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The Ultimate Weapon

Honestly, a good action movie. One of Hogan's best
This is honestly a really good action movie. It is one of Hogan's best movies by far. It's good action in the same style as most good 80s or 90s action movies. It's obviously a B movie it doesn't have a lot of the production and what not as Schwarzenegger or Stallone or Van Damme movies do. But for what it is, it's actually really good, I really enjoy it. Hogan made some stinkers back in the day, this movie isn't one of them. Obviously movies like suburban commando, and no holds, barred or his best movies, but this movie along with the thunder in Paradise movies and the assault on devils island movies are his best work. This is vastly underrated and flies under the radar when talking about most action movies. But give it a watch with an open mind and I bet you'll enjoy it. Seriously, it's Hogan at his best. Great plot, great acting, pretty well put together and some great action scenes. It's just a fun movie, it's nothing too serious, it's nothing that you have to Spend time and energy trying to figure out. It's just a fun and easy movie to watch.


Eli Roth at his best. FANTASTIC SLASHER!!!
This is a fantastic movie. It looked good but as we know sometimes the best scenes in a movie are put into the trailer. Not the case here. Fantastic idea, well acted, great script and cast. It's typical Roth, it's shocking, it's gory, it's got its laughs and it delivers on the fun. This is the slasher we needed, not the same recycled ideas and remakes. John Carver is going to etch his way into horror folk lore. Don't be surprised if next Halloween you see a bunch of little John Carver's at your door asking for candy. Well done Eli, well done. You will not be disappointed. Sit down, grab your popcorn and get ready for a scary good time. And remember, this year, there will be no leftovers!


Greatest Horror Movie Ever Made.
To me this is the greatest horror movie ever made. Are there more high profile horror movies? Sure. Are there more popular horror movie villains? Sure. Are there more violent and disturbing horror movies out there? 100% yes. Candyman is different. It's a mesmerizing tale . There isn't quite anything like it out there. The music, the locations, the story, the execution of the story and performances are spectacular. This movie is perfect from start to finish. Everything is executed with perfection. Tony Todd is unforgettable. His tone, his deliverance, his performance are perfect. Candyman is in a way a romantic, violent and seductive being. Much like Dracula there is an element of charm, ease and calm to him. It's very unique and hard to put into words. No matter how many times I've seen this, I am as taken, blown away and mesmerized as I was the first time I saw it. It is an ATG horror movie. As unique and discuss as anything you will ever see. I haven't seen anything like it done 30+ years later. It will stay with you and never leave. Say his name 5 times alone in a mirror if you dare...

Charlie's Farm

Fantastic Little Hidden Gem.
I am always looking for great horror movies. I had never heard of this movie before. I watched it after a recommendation and I am glad I did. I had no idea it was Australian so that was a nice change. Tara Reid, Bill Mosley and Kane Hodder add star power with Mosely and Hodder being horror royalty. Plot is good, music and score is fantastic. Locations are really good as well. The Charlie character is amazing. Great looking character played to perfection. I like that he isn't some guy in a mask. The kills in this movie are unique and brutal. It's a nice little hidden gem inside the horror community well worth a watch in my opinion. This is a really well done B horror movie. Unique in a genre where often times B movies are awful, boring, predectavke and made with little care or attention to detail. This movie is none of that and the director clearly cares about the genre and it's fans. Charlie's Faen is must see if you love non big studio horror movies with a great killer and amazing kills.

Cape Fear

Robert De Niro's Greatest Performance. A Perfect 10
To me, this is easily Robert De Niro's greatest performance. He pulls out all the stops. He is beyond believable, in the depths he goes mentally, and physically with his character in this movie were absolutely astonishing to watch. I gave the movie attend simply based upon his performance alone. Juliet Lewis is very believable as a scary teenage girl, Nick Nolte is classic Nick Nolte, Jessica Lange is great. It's a very eerie and traumatizing movie to watch. It's one of those movies that when you watch it, it sticks with you. Harrowing performance by De Niro, he's at his absolute best. It is hard to watch at times. It pulls out your insecurities. That's due to what De Niro is able to do. He's flawless.

