
IMDb member since July 2005
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The Devil's Hour

What a gem of a series
Just when you've given up hope of a great, well acted, thrilling series ...bam, this one comes along.

I didn't know what to expect, and what a corker it was.

The story is original & keeps you on your toes throughout.

The lead actress & the boy actor are really convincing. Peter Capaldi was utterly convincing.

It has chills, drama, suspense & leaves you just intrigued after each episode.

What I really liked was the satisfying ending. All the loose ends were tied up and it felt finished. (Not like some series I've watched recently when you're left just dissatisfied)

Highly recommended binge worthy series.


Another good Spanish movie
Well this was a pleasant surprise. Was flicking through Netflix and this movie came up. Went in not knowing anything about it. Kept me riveted and the storyline was pretty good & decently acted.

A couple driving home happen upon a young child stranded in the road. She's taken to hospital with kidney problems. No parents are located, the child isn't responsive and doesn't talk much. The couple foster her short term to aid her recovery and then little by little light is thrown upon her past & the mystery is uncovered largely by the foster mum.

It's rated horror but it's definitely thriller/suspense.

Formentor, el mar de las palabras

Fascinating & interesting documentary about a beautiful part of the world.
Really interesting history about Formentor, probably more so as I live very near.

Was fascinating to learn about the history of the hotel; the only hotel ever built there. The people who were connected to it and the famous, infamous & the tourists it's attracted over the years.

The Goop Lab

Why all the bad reviews??
I don't get all the bad reviews. If this subject matter appeals to you, then it's an interesting series.

Ok it's definitely in the alternative side of therapies etc...but if you're open minded and want to lean more then it's very interesting.

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