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Angelina Jolie is amazing in this
This was a good movie overall - visually stunning and enjoyable. Angelina Jolie is mesmerizing as the lead. She's a lot of fun to watch and commands the screen in every scene. King Stefan was well cast. My only critique is that Aurora felt a bit too one-dimensional as the cheery, happy girl. A bit more intensity, curiosity, and gravitas there would have been nice. But the action scenes are good and it hangs together well. I think it should be rated higher. Kids will like this movie as well as adults. Some of the action is too intense for very young kids. I liked this better than the original animated version. Good on Disney for rectifying its past mistakes of having men kiss sleeping women.

Sweet Home Alabama

Melanie is the WORST
Ugh, the lead - the protagonist, the person we are supposed to be rooting for - is a horrible, conniving, fake, manipulative liar. She is rude to her parents, her high school friends, and even OUTS somebody. And they all just forgive her, like oh but she has a cute smile and she's so "sassy." I totally agreed with Candice Bergen's character. Patrick Dempsey is a push-over in this movie. The plot is ridiculous. Reece and her "husband" have no chemistry. The only cool thing is the lighting-in-sand bit. Both men would be way better off without her. She makes me embarrassed to be a woman, goodness what is wrong with her.

The Marvels

I thought it was hilarious
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie! It was wild and funny and entertaining, and that's all I ask of a movie like this. Kamala added a refreshing dose of humor and the 3 of them worked well together and had great chemistry. My kids and I were howling with laughter. Yes, it gets goofy. So what? It was fun! Plus, I really enjoyed watching Nick Fury interact with Kamala's family. I had watched the Ms. Marvel series and loved it. This movie has the same energy. I loved seeing such interesting diverse women characters, too. I thought the action sequence were very well-done. I'm looking forward to the next series of movies.

Don't Look Up

The acting was great and the message was clear. An artistic way to explain the times we are in.

Jennifer Lawrence was a great choice for her role. Meryl Streep nails everything she's in. I enjoyed what they did with Timothee Chalamet's character. Jonah Hill was appropriately good at being a table person. And Leonard di Caprio is one of the best actors on screen today. He is also a tireless advocate for our planet.

Rumor Has It...

An Attempt
They tried. The idea had promise. It could have been a good movie. But Jennifer Aniston's character was horrible. Her acting was fine. But the women are all portrayed as "crazy" and "messed up." It's ridiculous. She didn't deserve Mark Ruffalo's character. Why does Hollywood portray rich ungrateful people? Hoffman's character in The Graduate was the same way.

The Graduate

Just own it
What bothered me most about the movie was the indecisiveness of Hoffman's character. Hoffman played it well - no doubt the acting was superb - and it is probably meant to be as frustrating as it was. But most of the characters were awful. I don't understand the reviews that said it was humorous. It was intriguing, thanks to the director's storytelling and then creative camera shots, but it was painful to watch. Hoffman's character is creepy, stalking Elaine, and she is ridiculous for continuing to entertain him. The movie doesn't hold up today.


Fabulous Fun!
I give it high marks for the musical mash-ups alone, not to mention the incredible fashion and high-energy performances by Camila, Billy Porter, Minnie Driver, Pierce Brosnan, and the rest of the cast. I loved Gwen:s role and the twists on an outdated fairy tale. My daughters will grow up with this version of Cinderella - not the old one.


I love ballet and music. I liked Cats!
I wasn't expecting much. I have never seen the musical. I have heard the song Memories, but that's it. All of that said, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Jennifer Hudson was incredible! The other stars were almost as memorizing for me - although keep in mind, I am someone who used to dance, and could watch hours of ballet without boredom. Well done!

Wonder Woman 1984

Intense and moving
Made me ugly cry... The themes of truth v. lies; not taking shortcuts; and not falling for con artists really resonated for me. I think a lot of people will relate to the motivations of both villains, which usually makes a movie more interesting.


So well done.
I loved every bit of this movie. The Witch, the stunts, the bird imagery. The cinematography. The acting. They nailed the pacing. Director Caro did a great job. Acting was subtle, not too overdone. Only criticism is it didn't need the narration, and should have been rated PG, not PG-13. Would watch it again in a heartbeat.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Never heard of EuroVision... And I Loved It!!!
I did not have high hopes for this movie and was pleasantly surprised!

First, the music was so much fun. The Song-a-Long was such a fantastic mashup. It had our whole family up and dancing.

Second, the story has heart. Some Will Ferrell movies fall down because they just don't hit the right emotional notes, but this one got it right. My kids were on their feet cheering by the end.

I am not a huge Rachel McAdams fan, but she was perfect in this role. She really was adorable and sweet. And Dan Stevens nailed it.

All in all, great fun and "escapism" entertainment. Just relax and enjoy it for what it is. I cannot wait to watch it again!

The InBESTigators

Super clever & funny
My kind of show! Teaches my kids critical thinking skills. We pause the show before the end and ask them kids to solve each mystery. I love the quirky humor. And the show has heart.

The Parent Trap

Doesn't hold up
The misogyny in this movie is awful. The word "feminine" is used as an insult. The dad only starts to like the mom again after she is literally barefoot in the kitchen making him dinner... The grandmother character is awful. Did men back then actually want a wife, or a mother??

Hayley Mills is fantastic and Maureen O'Hara steals the show. But other than that, I think I prefer the new one! Just too many cringe-worthy moments.

Marriage Story

Our generation's Casablanca?
Sadly, and as puke-y and trite as it sounds, will this film be looked back upon as our generation's Casablanca? It is kind of a Love Story for today. So many people get divorced. So many people can relate to the bi-coastal life question: one spouse gets a great opportunity in LA or Silicon Valley; do they uproot and move? Another couple struggles with jobs that require regular trips to DC or Boston - do they need to live apart? What will that do to the marriage? What kind of resentment would turning down these opportunities create? It brings out all of these questions and many others...albeit for a thin slice of humanity; the story is pretty limited to the lives of rich white people. And it does reek of the obnoxious "writers writing about writers" phenomenon we see so often in Hollywood.

Both Johansen and Driver are awesome. The director being a man means the film skews a tad bit more in favor of the man and makes you more sympathetic to him. (The fact that he cheated - she did not - is really glossed over).

Despite the movie being about divorce, there is so much love here. Between the parents, and between each parent and their child.

Also, there is a reason people say they hate lawyers. Is this the system we are stuck with?

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

I loved it
It was so satisfying. I love Rey. I love Ben. And I love their story, together. This movie kept me thoroughly entertained. I would watch it again and again. Great acting, wonderful visuals.

Big Little Lies

Psychological masterpiece
I don't normally watch TV, but I saw this on an international airline flight and it really drew me in. Super storytelling. The writers give you just enough hooks to keep you questioning and searching for the next layer to the story and the next reveal of the characters' complicated personalities. Incredible acting by all of the leading ladies, as well the men and children. But the one who stole the show for me was Robin Weigert as the psychologist. Her scenes with Nicole Kidman were especially brilliant and deeply moving. At first I worried this would be some trashy soap opera, but it was not even close; instead it offered insightful views on families, love, marriage, parenting, abuse, wealth, and community. Well done.

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