The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers

Awful Joke of a Show. Not accurate or believable
This show is terrible. I grew up with the mighty ducks and have played hockey since I was a kid. This show is a joke. No one can skate, it's slow, no one can shoot, the size of the team is 6 kids, not 15-18. The way goals are scores, games are played etc us do inaccurate. Look I understand Hollywood and entertainment but in todays age to not be accurate, have kids who can share or even try to get the rules and game play right is inexcusable. I had high hopes due this show but it is sooooooo cringe. None of this show is believable. It's just so bad. If you are expecting the old mighty ducks magic, this isnt it. Bad, bad show.

Winners Take All

I personally loved this movie. I was born in the 80s and pride myself on my knowledge of 80s movies and how great that era of fashion, music, movies, etc. Wise. But I had never heard of this movie until recently, and I decided to give it a watch, and I'm glad I did. In the 80s and 90s we had some really good "extreme sports" movies, ride, Thrashin, BMX, bandits, days of thunder, airborne, brink, and winners take all. To me, this movie is up near the top behind, possibly only Days of Thunder. This is your typical 80s, romcom. It's got all the makings of plots and movies you have already seen, so it can be a little bit predictable but it's classic 80s and it's me 80s movies have a charm that no other era of movies has had. I like the characters, I like the script, it's just a really fun movie, easy to watch, easy to sort of figure out and navigate yeah very simple and fun. Do yourself a favor if you love 80s movies and watch winners takeoff. I think it's a real hidden 80s gym but not a lot of people talk about or know about .

Miami Vice

Miami Vice is easily the greatest cop show ever made. The casting is perfect, the Scripps are perfect, they were able to pay money to use actual 80s hits on every single episode, which only made each episode better, and added to the allure of the shell Don Johnson plays Sonny to perfection Philip plays Ricardo Tubbs to absolute perfection. There are a bunch of well-known 80s 90s stars that make guest appearances on the show which is awesome, there just wasn't anything made like this before or cents. There is a reason it ran 111 episodes. If you haven't seen this before, or maybe have seen an episode here or there, I highly suggest you sit down and watch the show and it's entirety, you will not be disappointed. The show is absolute TV, cinematic history, and as I stated, easily, the greatest cop TV show ever made, and it's not even close , the atmosphere and feeling that each episode creates just can't be matched or replicated.


Excellent movie. Great chemistry. One of Stallone's best performances
A fantastic movie. Great blend of comedy. There is great chemistry between Sylvester Stallone and Dolly Parton. A real hidden gem as far as comedies go. This is one of Sylvester Stallone's greatest acting performances, hands-down. It really is baffling to me that this movie has as low as score as it does. Some people either don't get it, or must be watching the movie with their eyes closed. Very rarely do you see a macho, man, and action star do something like this that can really change the perspective of his talents. Stallone does that in spades in this movie. Skip the reviews and do yourself a favor and watch it, you won't be disappointed.

Dangerous Game: The Legacy Murders

Interesting. Can't Decide if I like it or not... Worth a watch I suppose
Very interesting movie. There are a lot of similarities in this movie that have characteristics of the movie clue and characteristics of the movie your next. I would say it's a mix of those Scripts without the comedy. That's the best way I can describe it. It has some bloody, gory scenes. Honestly probably has a lot of potential but I'm not sure it is executed as well as it possibly could have been, I'm a huge fan of Jonathan Rhys Meyers, I like everything he's in, I'm a huge fan of Jon Voight, Jonathan Rhys Meyers has had issues with alcohol, and I guess been hard to work with so the once a brilliant and promising actor has sort of been delegated to straight to video B-movie's which is really disappointing. But again I am wondering unless he just wanted to work or wanted the money, why Jon voight decided to do this movie maybe it's because of his political views he has basically been delegated to these types of movies? I'm not sure. Is it an interesting movie, worth a watch, you may like it, you may be confused, and like me not know if you like it or dislike it.


