
IMDb member since June 2015
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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

As a photographer. The first thing I noticed was the radial blur filter laid over half the scenes. Things at the top and bottom of the screen are blurred out for no reason other than to draw attention to what they want you looking at. I couldn't even make it an hour into the film.

The battle scenes, while decently choreographed, were almost entirely bloodless. Stab someone? No blood. No hole. Shoot someone? No blood. No hole.

Gravity doesn't seem to exist. With a gas giant as your neighbor in the night sky you'd think that would effect all sorts of things including the physiology of the people, animals, plants, and tides.

I can't understand how someone could proof read this script and give it a seal of approval.

Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

Ranges from funny to dumb
For starters, Radcliffe is a piss poor Weird Al. They sound nothing alike. One is 6' and the other is 5'5. Dressing him up in a wig and slapping a mustache on him doesn't work.

For the sake of slapstick they change so many details of the story to be "ironic". The parents weren't unsupported. He couldn't fight and wasn't build like a miniature brick s**t house. He didn't have a thing with Madonna. Numerous other false details don't even warrant mentioning!

Honestly, when I said it "ranges" from funny to dumb it was a lie. I laughed once, and cringed ever more.

The guy is a memorable part of my childhood. Now he's someone who tarnished his own reputation.

The Old Man

Way too many unannounced flashbacks. Didn't realize what was happening at first. I could have kept watching if we just stayed in the present, but I grow weary of the pace.

Pace also slows significantly by episode 4.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

A Surprise
It's the best movie I've seen him in in over a decade. That's not saying much. I wonder what the point was?

The director, surprise again, hasn't produced a single thing of note.

I can only surmise that everyone's else's score reflects this. It's like someone greeting you with a punch in the face each day and for once they bring you a crumpet and a cup of tea.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

It's Like The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Flick...
...But without the catchy dolphin song.

The level of idiocy increases the further you get into the film to the level where you wonder why they didn't just make an animated movie designed to keep little kids entertained while their parents get a short break from family life.

Eye rolling ad nauseam.

Man of Tai Chi

Too much wire-foo
Honestly this is a massive step back for Neo. I kept rolling my eyes at his subpar acting throughout the film. Can't really judge the other actors since I'm not that familiar with foreign dialect, but it's just not a good flick.

The Talented Mr. Ripley

The Untalented Mr. Ripley
More a immature putz than anything else. A mind 20s guy with all the life experience of a elementary school student. The movie drags on with little benefit to finishing it.


Drags on
And on and on. 3 hours is excessive for this type of film. It achieves nothing but boredom with bloated runtime............................................................................


The Pacing Sucks
It's like Lost all over again. People get trapped in the middle of nowhere but instead of focusing on that half the runtime is dedicated to their boring lives back in civilization.


Another Show Using That Blurry Radial Filter
So sick of these shows that overlay dirt cheap editing effects on top of the images. It's doesn't draw your attention to the center of the screen! It does the opposite!

Aside from that the show is slightly above average, but the further I get into the series the more tired I grow of it. Another "innocent" wronged by a corporation. Can't we swap the tables for once and see the story from the antagonist's point of view? Less whining and moaning?

The Mask

Beyond Childish
Spins around like a moron most of the movie. A better title would have been the Tasmanian Dip****...

A 6.9 rating is beyond generous. It's just dumb.


The Kids
The kids kill this show, and not in a good way. I read reviews for this show months ago, and the mention of grade school wailing prevented me from watching it. My memory must be failing, because when I saw it several months later I didn't remember the scathing reviews, until she got home from court and greeted 4 little demons inside her own home...

Free Guy

What the hell did I just watch?
Is this what constitutes as a movie these days? Honestly the worst thing that Ryan's been in...ever. Green Lantern was more enjoyable than this trife.

Half Baked

The entire movie is an inaccurate stereotype. Aside from kids getting baked for the very first time, no one acts like this. This is the kind of trash I'd expect to see on Saturday Night Live and not in the theater.

My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To

4:3 in 2020?
Blah blah blah. My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Rub Me The Right Way.


A Joke
My first reaction was It's like Samurai Jack, only with gore. Then I clicked on the name of the creator. Oh. That's why.

Just another dumb cartoon trying to appeal to a slightly older generation that grew up watching YTV...


Oh, where to begin
Lets start off with the most obvious; the art is horrible. It looks like the same ol generic DC garbage animation that we've be plagued with for decades now. Minimal detail, sloppy sketches that they slapped a coat of ink on and called done. Only the action scenes were done with even a minor amount of dedication, and even then it's probably just the stark contrast going from your generic daytime super hero cartoon to the good ol ultra violence.

The voice acting, apart from JK, is just a bunch of pleebs that don't sound remotely serious.

The comics were genius, and I only read them AFTER being subjected to this heinous adaption.

Army of the Dead

Just Bad
Slow, stupid and a painfully artificial narrow depth of field injected into every single shot. The characters are all abrasive. And the daughter, oh the daughter. I have never had to watch such a spoiled little brat sink a movie so fast.

Mortal Kombat

This is what happens when you get nobodies to write and direct your movies for you; a passable and average result.

The first season of the mini series was much better than this.

Boss Level

Starts off good, but...
It quickly devolves from the good fun of the opening minutes and becomes monotonous and serious. Too serious, too quick. Doesn't pick up again until the last 30 minutes or so.

Superman & Lois

A Family Drama
Minimal action. It takes a back seat. Even the entertaining bits are tainted by the kids, which each episode seems to dedicate half it's run time to their teenage drama.


Pretty poor adaption
The main character immediately falls under the thumb of the authorities and the show goes downhill from there. The movie was entertaining. The series steps in a hole right out of the gate and spends the whole season trying to get its foot free.

Resident Alien

The fact that so many people find this humorous shows that our culture really is circling the drain. 5 episodes in and I've laughed all of twice. It's not entertaining. It's not clever. It's not exciting. And it's certainly not funny.


I gave it a chance. I really did, but this is absolute garbage. The actual events take a back seat to the terrible 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s sitcom, reality TV, slice of life BS. The events in the usual Marvel world get around 5 minutes screen time compared to the aforementioned, cringe worthy crap. It shows no sign of halting, so I guess I'll take the lead and give it the finger.

Monsters of Man

Terrible Actors
Pretty much every character interaction feels forced, and overacted. The CG is decent though. I actually like the way the bots behave. No unnecessary movements. But clearly this entire project was a test run, and the director will likely never get a chance to direct anything again.

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