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They "nailed" ;) this one!
As a swede who's grown up on Swedish film and tv show you always get impressed when something actually good gets released! (A part from a few amazing Swedish movies)

Great cast, fun and creative slash and even funnier transitions between scenes! This is an impressive slasher movie. While not the best compared to other slashers, I definitely think this one is deserved a watch and good ratings.

My biggest "issue" with is the characters. While I understand this is not a that serious film I still would've liked to see some more depth. Minus one death that happens I really didn't care if they died, especially since many of their personalities wasn't that great. But that's just a personal preference and I see that the vision just was a fun slasher. While I still believe you can have fun slasher with depth it's not that big of a problem, and I'm okay with not being like that.

Other than that? Great movie! I hope Swedish films will follow this route and that in the future we will get films that's even greater!

The Last of Us: Long, Long Time
Episode 3, Season 1

A bittersweet episode
While I understand many can think this episode was unnecessary since it didn't particularly move the story much forward I'm still grateful (and I little hurt because of the ending of their story) this episode exist.

We get to see more depth in an interesting character, how the virus differently effected other people. While some looked for a home with other people, a group that you can survive with we get to see one of the people who didn't. One of the people who think they're better of on their own, and until they meet the right person.

Bill for me is such an interesting character, while he's a bit more stubborn and "negative" to life than me, I do relate with the feeling that you don't need much people around. I'm okay with my small friend group.

Frank on the other hand is kinda the opposite. He talks a lot, while he's happy with Bill he still have that small need to meet people and I think the show showed how such different people can work together.

I also think the show did a really great way of showing gay couples as something normal, they did not make a lot of fuss about them being gay, and that's exciting how I think gay couples should be betrayed. I mean, they are in a zombie apocalypse, being gay or not is not an issue people would care about.

The ending though? Damn, while it's absolutely beautiful and bittersweet I couldn't help myself from tearing up.

Not much else can be said about it, great episode even if it's more of a filler episode. While it's not other people's cup of tea, I like filler episodes for the most part and they really showed that filler episodes can be almost as good as the major ones.

The Last of Us: When You're Lost in the Darkness
Episode 1, Season 1

Must say, I'm jealous
I'm kinda jealous at the people who haven't either played the game or watched someone else do it, they're in for a ride!

Me on the other hand, big fan of the game. Both played it myself and I watched others do it, and so far I'm really impressed! Both with how much love the producers have put into this and with how they both create new and exciting parts of the story while they also keep the original.

I also really like the cast, I know there's been discussions online about Bella Ramsay as Ellie and honestly I don't understand why. People criticised her before even seeing the show, and some said they wouldn't even watch it because of the cast. Well, it's their loss!

Bella did an amazing job and I honestly can see her as Ellie, even Ellie's original VA agrees! And I think if she thinks Bella is a fit for Ellie, then we should listen.

Pedro is amazing as always of course, and since I want this review spoiler free. I won't say much, but damn man! You're good!

I'm indeed super excited for this show and even though I know what's going to happen (more or less) I'm already very stressed out, great job on that btw! It's going to be fun to follow this ride!


Hilarious, amazing cameos and top notch soundtrack
I might be a bit based because I'm Swedish, but that's life.

We see Bill Skarsgård as Clark Olofsson, and he nails that role! He's an hilarious character but still keep it's interesting, and the same goes for the other characters and with that we can discuss the cameos!

Once again, if you're not Swedish it's probably not as fun to see famous Swedish tv personalities, actors and YouTubers but if you're Swedish it's always a fun surprise when you start a new episode and someone famous pops up.

I also want to give a BIG credit to the animation team, this is something I have never seen in Swedish television before, and I hope that we will see more of this in the future!

The soundtrack is amazing, it gives me summer vibes and fits with the atmosphere of the show and I honestly think this is something you can enjoy even if you're not from Sweden.

And I don't think I have to say much about how hilarious this show is, I have laughed out loud numerous times!

I can understand some critique that we should glamorize criminals, but honestly? I don't really care. I'll rate this show 8/10, and it truly deserves that!