Great Movie. Original idea and concept, not recycled garbage. Ignore bad reviews
This is a really cool movie. It is an original idea in concept not something that has been recycled or re-done 10 times like both horror movies released in the last 20 years. I appreciate the fact that they did something new and tried to come up with the wrong concept and movie instead of piggybacking. Stephen Dorff is fire in this. Cool music as well. I honestly don't understand why it has such a little spoon in life. People are giving it such bad reviews. The same people that are probably giving every single Texas chainsaw, massacre remake a high score or 17th saw movie or Halloween movie. Do yourself a favor and skip the bad reviews and just watch it. It's original, it's fresh and I fir one appreciate that.


Excellent horror movie. Twists, turns, jumps, scares, creepy movie!
OK, so I started watching barbarian and because of a recommendation from a friend. I'm so skeptical of today's horror movies, because they seem to lack creativity and seem to rush, showing you whatever the creature, demon, bad guy is so quickly in the film that it ruins, the suspense, scariness And creepiness. Today's horror films don't seem to let your mind do most of the work like the great horror movies of the past. However, that was not the case with this movie I'm not going to say anything to spoil it, just know that it is very well done . I was very pleasantly surprised with this movie. I watched it a few times, picked up different stuff, appreciated different stuff. It is very well done and one of the better horror movies I've seen in the last 20 years.

Halloween Ends

This is by far the worst Halloween movie I have ever seen. I have no idea what they were thinking, it feels like a spoof. The concepts are awful, the execution is bad, the characters are unlikable, it's confusing and just an absolute steaming pile. If this was Jamie Lee Curtis's last time playing Laurie strode, I feel bad for her because this is going to be remembered as much as the original Halloween. The concept of a apprentice killer for Michael? Was just dumb. He didn't even show up for the first 40 or 45 minutes of the movie. It goes so far off of the path of where the original from 2018 was at that it's embarrassing. It's just a real punch in the face to Halloween fans. I consider myself a diehard Halloween fan and I was extremely disappointed, this is just a bad, bad movie that makes no sense. Somebody needs to pick this serious up and do it right. Just awful, and embarrassment and a complete disaster in the history of this franchise. Seriously so bad!

The Merry Gentleman

Superb film. Perfect. One of my favorites and a must see
This movie is perfect. The storytelling is done in such a superb fashion that it keeps your attention. Patience is a virtue and that virtue was extremely rewarding in the Merry gentlemen. Michael Keaton and Kelly McDonald are unbelievable. What a directorial debut for Michael Keaton. Such an unbelievable story told in unbelievable way. A hidden gem and a must see. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie, you might want to read it. It is one of my favorites. Astonishing film. Very seldom do we see movies like this, something different, something special. Once you see this movie, you won't soon forget it. A gift to cinema.

The King

Incredible Movie
This movie is incredible. The acting, story, music is just amazing. One of my favorite movies from the time period. It's absolutely astonishing. I can't understand how good it is. Do yourself a favor and watch this masterpiece.


Worst Movie of The Series by a LONG SHOT. Horrible
Not a great movie. The cast isn't great, the script isn't great. It's just lame. He's by far the worst movie of the series. And it's not even close. There is literally no memorable character that comes out of this movie. It is a sad and lazy attempt to create another audition for the scream series. And don't even get me started on Dewey. Horrible. This series is officially dead to me.

Tuff Turf

Great Movie. Not some random 80s rom-com
One of the few 80s movies I hadn't seen. Decided to throw it on and I'm so glad I did. This movie has so much of death to it. It's not just some typical 80s Lancome. Excellent story, so many levels to the characters in the storyline. It is well worth a watch. I think it is A Hidden gem when it comes to 80's movies. Check it out. And Kim Dichsrds is sooooooo hot in this movie.

Beer League

Funny! Great Baseball/Softball movie!
This is a good movie. It's really funny, easy to watch, great script and cast. It is one of my favorite baseball/softball movies. It is well worth a watch.


