
IMDb member since June 2015
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Goodbye Pork Pie

A feel good, funny comedy flick
This movie isn't well known here in the UK but it should be. It's not the most visually stunning movie but the plot is extremely entertaining and is quite funny. Definitely recommend if you like on the run mini movies. Reminds me of the Italian Job.

Confessions: Two Faces of Evil

A pretty decent and fresh film based on a true stroy
It's a good watch, makes you want to find out the truth more and more. Keeps you on your toes going from one suspect to another. Makes you feel like your part of the investigation searching for the clues. I only gave it 7 stars because the ending was short but it was simple and sweet. Not much of a character follow up. You have to be watching the film and concentrating otherwise you may miss out on information that's only mentioned once and the rest won't make sense to you.

A Taste for Killing

A good watch
The first 10 minutes is all setup and chat but from the 20 minute mark every event leads to another. Its very suspenseful and you'll want to keep watching till the end.

Teen Wolf Too

Not bad if you treat it as a separate movie
Yes it's no good as a sequel and there's alot of problems but if this was the original and no first film had been made then I think it would have done pretty well. There was no need for a sequel so it got alot of hate. If you enjoyed thr first one then you'll enjoy this one. In some aspects it was actually better. Watch before you judge!

The Frighteners

A hidden gem
I was debating if I should watch this film for about 5 months thinking it would be silly. I got round to watching it the other day and I'm very impressed. The story is one of the most interesting and fast paced stories in any film i've ever seen. Michael J Fox is amazing and brings the whole film together with his sense of humor, you will not look away from the screen. Twist and turns every minute. Definitely worth the watch!


Good but over rated
First hour is average for a film, the last half and hour or so is above average but I think people over rated the film a little too much. Don't get me wrong it's a good watch but the first hour can seem slow and repetitive. If your watching this thinking its going to be as action packed or suspenseful as a action movie your wrong. There still is some good suspense but not as much as people make out.

Back To The Future Remix

An addictive, exciting 4 minute edit
This gives a new light on the BTTF franchise, its exciting and the audio and visual scenes are brilliant. A must watch.

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