
IMDb member since August 2015
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Worth A Watch.
While I was watching this film I couldn't help but think to myself. How predictable! But I was wrong. So wrong. In ways, it is very predictable, like any horror/thriller I suppose. However, because this film had a nice spin to it, the predictable bits just didn't matter.

The story line was a pleasant set up for the type of film. A videographer named Aaron (Patrick Brice) found a advert on Craigslist for a one-day job out in a remote location. Why wouldn't he go for it? Okay it's not a great place to find a job, but its one day and he's being offered $1000 to do some filming. So Aaron shows up to this house where finally he meets Josef (Mark Duplass). Josef takes him into his home and explains why he's hired him and that he'd just like him to follow him around and keep the camera rolling. The video is for Josef's son to watch.

So Aaron spends the day with Joseph who is a really sweet guy and loved to talk. But, as the day goes on it seems Joseph has some dark secrets. He's not a eerie guy who you'd be scared of which is good that he doesn't look threatening. He just seems like he needs someone to confide in and Aaron is there to listen so it's perfect. However, like all great thrillers. There's a twist. You need to see it through right to the end. I think it's done so well for a film with unknown actors and directors, you don't usually expect much. But this is definitely a film I would recommend to friends to watch. Just for the 'Creep' factor!

This isn't a film I would say you could watch over and over but it certainly is one to sit down and just watch.



Wouldn't Really Recommend To A Friend...
The tag-line for this film is 'First comes the warning. Then comes the mark. Then comes the terror.' Which I think we can all agree is alluring. The film focuses on a young woman called Julia Lund (Laura Regan) who is a psychology student at university. Julia has a friend in her life named Billy (Jon Abrahams) who was a troubled child due to night terrors which Julia herself was afflicted with also. Billy calls Julia while she is with her boyfriend Paul Loomis (Marc Blacas) to ask if she can meet him immediately, because he is having his night terrors again, and is trying to warn her that they're all in danger. Julia sees a mark on Billy's hand that intrigues her but he refuses to talk about it. She then meets two of Billy's friends Terry (Dagmara Dominczyk) and Sam (Ethan Embry) who also used to suffer from night terrors as children and are now having them again. Sam and Terry also possess the mark seen on Billy. Julia tries to understand what is happening by doing a classic research all-nighter. Upon doing so Julia reads through Billy's old diary entries from when he was a child until present day. She reads an entry showing that Billy thought him and his friends had all been marked by something evil when they were children and it now wants them.

I think the film can most certainly call itself a mystery. I don't feel it was a particularly good film or worth the watch but I had to watch it to the end to see what was going on, I was so captivated in the storyline and what was going to happen. I had to know. But I feel I still didn't get the conclusion I was hoping for.

I feel that the film could have been so much better if they went into the back story more than focusing on what was happening present day, because as a viewer I needed answers. Perhaps the director just wanted to try and get more jumps from the film and more suspense as opposed to getting a great story across. I would not recommend watching this film, I for one would not watch it again. Of course it is up to you if you feel you'd like to give it a chance, but I think you'd be disappointed.


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