
IMDb member since August 2015
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The Sims 3

The best Sims game yet!
I am a massive Sims fan, I have every one for the PS2 and I also have Sims 3 and Sims 3 Pets for the Xbox 360. Sims 3 is very different to the rest, for the first time you can go anywhere in the town. Unlike the PS2 versions you can visit friends, go to school, go to work, the theatre, the park, the local swimming pool; you name it. There's so many new features that makes it exciting. You can have an upstairs to your house by adding stairs, whereas on the PS2 ones they were more like bungalows. You can actually have children and bring them up just like you would in real life, your Sims actually die which is realistic, it even comes up with the relationships between Sims. For example, it would say 'daughter', 'son', 'uncle' and it has different interactions for family and friends. The more you get to know someone the more options you have when socialising with them. I know what you're all thinking, yes you can 'do it' on Sims 3 but it isn't in great detail like some of you are hoping it would be. This short music comes on and there's movement under the covers and love hearts above the bed but that's it so don't get excited on that bit. There's still the storyline bit where you choose what happens in your Sims lives. Whether they cheat or not, if they get married or not, if they have kids or not, what type of house they have, what job they have, who they live with, who they're friends with. BUT-on this Sims you can actually choose what they're like as a person. With a new feature called 'traits' where you can make everyone have a different personality. They have really thought this one through! I can't tell the difference between a humans life in real life and a Sims life on Sims! Apart from they speak a language that we don't understand of course! It's a definite purchase for all you Sims fans out there, get buying and playing there's so much to do! There's even challenges, it gets more and more interesting the more you play. Enjoy!

L.A. Noire

It's one of the best games I've ever played
When I first played this game I automatically got attached. You play as a detective named Cole Phelps, he was previously a war hero and now he is a crime fighter. He is married with two daughters and he seems to be the strong, intelligent quiet type. Throughout the game you get an overview of what life was like back in the late 1940's in LA and the amount and type of crime that took place. When playing LA Noire, it personally felt like a movie because there was so much storyline and there's just something about it that kept me intrigued right from the beginning to the very end mission. As the game and story progresses, you get to know Cole more and that he really loves his job and he wants to keep crime of the streets. You become attached to him and what he has been through and everything that he goes through, you go through with him. After doing two patrol missions, you are promoted by the Captain to the traffic desk, as the Captain sees the potential in Cole and the determination. Because he does so well and is a great case man, he gets promoted to homicide where he eventually catches the city's serial killer and he is the type of cop that is always being talked about and is always in the newspapers. You're then on the vice desk where you do missions that are based on drugs and a ship was robbed and now there is morphine being sold on the streets to everyday people, even though they were only meant to be used during the war for injury pain. An incident happens in Cole's life and he cheats on his wife and therefore is demoted to the arson desk. With every desk there is a big plot, and you can see that Rockstar have thought long and hard about every last detail. Some say this game isn't good enough and there are too many mistakes, or they were 'disappointed' but I certainly wasn't. I was amazed with the efforts and just the game play in general that I've completed it 13 times and got all the achievements (for the xbox 360)and I just love everything about it. You connect with everyone you meet and the special features are amazing because in every other cop game that I've played there has never been things like searching for evidence, interrogating suspects, chasing suspects, meeting new partners on every desk and on top of all that it brings in Cole's life as well so it isn't all just about police work. My personal favourite mission that really gets your brain ticking is "The Quarter Moon Murders" I think this was amazing how you had to find the serial killer by following his clues, which obviously made Cole look incredibly intelligent to figure it out and it was just astonishing. If you haven't played it yet, and you're into fighting, shooting, solving, drama and everything else that comes with it, then definitely try LA Noire. I can assure you, you'll like it.

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