
IMDb member since July 2005
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    IMDb Member
    19 years



We are pretty certain a man was in a horrific car accident and suffered a severe head injury.
Really great creepy cinematography, music, and staging all waiting for a plot. The story line twisted and turned and at each point of expected climax, there was nothing. I'm not sure what happened other than, he was a nut and it is more likely than not that he killed a nut. Did he make up his past and adopt Charlotte's Web? And what do spiders have to do with ant obsessions? And why did his apartment look like all the other places he went to? And why were there cameras everywhere, on the streets, in the stairwells? And maybe that cop was a figment of his imagination? Maybe the whole movie was in his imagination! We know the psychiatrist was in his head, but the watch gave that away in the beginning. But best of all, there is no hospital on the planet that would let you walk around barefooted! Maybe he is still in his coma.

Don't Look Now

The setting was beautiful
The leads were both very skinny, very young, and very rosy. The love scene was very explicit and beautifully done. However the movie is dated. There was no depth. I never could figure how many children they did have and why these children were left behind? We know that a very young boy was in boarding school but what happened to the older sister. They were like backdrops. The filming was wonderful, Venice was magnificent but the plot was lacking and very much a shallow Henry James. The plot was not knitted together. At one point, Sutherland says, " I've been here before." I guess that actually was a premonition but it was never addressed again. That happened frequently in the movie. This was not one of Daphne du Maurier's memorable plots.

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