couple is the first victim of Pennywises' return. The 2nd act is where this movie loses its steam. Right where the characters wander off on their own to find out why they've return to the town gets really slow. (Also the movie never really touches on why the Losers Club can't remember almost anything. It's just glossed over) Fortunately, the movies 3rd act is solid and redeems the very slow 2nd act. The wrap up for the movies is strong. I still recommend seeing this movie if you were a fan of the first movie. Just don't go into it thinking it's going to be GREAT.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Straight to the point. I didn't like this movie. It was so unrealistic and predictable. The action scenes with the quakes looked so fake most of the times and especially the beginning when the girl crashed and the car happens to flip over like 10 times so perfectly looked so fake. The acting by the cast was OK I guess but I didn't like Alexandra Daddario at times, even more in the car scene when she was stuck and her crying didn't look like her crying at all. Then when Dwayne Johnson at the beginning he ripped out the car door with his own hands was just so fake because no one can do that it doesn't matter if you're the rock. In the end I did not like this movie and didn't enjoy in one bit. So I give it a 3/10 because the whole movie was unrealistic and predictable. And for me this is the first bad movie I have seen as of 2015