
IMDb member since July 2015
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    8 years


Gangs of London

Did I watch a different show to everyone else?
I should've loved this, on paper it's perfect for me.

It's like someone did a ton of research and gave the studio all these ideas. And they just were like.. WE'LL TAKE THEM ALL!

Let's try to make it American-made knock off of Peaky Blinders and combine it with Game of Thrones season 8

We'll need a few actors from these shows, whether they're good or not doesn't matter. It's that guy from a similar show!

Make sure there's lots of characters from lots of different races, stuff the cast full of all sorts of different people till it's bloated.

Lots of dark shots, guns and blood too.

Chuck it all in the blender and pump it out.

If you want a show that's just noise and violence. Something to entertain you for the sake of burning time. This might suit you.

If you want a compelling story driven by fascinating characters with great story arcs. Something that feels real and that you really feel invested in. Then look elsewhere.

Peaky Blinders

Deserves all the hype
Glad this got so popular, it's been excellently written from start to finish and was hidden away at first. Acting is all first class.

Lots of people got on board 2018-2019 and now it's finally getting the recognition it deserves!


I wanted to love it...
But I didn't. On paper it sounded great.

It's a very American story line, with the focus on American history and their current issues and...fascination with race. Which is fine but as someone living outside the US, I just didn't get it.

Which would've been ok but...

I found the pacing to be very uneven, at times I was hooked and for long stretches I was very bored.

I don't know what went wrong, but it just didn't come together for me.

The Rookie

All the best shows are underrated.
Characters are all great, stories are never boring and very realistic. A perfect balance of drama TV show and cop drama. If you love intelligent TV, police tv shows but get bored with soap opera acting and shows which focus too much on peoples personal lives - you'll like this. There's a bit of that, it's about the cops after all but it's balanced out well and the acting is all superb. They know we came to watch cops doing cop stuff.

Battlestar Galactica

Iconic, underrated, classic - MUST WATCH
I watch this series from start to finish at least twice a year. There has never and probably will never be a show which does right what this show does.

The characters are perfect, especially the female characters - anyone writing female characters should watch this. See how the men and women don't behave so differently, it's like they wrote lots of different characters without gender and later cast people to play them. These characters could be any gender and it would work just as well.

All the actors are perfect. Sure the CGI of the cylons is dated, but it doesn't take from the show. The space CGI still stands up very well in 2020.

This show should not be so unknown, it's criminal! Amazing show, not sure why it wasn't more of a hit - wrong era? poor marketing? poor scheduling?

Ashes to Ashes

Underrated Classic
Better than Life on Mars. Philip Glenisters most iconic role, but better than before. Keeley Hawes Alex Drake is a bit annoying at times, especially in the first season but on reflection it makes sense given her circumstances.

All the actors are excellent, the stories are never boring. Have watched it through from start to finish at least 10 times.


Great actors - poor show = forgettable and not recommendable.
Robert Carlyle, Richard Dormer and David Haig were great, did the best they could with what they were given. So 5/5 starrs for them.

But the show gets none. Other actors were BORING. Characters were forgettable. Story had a good premise and some good ideas, but it needed to be spread out over more episodes and fleshed out.

I will forget about it by next week, super disappointed.

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