
IMDb member since July 2005
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    18 years


A Flash of Green

Best John D. MacDonald adaptation
I think I've read all the John D. MacDonald books. It's been years. I might even start reading them over again. Such a guilty pleasure. MacDonald's pre-politically correct philosophy really gives you the flavor of an era. I love this film adaptation. Richard Jordan makes the perfect MacDonald villain, Blair Brown the ideal MacDonald wholesome love interest. And Harris in the lead made me a lifelong fan. Some years back it was screened at our local Museum of Photographic Arts. The print wasn't in great shape then. I own an old grainy copy of Flash of Green on VHS but no longer have a VHS player. Please, somebody, let's get this fine film on Blue Ray/DVD. I'd love to watch it again. There's so much junk available on DVD that it breaks my heart to think of a really satisfying film moldering away somewhere.

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