
IMDb member since August 2015
    2017 Oscars
    2016 Oscars
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    IMDb Member
    8 years


The Mauritanian

Guess they couldn't find an actual Mauritanian
You're trying to tell me this light skinned guy with straight hair resembles a west African?

Love and Monsters

Should've just called it Monsterland
It was an entertaining watch but I've seen it before. It's a lot like Zombieland. Not only plot wise but there's also this voice-over done by the main guy, and I didn't like it at all. Maybe it's a kids movie, I dunno.


Everything I wanted Vikings to be
Were should I start? They speak old Latin, not English or Italian. It's based more on history than myth, despite the name. Throughout the story you are given little bits and pieces to help understand the origin of the myth. There's no magic stuff. Things that happen might be interpreted by the characters as divine or as a sign from the gods but aren't really. And as some critical reviews have stated, the story is a bit "shallow", or rather not filled with uninteresting love affairs and other Hollywood-esce side stories. It's straight to the point. Oh, and I almost forgot, the acting is great. No over acting what so ever.


Nolan wants to feel smart, huh?
Like many others I felt kind of dumb after watching this movie. And I suspect that is the whole point. Nolan wants to feel smart by writing an incomrehensible story that only he understands. The directing is great in general, although I did get a bit annoyed after a while by the constant jumping between places (if that is part of the directing i dunno whatever). And the name dropping and little tidbits of sciency factoids is kind of silly as well. It could've been much more enjoyable as a simple action movie with a shorter runtime and if one haven't had to pay attention to every second.

I realize I might have been too generous with my rating after writing this, lol

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