
IMDb member since July 2015
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I can't believe this movie doesn't get more love
I give this movie a 10/10 for many reasons and here is three to keep it simple:

The first is the impeccable acting. This entire movie was cast perfectly, and Daniel Radcliffe broke the Harry Potter typecast and gave us a phenomenal performance in Horns. I definitely felt the chemistry between Radcliffe and Temple, both of them were outstanding and sexy.

The second is the book-to-screen adaption. Aside from leaving a few key points of Lee's back story out, the film kept the originality and humor that Joe Hill's novel blessed us with. I don't ever go into a book-to-film adaption expecting everything to math perfectly, and this movie did everything right!

The third is the cinematography. Such a beautiful and artful film, everything about the way this movie looks is delivered perfectly.

If you have not watched this movie or at least read the novel, please take the time to do so. It is such an original story and well worth it! It's disturbing, funny, sad, satisfying and so much more!

Avengers: Age of Ultron

I nearly fell asleep
I loved the first Avengers, I thought it was well-casted, well-paced and overall a very enjoyable film. This movie really disappointed me. It felt rushed, inconsistent and worst of all: way too long!

The first complaint I have is the forced romance between Black Widow and The Hulk. DId anybody else think that felt so unnecessary? Especially after watching the endless flirting between her and Captain America in Winter Solider? Very inconsistent, and frankly added nothing to the movie.

My next complaint is the Scarlet Witch. Talk about nepotism at its finest. This character is so mis-cast any other actress on the planet could have done a better job. Her accent was on and off, and at some point she was channeling the matrix with her forced acting, which is a shame considering Quicksilver was great.

The movie had terrible pacing. The opening scene made no sense, and was barely explained. How did the Hydra outpost have possession of the scepter? It was so rushed it was very easy to get lost. It picks up with over-done CGI sequences, then slows down with the cast chopping wood and trying to life Thor's hammer. The plot pacing made no sense at all, and the result was a dragged-out, almost 3-hour long mess.

My biggest disappointment with the entire film, however: Ultron. The lamest, most boring and terrible super-villain ever created. In my opinion, Ultron is even lamer than Batman and Robin's Victor Fries. Ultron is the type of villain that could easily be defeated in one 20- minute cartoon episode. Here we have a villain with endless connections and apparently the greatest AI in the world, and all he does is try to blow stuff up. Ultron had the ability to really cause an uncontrollable amount of chaos, and did nothing of the sort. Not to mention there was little to no development given to the character. Why did he hate the Avengers so much? There wasn't even enough time to form a relationship with his creator or any of the Avengers for that matter.

I sincerely hope Infinity War makes an effort to be much better than Age of Ultron. This movie is a total CGI-porno and snooze fest. There are so many more reasons why AOU fell short of it's predecessor, but I won't keep going.

I rarely write bad reviews, but this was a complete and total disappointment.

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