
IMDb member since July 2005
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God's Country

A family movie with tons of heart
If you're looking for a movie with lots action, complex plot and characters - you will likely be disappointed here.

But, if you're in the mood for a movie that challenges today's self centered money motivated secular values - then you're in luck!

Fans of the beautiful and talented Jenn Gotzon won't be disappointed either. She literally shines in this film. Those who know her won't be surprised by this in the least. (It's almost as if Angels surround her throughout the film.)

Technically, there are some rough edges, but over all Chris Armstrong does a masterful job at helming his wife's star turn. A combination that completely works for both Gotzon and Armstrong here.

Personally, I wished there was more to the script itself to challenge the viewer and some of the casting seems a little awkward, but industry stalwarts Daniel Hugh Kelly, Gib Gerard and Michael Toland all turn in fine performances.

Two more bright spots in the cast are Kevin Brown and Stephanie Barnes.

Barnes seems to carry the spirit of the picture with her on screen and her scenes with Gotzon work especially well and help to beef up some of the necessary story conflict that add so much to a satisfying resolution.

I'm a softy for movies with a lot of heart and I don't mind saying that I kept my hankie busy for the last quarter of the film.


Back in the Day
I voted 10 because i had a small part in the film (the bartender) and having been a big fan of Aldo Ray - younger gen's won't know that in his time Ray created the same kind of electricity in the film world for his unique approach to acting as did the likes of Dean & Brando (however short lived that electricity may have been)- I was thrilled to be able to chat and hang with him on set. Herb Freed & Anne Marisse were extremely kind and lovely people to work for and with. This was the second film I worked on in Mendocino, CA - the first one still has ghosts attached to it. Many LA film companies used Mendocino, CA as their location. Perhaps the most notable (and certainly the funniest) was "The Russians Are Coming/The Russians Are Coming". Many years later, TV came to town to shoot exteriors for "Murder She Wrote".

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