
IMDb member since July 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    18 years


Små mirakel och stora

There is a lot of Sweden inside
"Små mirakel och stora" (All it takes is a miracle) tells the story of a man, Per (Peter Haber), that refused to deal with his past and chose instead a life as homeless. He looks like a dirty drunk, collecting cans as a living like many we see on this days in Stockholm station, always avoiding eye contact with the world around them, but he is in a way all together different. He's man with a tale pictured in his eyes, the kind of man people would feel comfortable to talk and share something with, and that's what stacks you: his nobility. When he unexpectedly inherits a large amount of money, he embarks on a journey to track down the people he let down 30 years before. Travelling through the sunny summer in Sweden with a teenage girl (Amanda Renberg) he meets some good Sweds that help him and in a way are helped in return. There are two topic moments in the film which, I'm sorry to say, fail to really touch the viewer just as they don't touch Per; I believe that a more dynamic character would have been better.

United 93

touchingly human
United 93 is different from the other plane-related action movies I've seen. It's not a documentary on September 11, and yet you watch some news on TV; there are terrorists, but that's not what scares you the most; there are human stories but they don't hit you singularly. I watched all the events of September 11 from around the world, and yet I felt my eyes watering, so I wouldn't recommend the movie to relatives of the victims. It made me pray against the odds for a different ending, even though I knew precisely what was going to happen. I think it gives to not Americans a real look inside the pain of impotence, especially hearing the phone calls speaking of love instead of haste. That's more touching then all we saw on national telly. Loved it

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