
IMDb member since September 2015
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    8 years


Pushing Dead

Watched it
Felt like I was the one passing a kidney stone. Low key and dull. Could have watched People's Court instead. Just watched it because Danny Glover was in it.

Birthday Cake

Laugh out loud funny
If you know me you would know that I'm not a kid person and to watch a movie about a gay couple celebrating their adopted kids one year birthday would be the last thing on my agenda however this movie was totally totally funny. From the first few minutes all the way through it had laugh out loud laughs. Something I thoroughly enjoyed and would watch again.

The Inbetweeners Movie

Unfunny and bad
Just because you write a movie doesn't make it funny. I didn't laugh once. It's no American Pie.

Gone Girl

Ben Afflect nice penis in shower
The story was like something you'd see on 60 minutes or 48 hours just with an all star cast. Nice to see Tyler Perry in a regular role. I personally thought the movie was boring, seemed like a lot of other stuff that's been done. I was hoping he would have his wife's confession on taper AFTER the shower scene when he confronted her, or the robot dog they were given as a gift had a hidden camera and mic. I didn't like the ending at all. To think they would stay together in such a dysfunctional and dangerous marriage is beyond belief. Of course, Ben Afflect couldn't be the father. I should have spent my time watching another movie. I can't belief it grossed so much at the box office.

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