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Dumb ass characters getting killed in...kinda cool ways?
Well, that's probably the only good thing I could say about this movie.

The acting was meh, the characters choices literally made me scream at the TV screen, the majority of them were annoying too so I literally didn't care what would happen to them and rooting for leather face. And worst of all, it wasn't that kind of bad that I could laugh at it, so spare yourself 1,5 hour and watch something great instead.

Winner kill probably goes to the old lady or the bus scene, it was a solid 6,5/10, there I said something positive.

Big Mouth: A Very Big Mouth Christmas
Episode 8, Season 5

Very creative episode!
As a tv show/movie nerd I LOVE when the animators and creators get creative and try out new stuff, in this episode they nailed it.

I understand that's not for everyone but I enjoyed it, especially the Luda/Pretzel part. The animation was top notch and the idea was pretty fun.

I understand why it's not for everyone, and not everyone is a fan of series taking a 'break' middle of a season to air a episode like this. But I liked it, great job!

BoJack Horseman

A BoJack review, horseman obviously.
This must be my favorite animated show.

The writing is phenomenal, the depth of the characters that make them look human even though their animals is amazing and this show makes you feel a type of feeling that feels too real.

BoJacks decisions can sometimes be hard to watch and understand and sometimes they just feel human...

You can't really describe this show with words, you have to watch it by yourself to understand how great it's.

This show will definitely get a 10/10


Cringeworthy but addicting.
I don't know why I found the show cringeworthy sometimes, probably because I'm Swedish and I have a hard time hearing Norwegian angry/sounding serious because I just think it sounds funny.

I also thought the story were pretty slow, a lot of things happens during the episodes but it always felt like the episodes took one step forward and two steps backwards.

The story itself were okay, I've seen better and I've seen worse. But it's pretty unique and I will watch season 2 if they make one.

Riverdale: Chapter Fifty-Eight: In Memoriam
Episode 1, Season 4

Rest In Peace Luke Perry, and thank you.
I've watched Riverdale since season one and I'm not a big fan of it but I still continue to watch it. But this review isn't for talking about my opinion on Riverdale this is just for this episode and to pay my respects for Luke.

This episode really surprised me, I knew that they would have a memorial episode but I didn't think it would be this great and touching.

The scene when they come back to town and everyone welcomes them back made my cry, it was so beautiful.

I'm also glad they didn't make his death to be a big part of the story later.(Like the Andrews family vs Hiram storyline)

They made this for Luke and they did it in a very great way.

Rest In Peace Luke Perry, thank you for your everything.

The Perfect Date

It was boring and very mediocre, nothing stood out by it and because of that I forgot everything about the movie as soon as it ended.

This is that kind of movie where you can predict the ending the second you start watching it, the guy realizes that he doesn't need what he always wanted and everything ends happy for everyone, not saying that I want things to end badly but you probably get it.

I'm 20 years old so I'm probably not the right target group for this, if I were 14 I would probably love it.

I won't watch it again and I wouldn't recommend anyone to watch one, if someone wants to watch cliche love movies I would recommend classics instead of this movie.

Pet Sematary

I have seen worse and I've seen better! It was pretty boring for tha most part , It have been a few hours now since I saw it in the theatres and I can't remember anything special about it, you can decide if that sounds good or bad.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to PAY to see this movie, but I could probably recommend it if someone could see it for free.

If I could explain this movie in one word it would be, mediocre.

But I have to give the actors credit! I think that they all were great, even the kids!


I used to like this show
I really liked the first season, the second we're okay but the third I don't even recognize the series I once used to like.

They have 1000 story lines at the same time, new things pop up all the time that makes no sense and some story lines are so unnecessarily because they just mess up the show more and in the end it didn't matter.

Also, (this isn't a "big" problem) but sometimes I think the creators forgets that the main cast is supposed to be 16 and not 20+.

I don't know why I keep watching it, probably because I've waisted so much time on this show and now it just make me laugh because it's so weird.

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