
IMDb member since July 2015
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We Found Bigfoot

Wooden acting and horrible dialogue. Our supposed leader is ex-navy seal, yeah ok, maybe in his mind he was. Decked out in pleated Dockers he is ready for the outdoors. Mr ManBoobs(the ex navy seal) can barely make a believable effort to get up a cliff with a rope all while also acting as the romantic leading man. His wife prolly didn't die, she left him because he insisted on wearing Dockers on every hiking trip. Nice $19.99 party central plastic Bigfoot mask gorilla outfit. It was like watching the golden bachelor episode if it was filmed in a state park with really average looking contestants with worse acting abilities. Courtesy of Wikipedia: Suspension of disbelief is the avoidance-often described as willing-of critical thinking and logic in understanding something that is unreal or impossible in reality, such as something in a work of speculative fiction, in order to believe it for the sake of enjoying its narrative.

The Bigfoot of Bailey Colorado and Its Portal

Same ole bigfoot doc, with a topping of aliens sprinkled on top
A bigfoot portal at a tree in colorado??? Wow! Breakout the gamestop indiana jones hats, goatees and ponytails, the hunt is on! Sorry not a hunt, "night ops", lol you gotta to be kidding me! Ya know, anyone can call them a "investigator" or "researcher". So my wife and I went out on the back deck last night and looked at forest. Saw eyeshine!!! Holy snikes... must be bigfoot. No, it was bambi and her friend rocco the raccoon. But we are official "investigators" now, I'm getting her a badge and a hat(she looks HOT in a hat with the ponytail)! She is going for the double double tonight b/c she typed bigfoot into google search so she is now an official "researcher" also.

Skinwalker ranch(yawn... seen this footage already), so you received messages from bigfoot/aliens.... ummm and the proof is... hell i can think my dog is sending me messages and you have to believe me! Ooo, he just said he is friends with bigfoot and they hang out a lot. So I definitely am a believer now because the dog said so.

A REMpod that goes off at skinwalker ranch, wow, that's proof any scientist would believe. C'mon...

Then it jumps to the beast of bray road... and the witnesses had their mind wiped during the investigation, wow! Must be true, right? Eyeshine from the woods, must be the beast, no other creatures with eyeshine ever live in the woods, right?

Now back to tree and meditation and psychic connection to another tree in oregon. It is a sad tree so bring kleenex but if you get in a circle and hug this tree, it will glow from the inside, I am sure it wasn't a floodlight it must have been their healing power. Hey by the way, stop by ohio, i have a broken(sad) step on my back deck I would like you to lay hands on to heal it please. Thanks for including the PHD psychic because now I definitely believe a bigfoot hologram transported you to another dimension. Again, the proof is... nowhere to be found, just speculation and "1st hand accounts". I believe these senior citizens on the same level the street preacher in downtown CIncy that says he has back and forth conversation with god. But hey they used an Xbox and an iphone so it very scientific with the "energy" dots. It was irrefutable proof. C'mon looney tunes. A little less talky-talky and more empirical evidence.. but no just blah blah blah of a psychic talking to a tree. They totally followed the scientific method to a tee, no doubt.

The good news is this documentary is less than an hour, no real visual proofs, just "testimonials", I wonder what an arborist would say. I do believe these delusional people believe that they had the experience, I have no doubt in their mind, they did have this "experience". Just stop making "documentaries" about them please. At least these people will keep the psychiatric profession in business for years to come.

Frozen Sasquatch

It won't let me rate ZERO
Please Mr. Polina Bros, stop making films. Just stop. Get on indeed and find an office job.

Please never touch a camera again.

One question, where do you find your actors? Community Theater or friends and family?

God damn this was bad. Does Amazon actually pay you to feature this.

So it is snowing all the time but nothing on the ground? God Damn dude!

It is the same ape/sasquatch costume every time. What was the budget...$25k.... god damn. You spent $300 on a Party Central rental.

Please stop making movies. Calling oneself a filmmaker is just lying to yourself. God damn this was bad. Just stop.

A Dark Path

Lead actress was good! Movie was a lil slow
From an American, never been to Eastern Europe, but hard to imagine an airport in the middle of nowhere.

(American revised review): Lead actress, I assume the older sister, blonde. I liked her, thought she did the best with the script written. Idk, maybe I was just smitten with the lead and push off the plot as nonsensical, idk. Hope to see more from the lead actress and less from the writer/director of this film.

Well apparently I need to write more to get submitted... let's see... ok, well it is better than most i see on Tubi as far as camera quality... sometimes I wonder how these films even get financed/made. Ooop, looks like i have enough characters now to get submitted.

From the Dark

Pretty good flick considering
I thought it was a pretty good movie all-in-all. For a $25K budget, I was impressed. No film school authority-type person here, I just happened to think it was good. I think we watched it on Amazon or something. We thought it was good, just thought we would pass on the our congratulations to all those involved with this movie. Definitely worth watching. Good job.

Dark Moon Rising

horri-awful, just terrible
Most have already said it better than me by now, wow this cgi. I would guess when a werewolf is going to attack, they probably don't stop and say "venom punch" or whatever the hell it was the lame actor says. LMAO at this, what i can only assume was a rejected school project, wow it is bad. It was kinda like the old Mortal Kombat game where the characters announce their next fighting attack(anybody else get that vibe?), oh my! Or maybe I am thinking of the Wolfman crossed with Power Rangers. What's with all the Lycra???? oh man, too many things to mention. One question to the fellow reviewers who have somehow been able to regain consciousness after watching even 5 minutes of this movie, was the lead male character still in character from the disappointment of not getting cast as an extra/stand-in "brooding vamp/goth/artist/literary critic in the Twilight Series? I can't be the only one that gets that impression... it was quite possibly the worst werewolf movie i have seen, and there are some BAD ones out there(The Big Bad, The Feeding, Werewolf Rising, etc). Anyways, this film is laughable in my opinion. Power Rangers meet Wolfman meet Double Dragon.. I was waiting for Van Damme to make a cameo but I guess his agent talked him out of it

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