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As the expression goes this messes with your head.
Just like everyone else on first viewing you feel like the dumbest person on the planet. It's only after discussing it with my daughter and watching it again did I "start" to get it. Sure many people want to go to the cinema and be entertained, to escape. So for those people (and don't get me wrong I was hugely entertained even after a third viewing) that want a couple of hours of unchallenged escapism this movie won't work for them.

BUT (in a good way); this is yet again testament to the genius of Nolan. If he only made one movie as great as this he could live off the plaudits for the rest of his life. Without exception he has created half a dozen (if not everyone) works of art. He is transcendent. I've seen the Sistine chapel and it's impressive but what Nolan does is touched by God (and I don't believe in any of the man made religions!).

I hope one day I can write something a tenth as good as a storyline as he's written here. It's flawless. If you don't get it just go and see it again.

Oh and as for not being able to hear the odd word of dialogue do you really think this was an oversight? His attention to detail would have picked up on this. This was deliberate? You just need to listen a bit harder. Don't expect a genius to make sense, but as they go he often does.

Still trying to fathom the end war scene! Hang on maybe I am pretty dumb, or just ignorant, oh well blissfully I will await the DVD release!


Boat of Brothers...very real and submersive
As they say the people that brought you Band of Brothers. This instalment could quite easily fit into that brilliant series. Reading some of the other reviewers it's clear that those that served admire its authenticity. We are too picky in this day and age. As Maximus Decimus proclaims "Are you not entertained..." Like the brilliant Das Boot this is a superior piece of film making. It takes you more or less straight into the action. It's tense and nail biting. Tom and Stephen Graham are first class (goes without saying). The script is real and there is no space for jingoistic bravado, just quiet bravery. Outstanding a must watch.

Calm with Horses

Bold, beautiful and brilliant
This is a must watch for anyone. It has everything, it triggers every emotion. It is a brilliant observation of small time gangsters. This is in the same league as Shane Meadows "Dead Mans Shoes". Stunning cinematography, outstanding acting by the whole cast. And a simple tale of morality, loyalty and trying to do the right thing. How is is the latest Liam Neeson film can be #1 in the box office this week when a film like this deserves a huge audience.

The Last Dance

Pure genius, total greatness
Never been a fan of basketball (I'm a Brit!) Just thought MJ was part of the selling of the American dream, product endorsements (Nike etc.) How wrong I was. This series had everything. It doesn't matter if you don't like basketball or any sport as this transcends. I will not wax lyrically here, as so many have done so on here. Just watch it and be moved by the greatness of Phil, MJ and the Bulls. If I could give 11 i would and I so rarely give a 10. Just loved it and can't wait to watch it again!!!!

Killing Eve

Lacks believability, plot wise like a Swiss cheese
Firstly she had her chance to Kill Eve, several times, so that doesn't make sense. There is very little chemistry between Eve and Villannelle. Josie Comer is great and Sandra Oh is okay, solid no more. Tbh there are so many things that make this lame. For instance the son of Carolyn is conspiring with Eve! The so called three expert assassins can't kill one bearded guy, they are letting off heavy fire power in the English countryside!? And nobody has noticed this. And the classic scene where Villanelle is knocked out by Konstantin and he runs away, when he could have just taken the gun off her or battered again with the log! The next episode he shows up all concerned for his daughter? He could have sorted that situation before this. This yet again is over hyped pulp fiction with some very lazy writing.

It seems like the critics give this high marks as it's two women in the lead and eyebrow writer is a woman. Sorry that's just so condescending. It is clear that the writers have no real insight into the world of MI5 or how assassins actually work.

If you want to read about a brilliant new book by Leon Towers called My Brothers Keeper, this is proper a thriller.

The Over-Amorous Artist

It's funny!
The other review on here comments on how this was a metaphor for the rapid decline of the British Film wonder we made so much fuss about Chariots of Fire when crazy films like this were made in the early 70's.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

QT reimagines history and creates a Hollywood classic
You know what you get with QT you get the unexpected. There are very few directors that can pull off a film this good. If you know about the horrors of Hollywood in August 1969 then do not be afraid. I will not give any plot points away as that is unfair to you the future viewer. Let this work of brilliance unfold and enjoy these Hollywood stars shine. This is about great directing, great writing and great acting in an era when too many people took LSD and smoked weed. Whereas QT's treatment is so brilliantly observed of a fading TV star. And the end is sublime and perfect QT fare!

And why does this only get 9 stars, well it's 9 QT stars, if this was made by anyone else it would get 10! That's how good this film is. I will be gong to see it again on Sunday!

Another Life

Budget version of Love Island in space!
Don't write many negative reviews but I've got as far as minute 25 and I'm looking for a blackboard to scratch to drown out this lame dialogue. Katie S who was in one of the greatest sci-fi series and now she's reduced to this. I hope for sake she really is that ship in another solar system. Is this a taste of future space heroes..Love Island rejects! Written by a 12 year old. So hate to give a 1 but I do so on the basis of don't waste your time it is terrible.

Killing Eve

Lacks believability, plot wise like a Swiss cheese
Firstly she had her chance to Kill Eve, several times, so that doesn't make sense. There is very little chemistry between Eve and Villannelle. Josie Comer is great and Sandra Oh is okay, solid no more. Tbh there are so many things that make this lame. For instance the son of Carolyn is conspiring with Eve! The so called three expert assassins can't kill one bearded guy, they are letting off heavy fire power in the English countryside!? And nobody has noticed this. And the classic scene where Villanelle is knocked out by Konstantin and he runs away, when he could have just taken the gun off her or battered again with the log! The next episode he shows up all concerned for his daughter? He could have sorted that situation before this. This yet again is over hyped pulp fiction with some very lazy writing.

It seems like the critics give this high marks as it's two women in the lead and eyebrow writer is a woman. Sorry that's just so condescending. It is clear that the writers have no real insight into the world of MI5 or how assassins actually work.

If you want to read about a brilliant new book by Leon Towers called My Brothers Keeper, this is proper a thriller.


Brilliant...another confirmation of the genius of Nolan
I get why some people don't get this film. On my first viewing I was glued to my seat as the subtle brilliance of what I had seen was just washing over me. Yes it's not Saving Private Ryan (which is a great film). But this is a totally different way of approaching a war film. An approach only Nolan can pull off. He makes it deeply personal and therefore it gets deep into your emotional soul. He takes it from the perspective of three different witnesses, at three different times and three different mediums...remember when you see this one week (land), one day (sea), and one hour (air). Just to think about this conceptually it's genius, but to actually realise on film is beyond belief. The acting is brilliant from every cast member, the scene of the unknown solidier running into the was pure does a director convey all that emotion in a fleeting moment. The detail is beyond belief. This is Nolan's best film (he has a faultless CV btw). And Zimmer is his usual otherworldly to take my 19 year old daughter to see it at the Prince Charles tonight (my third viewing)...


Not as good as it thinks it is...very average.
Firstly how are other people giving this a 10? When I saw this I thought are the watching the same series and are they seriously putting this on the same level as the Wire, The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire and Billions...come on! The main issue is that the main character is wooden, whenever anyone or anything is said to him there is a pause, always a pause and then a deadpan response. I know what the actor and director are trying to convey, that Alex is cool...but he is no Daniel Craig (Layer Cake). And this is what they were going for and they fail miserably. And when the lead is poor it somehow infects the rest of he cast. And as for the airport scene between Vadim and Alex at the end of Episode 5...what was that all about. So this is definitely a bit of style (not a lot) over not a lot of substance. So very average...sorry, and particularly sorry as I paid to watch live and learn

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