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The Windermere Children

Most Mature Biopic Movie Ever.
This movie proved us that even movies which are paying tribute and kudos to some fellas can still be a masterpiece. This was amazingly directed with beautiful writing and cinematography. This is indeed a most mature and subtle biopic I have ever seen.

Zenra kantoku

So Far, So Good.
The Naked Director is the most smartly written show ever arguably! Amazing drama, comedy with good screenplay and the whole plot. The show rises the biggest question of life regarding "SEX" and answers them so well.

This Drama is definitely for artistic fellas.

Magic City: Atonement
Episode 4, Season 1

Finally A Rise Up.
After so long finally this show has actually "shown" something worth watching and i have to give this to director of this particular episode, he knew whats been on the show and he uses those things and consume them into a big lead to the show.

Definitely a worth it experience with this episode which will make you finally feel for the characters.


Californication: Home Sweet Home
Episode 3, Season 4

"I Killed Myself Today"
So, I saw the episode and obviously loved it as the rating I gave shows but when i came here to rate, the episode was poorly rated(i mean 7.8 is good rating but not what this masterpiece of a episode is worth and maybe its not worth 10 too but you'll judge yourself) and i have to review this and let all know what a masterpiece it is from the soundtrack to cinematography to direction this is the best episode so far well in my opinion at least. So, this episode starts with Hank being hospitalized and Karen being Karen has to come see her and many people may have problem with that but it only shows the love and care they have for each other even though things aren't right but love is there and it will be there always. she thinks he tried to suicide and that's what gets her but i won't spoil the plot and the other thing i liked about the episode was the ultimate confrontation of hank from his daughter and it was answered in a way and the end was the best and my god that track was amazing and so fitting.

Arrow: Dodger
Episode 15, Season 1

Surprisingly the best episode of arrow
This episode may start pretty dull and feels boring but as the episode goes on it has much more to offer. So, fair warning for those who are easily offended or scared this episode is kinda dark and gritty and also shows us what surviving was for Oliver on that island, well not gonna spoil that intense moment for you guys but that moment showed the real potential of this show to me. All in all this was the best episode for me but I am yet to see other ones.

PS: This show is great. Sorry for my poor English, not a native speaker and finally this my opinion only, so no offence.

The Knick: Mr. Paris Shoes
Episode 2, Season 1

Show's Great But Episodes Are Greater
So, recently found this show and after binge watching first two episode this headline is that which came to mind "Show's Great But Episodes Are Greater". First let me clear one thing that I am writing this based on the experience of first two episodes please don't unleash your wrath on me yet because if further episodes are bad than I am not to blame. Now without giving any spoilers lets continue to review this with 2 points which make this episode great: 1: content this episode like the first episode is filled with content and gives audience a world to explore on their own.

2: Not Your Ordinary Drama This show along with this episode breaks everything cliched and gives you a new experience. This is all folks.

PS: Sorry for the English not a native speaker.

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction

Its worse if not a Ben 10 fan but fun for die-hard fans
I am only doing this review because no one else had done it on IMDb and very least amount of other critics have reviewed this, therefore if you really wanna know about the game this might be helpful. This game will actually fall in the category of "So bad that it is good" and by the way lets clear one thing if you aren't a fan of the series stay away from this game but if you are a fan and even a die-hard one you'll be able to enjoy. Without getting into details lets just say it is a mediocre game with few enjoying moments.

PS: it still is best Ben 10 game along with first Ben 10 game.

The Flash: Finish Line
Episode 23, Season 3

What the Hell is wrong with you people!
Okay, what is wrong with you guys and why this negativity towards this brilliant episode and yeah rating it 10/10 is a bit a lot but I have to because of this negativity towards it. Well lets clear one thing that this is my opinion and if you think otherwise it's okay but if you are blaming the show for poor writing or anything else then you are wrong buddy yeah this is not the best show on the TV and this will never be but see this as this is and you will love it. So many people have a problem with the H.R twist which actually was brilliant but you know what I also before this episode wanted for iris to die but this twist made up for me, this was a nice twist and right way to say goodbye to H.R Wells and other things were nice but little bit here and there but this series like other series have flaws. Anyway watch this episode and see it as it is a fictional story for you to enjoy and you will enjoy.


(I am sorry if I offended anyone in anyway and sorry for my English)

The Flash: Cause and Effect
Episode 21, Season 3

This is nice!
Well, let me be clear about the rating 9 that I have given to it may seem higher and it is but I have to give this because overall the episode is underrated enough. So clearly, you have to look at this from a different perspective and understand what this episode was about for me this episode explained a lot about Barry and why is he like what he is like. So let me tell you what to do grab some popcorn and a cola then enjoy the episode and most importantly take it lightly and eventually, you will follow.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation
Episode 6, Season 3

So, I don't do reviews often but I thought this episode deserve it I have to say this is the best episode since the first one, not that other's are bad but in my opinion, this is better very funny episode with funny characters and more and anyone with no sense of humour will enjoy this too

PS: Watch it!

Smallville: Beast
Episode 20, Season 8

Not the best but not the worst
Okay lets start this review yeah as i have written it in the title of review that "Not the best but not the worst" it is pretty clear that this episode not that great but on the other hand not that bad as well.

Okay things start off with this episode dramatically chloe has taken the responsibility of doomsday's transformation and is keeping him at talon's basement without telling anyone except one dude which you will find out eventually and on the other hand clark somehow finds out that davis bloom is alive but he don't his location.

Clark wants to send davis to the phantom zone and there is so much which i will not spoil for you, just go watch the episode decide yourself but believe me you would enjoy this episode if you are a realist.

Bãhubali: The Beginning

go watch the movie
here is my review about this movie,in short this movie is really awful and is very overrated here on IMDb well, story is little bit good but it is ruined with overaction and overacting simply i would warn you right away that if you can deal with all this then go for it and if you can't then just leave it be and also some of the scenes are inspired by Hollywood movies like usual for example the mountain climbing scene in the beginning is just an rip off of the dark knight rises scene where Bruce have to climb to save the world completely in my sense movie is senseless and not worth watching but if you think i am wrong or anything else i am sorry for that right away but this my review about movie watch it yourself and decide

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