
IMDb member since June 2015
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cliched, predictable and self-aware acting
This is a film that did not need to be made. It's a third rate Sci-fi project to serve up a paycheck for Jenny from the block. It will be adored by die hard JLO from the block fans who do not mind mediocre talent and will take what ever she offers. But for the rest of us it's best avoided.

JLo is too self-aware when acting, just going through the motions saying her lines. She is JLo from the block play acting at being a data analyst who is saving the world and humanity (and to get the paycheck). And you cant take her seriously.

If you have some sort of intelligence, and want to watch the film, watch the trailer instead. Its the whole story. It contains all the cliches, bad acting, and the predictability of the plot.

JLO does better posing and being in photoshopped photes with filters rather than singing or acting.

In all seriousness this money could have been given to fund other more worthy projects from talented independent studios featuring not so well known actors - who may have something unique to say. Instead we get another vanity project for a mediocre talent (mediocre is being generous)

Shotgun Wedding

Shotgun dull dud
Amazon can afford to waste its resources but dont waste your precious time recourse.

Why do movies like this get made?

It is a derivative silly shallow rom come action.

We cannot rely on the lead actress to carry this movie.

The lead actress lacks talent and charisma and plays JLo playing another shallow one-dimensional lead character. The only thing that can compete with this synthetic acting is JLos voice.

We have to rely on the script and the story line. Unfortunately, they also let down this movie.

Why do the budgets get approved for films that have so much going against them that they can't even hope to reach the level of "mediocre". That would have been acceptable. This output commits the ultimate sin of being dull, predictable, and boring.

Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich

Left out the truth
This was a film about the young girls Maxwell delivered to Epstein. But there was more going on.

There was an island, there were powerful people flying to the island. Girls were groomed and provided for these powerful and wealthy people.

It left out the other powerful people affected - with the exception of a prince Andrew.

The documentary focused on Ghislaine, going from past to present. It discussed her family life, her father who died (fell of yacht) and how after his death, huge discrepancies in his companies' finances were revealed, including his fraudulent misappropriation of the Mirror Group pension fund.

More could have been done to honestly explore her interesting childhood, her upbringing (father Jewish, mother protestant), career with her father, what she was like growing up etc.

It was shallow and focused somewhat on her life of glamour without delving into the details of her repulsive psyche. It offered no insight or truth.

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