
IMDb member since July 2015
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Cowboy Bebop

Hot Mess
When it's good, it's good. When it's bad... prepare to cringe.

When it tries to emulate it's original material, oh boy. It tries way too hard. Even worse, sometimes it copies the original shot for shot. It's impossible to escape the painful comparison. Animation cannot simply translate to film.

Honestly, watching naked people make out in blue tint and the oh-so-subtle rose motif scattered about made me itch. Julia and Vicious... I can't. I don't know to laugh or cry sometimes. Both. Maybe both.

I can't see John Cho as our 'I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass' Spike but he plays a chill, traumatised, gun-toting martial artist decent enough. His interactions with Jet are fun.

Faye feels like a teenager that swears and insults every two sentences because she's 'cool'.

POSITIVES Jet is a godsend. Mustafa Shakir is incredible here. The voice and mannerisms are absolutely faithful. Seeing him on screen is always a delight. He always elevates the other characters on screen, because honestly they need it.

The worldbuilding is amazing though. Seeing ships, planets and ecosystems coming to life was breathtaking. The colour saturation, array of people and decadent architechture bring something the original cannot match. I'm impressed!

As a fan of the original, I wanted a live action that wouldn't compete with the original. Because it would be a losing battle.

Watching this series is a battle indeed. There are some incredible fight scenes, old enemies with cool twists and locations that are truly out of this world. (Also Jet!) But it's suffocated by some very cringy characters (WTF... Tuna?), questionably icky flashbacks/ copy and paste scenes and... lack of godly Spike Spiegel charisma.

John Cho is a great guy. Great actor . But he doesn't carry this weight. Sorry John.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir

Sometimes my jaw falls open while watching. But maybe that's just me.
I am a calm, perfectly cool as a cucumber character on the verge of being a fully fledged adult. This show has somehow turned me into a fully fledged fan girl that blushes on occasion.

I've always been a fan of Batman. Maybe Cat Noir in a black super-suit just calls to me, or more likely it's the awesome fight scenes. Not to mention hilariously purrfect puns thrown in here and there.

This show will also definitely pull on the heartstrings of anyone who has experienced a maddening crush on that special someone. The beautiful landscapes of Paris just amplify the feels :)

One of the few shows I've seen where there's a great mix of drama, fighting and romance. The top notch animation definitely just pulls you in! Give the show a go, it's amazing :)

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