Unforgettable. Haunting. A tale of Pain & Love
This is one of those movies that once you watch it, you never forget it. It has a lot more heart than Jaws does. It's a very haunting and emotional movie. The score is remarkable. The story is incredible. Richard Harris's performance in this is off the charts. I find it to be very unsettling and terrifying in parts. Incredible movie. Not some cheap jaws knock off. Well worth your time. A movie that will last the year of time.

I can't explain it nor really put my finger on it I didn't say something about this. It is just different.

Batman Returns

2nd best Batman movie ever
This is the second best Batman movie of all time. Michael Keaton continues his role as the best Batman of all time. This one still has some of the darkness of the first movie, but it's a little more lighthearted in spots. Michelle Pfeiffer is amazing as Catwoman, she's the best Catwoman ever, Danny Devito as awesome as the penguin. Atmosphere is great, not as good as the 1989 movie but closer than any other movie.

The Dark Knight

The most overrated Batman movie ever
The most overrated Batman movie ever. It's OK, but it gets the Highway guess because he's ledger died. Is joker is not Adam Jack Nicholson. Christian Bale is not a better Batman than Michael Keaton. I didn't really like these movies, eight phallic action movies as opposed to superhero movies. Bale's growl is hilarious.


Easily the best Batman movie ever made. Easily
This is the best Batman movie ever made. Michael Keaton is the best Batman of all time. This movie has it all. It changed the way we looked at superheroes and it changed the way superhero always were made. I remember the summer of 1989 and the entire planet was bat crazy. Batman was everywhere, it was the biggest movie I can remember in my lifetime. This is a special, special movie in the history of film. There is nothing like it. It's the best, easily, by far, no question.

Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer

I don't really remember that much about this as I was a young child when it was taking place. And without social media and the ability to get instant information or for information to spread quickly I just don't remember that much. I saw the previews, I decided to watch it at night after my wife had gone to bed, big mistake. It scared the piss out of me. And I'm a 39-year-old man. It is done in such a way that it is as terrifying as any of the scariest horror movies ever made. This was an incredibly sick, sadistic evil and vile human being. What makes it so terrifying is there unlike Jason or Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger, Richard Ramirez was a real person. And real is always scarier than fake. This is a very gripping, well done documentary. I started it at like 11 o'clock at night and just couldn't turn it off, I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It is an incredible story, the interviews, archive footage, pictures and way they put it together is superior to anything I can remember. This is by far the best documentary of any kind I have ever seen. If you do not know the story of Richard Ramirez or if you don't remember or haven't seen or heard the grizzly details, this may shock you. This is as disgusting, vile and evil a person has ever walked the planet. It is hard to watch at times. Do yourself a favor, watch it with someone, during the day with the lights on. The story of Richard Ramirez, his pictures and his voice can and will haunt you and it's not best suited for the evening. Trust Me.

Ray Donovan: The Movie

A masterpiece. This is how it has to be.
I loved it. I remember years ago watching Showtime and seeing advertisements for Ray Donovan. He kept reminding my wife how excited I was to watch the show, and I watched it religiously from episode one until the end. This is simply one of the best television shows of all time, it's one of my favorite television shows. Ray Donovan is in the top three best TV characters of all time. This show had it all, and the actors writers and producers gave us their all every episode for the shows entirety. So much violence, emotion, death, pain and struggle. It all came to a head in this movie and it ended the only way it could. I'm grateful for everybody involved that made the TV show and the movie possible, I will love it the rest of my life. Slainte.

Quarterback Princess

Awesome Movie. A must see if you have a daughter athlete.
One of my favorite football movies of all time next to Varsity Blues. Helen Hunt is great. This movie is really well done. Hunt pulls it off, it doesn't look cheesy or bad, she really lets it fly. Proof you can do anything you put your mind to. Very inspirational. Cant say enough good things about this movie. Really a hidden gem. Give it a watch, you won't be disappointed.

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