
IMDb member since December 2015
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The Morning Show

What an amazing show...
Well, it has just ended today, and despite the fact it started slowly, the end-game was breathtaking. They really got the point that, how terrible is a world, what is packed with terrible people, and ruled by guilty, shame and unspoken words hidden behind the shine.

At the beginning I was thinking, that it is just another common and powerless "me-too", but it was brave and really went deep, not showing the world just from one perspective but we could understand more/different aspects of it, and wondering how, and how many ways soul a can rotten be. I'm stunned, because they could really show what they wanted to show us.

From technical side it is a very strong start from Apple, spending on making great content, which makes to think even for a moment. It was an amazing comeback from Jennifer Aniston, but the play of Billy Crudup was exceptional, how he formed Cory's role in this show. Really looking forward season two!

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Too much for one movie
It was way too much for one movie and went too far. From one point it is a damage limitation from TLJ (I don't think even Rian Johnson could continue that movie) as JJ couldn't finish the journey he visioned with TFA.

It was full of great and new ideas, which led out from the basic flow a SW movie, but it ran way too fast and left no time to process them. JJ wanted to show and tell us too much and we know "less is more". I'm sure where will be tonns of books and spin-offs to answer the question popped up, but for me it left open or opened more question than answering ones.

On the other hand, it is NOT George Lucas' vision, and what he dreamt for us :(

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Positive surprise
After the last Jedi I thought I will hate this one. For me, (as for the most of the people) Han Solo is Harrison Ford, so I didn't see any of the trailers and clips, and had no expectations.

But it was a great surprise. The cast was great, and the story was so cool, packed with action and drama, and turnings, I totally enjoyed it. It was great to recognise puzzles from the original trilogy, and gave us some decent worldbuilding too.

Just like the 1.5 years ago with Rogue One, we got a pretty cool spin-off again!

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Never had these mixed feelings after Star Wars
Well, it shocked me a little bit. Yes, it was a long movie, with a lot of happening, but away not enough explanation. I felt a bit disappointed after watching the Force Awakens. Despite it was a huge remake of the New Hope, I felt it was awesome, and a great base for a new trilogy. Because JJ was able to bring back the magic, that I'm watching a true Star Wars movie, in every single detail...

...but, I've expected much more from the Last Jedi. Another big hit, just like the Empire Strikes back. It was slow, lack of action, with some long boring threads. I feel disappointed about Snoke, because that character was simply nothing more than just "one another". We still don't know anything about, his story, or how he influenced Ben Solo to join him etc... However that duel, with the pretorian guards was great, but that whole feeling before, felt like a remake of Episode VI.

The escape of the resistance was very boring, and could have been much better and exciting, just as Finn's journey with Rose to that planet. The filmmakers just simply couldn't find any great role for Finn. I really missed Maz, because she could be an amazing character. And I really hated that CGI Yoda, and how Leia used the force, or how Luke throwed away his lightsaber, he got from Rey, those annoying jokes, which are suitable for a Marvel movie, but not for Star Wars.

Although it was unpredictible, mind-blowing in some places, I really loved especially Poe's character. But so much to process or analyse. I write these rows right after the film, it is possible that I will love this movie, but right now... I just don't know...

Steve Jobs

What was is? Can understand...
All right, I can't understand this movie. Who was the target? Apple lovers, or haters? 90% of this movie was fiction, it is hardly real, and so random. Maybe the filmmakers read something about "sugared water", oh we should put this into. The same with Lisa, and Woz. Only the conflict, they have to appear right before the keynote, and tell the same every single time, and if we do this Jobs will appear to be and asshole. It is full with lies only for the drama (which is not a real drama, they weren't able to make it dramatic enough, they aren't brave enough for that) it was stopped all the time, and became a random stuff. Sculley proved for 10 minutes that he hadn't fired Jobs, but in the flashback, we clearly fired him. What about a Xeron conflict? Apple hadn't stole anything, just bought AND Xerox didn't need that stuff... The market analysis numbers absolute non-sense? Sell 1 million in the first Q, then almost nothing... what? At all, it wasn't real, and of the top of that, it was totally boring, and misleading...

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