
IMDb member since July 2015
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Midnight Mass

Maybe a bit too much dialogue... but OK
Some of the scenes seem to go on and on, yet I remained interested in the plot. The acting was well done and the characters kept it interesting.. After the 4th episode I definitely felt to invested in the series to quit. Im glad I hung in there. Overall I enjoyed it, but don't expect your typical horror film, this was unsettling and creepy. Not alot of jumping out of your seat horror. The only complaint was some of the dialogs went on and on. But a good weekend binge.

Nine Perfect Strangers

Hmmm..Okay keep watching
I had to really push through the first couple episodes, but the acting is so well done, its definitely worth making your way through it.

I give it a 7 because of all the twists and turns, it keeps you interested and definitely a must see. All of the acting was really well done.

The Starling

Chuckles and tears
Give this movie a try. I enjoyed all of it. Melissa was wonderful and I was pleasantly surprised at all the great actors, they just kept coming. My husband and I laughed and cried. We also enjoyed the soundtrack. Definitely a must see!

The Marksman

What has happened? This was kind of a corny movie. Of course I was interested when I saw Liam was starring in this movie. The plot was weak and the acting was not good. It passed the time and that was about it.

My Octopus Teacher

Amazing! A must see!
Do yourself a favor and give yourself the opportunity to watch an amazing film!! Thank you for bringing this beautiful documentary to us. !! The bond between man and the octopus is so incredible. Time well spent and something so beautiful to watch.

News of the World

Finally something worth watching!!
Excellent film, cinematography, and acting! I was thrilled to finally watch something that was time well spent! The storyline was told wonderfully and I thoughlly enjoyed the film. From beginning to end it did not disappoint!

Lucy in the Sky

Actually I did like it
I actually liked this movie. Portman and Hamm were great. After reading it was based on real events, I had to Google the real story to read all about it. Considering whats out there to watch right now I would say this is worth your time.


What the heck?
Hilary Swank? Academy award winning actress? Wow, this movie was a tough one to get through. It's unfortunate to see her in something of this caliber. This has been a bad year for movies, but this was pure desperation. The most amazing thing about the movie is the house in the first few minutes of the movie...that was it.

Tian · Huo

Dont waste your time
All sub titled, ridiculous and unrealistic. I was hoping to pass the time with something I hadn't seen yet. But this is a complete waste of time.

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