
IMDb member since September 2015
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Kin Dread

Superb! Thrilling!
"Kin Dread" is so amazing, a work of art. If you're into movies that take you on an adventure of thrilling and a psychological web of "omg did I just throw my popcorn from my lap?" from the twists and turns, you have come to the right place. There's an interesting twist that happens toward to the end of the film that kept me on my toes. I won't reveal of course! You will see. :) Congratulations to the cast and crew for doing such an amazing job. I could see the level of passion and respect to the story while watching the film. Great HUGE work to director Adrian Leon, producer Erik Gloege and Music by Charlie Rivero...Dream team!

Steve Byrne: The Last Late Night

Awesome! Funny!
A couple days ago on my day off I watched The Last Late Night. What an amazing special! If you're into great standup comedy and a late night feel you've come to the right place. Find your favorite sofa or chair at home, grab some drinks and friends and press play!

I laughed so hard, so many laughs. My friend walked in while I was watching in my living room and just burst out laughing at one of the jokes about how there's no HR on stage. Ha! You've gotta watch to see what I'm talking about.

On top of the show being so funny, I loved that Steve brought in a band to play on stage during his show. Super classy and slick!

The Opening Act

This film gives a great insight into not only the world of stand up comedy, but what it is to go for you dreams. Many laugh out loud moments with this great cast, and a real depth to the story.

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