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A Dog's Journey

A good dog movie, but made specifically to make you cry.
Without giving away too much of the movie I will say this, reincarnation is a interesting topic to think about, and this movie tackles it. This film is for dog lovers and for good natured humans who appreciate the caring people in their lives amid the crazy world out there. I have not seen "A Dogs Purpose" the first part of this sequel, but A Dog's Journey impacted me in a positive way and I honestly don't see how I should have to see the first movie to understand anything about this one. I rate this movie as a 8 only because there are certain scenes where it looks like the director is trying too hard to create conflict and goes a little overboard sometimes with the result. Of note: if you like Betty Gilpin in GLOW, you'll like her performance in this movie too, even if her character is unlikable.

The Founder

Came for Michael Keaton, left to buy a shake and fries.
If you're a Michael Keaton fan, you'll enjoy this movie. He was born to play a salesman. And that's what this movie basically is, a tale about a hardworking salesman. Through hard work, determination, and thinking constantly on ideas to become more successful (with some help from others sometimes), a middle aged struggling salesman can find success when dealt the right cards. Meanwhile the people who invent the possible goldmine business aren't always capable and the best people to progress the idea into greater fortune.

This is a good movie for a business major to watch. Some of the tricks of the trade by what Keaton's character discovered that would make McDonald's grow in popularity and in fortune is common knowledge nowadays, but you still cant help but root him on as he discovers these things. The McDonald brothers on the other hand are too scared to risk anything and are content with what they already accomplished. In this film you see examples of stubbornness on both sides of the main characters, but showing it in opposite ways.The 'go getter' vs the 'we already did's'. Watch this movie if you want to get inspired to go get the already did's and try to show them that everything can be better. Oh and warning, you might get a craving to go eat at McDonald's.

Married to the Mob

Silly 80's gangster movie with some highlights
Came across this the other day on TV and what drew my attention right away was a young Alec Baldwin and Michelle Pfeiffer and her dreamy eyes and 80s fashion and then you start hearing some 80s music from New Order and it's like okay I'm hooked.But the movie got worse as it went along it seemed.It had some awesome potential but it seemed like the directors intention was to make this movie silly.Don't get me wrong I have nothing against silly but I really think this movie could have been a great smart comedy.This movie is saved somewhat by Michelle, you're drawn by how beautiful she looked in this film while trying to convey trashy gangster wife, and the acting overall in this movie is pretty good, you see lots of generic mobster acting mannerisms that were the style of the time which you sometimes still see till recently in the Sopranos for example. If you're going to into this movie looking for some silly fun and a 80s period piece than you will like it.

Masters of the Universe

memorable movie from when I was a little kid
I was 5 years old when this movie came out and I can't even count how many times I've seen this movie (to this day if I see it on TV I'll still stop on it).What makes it so special? A movie adaption of a cartoon I loved that stayed true with all their characters. Seeing Skeletor and his monsters was always kinda scary and Evil-Lyn was kinda hot I suppose.They did a excellent job of casting Dolph Lundgren as He-Man and seeing a young Courtney Cox is cool in retrospect.And to this day I still have that beat from THAT cosmic keytar stuck in my head.There are a lot scenes in this film that will stick to your head really. There is some type of awesomeness to these old school sci-fi films that were low on special effects and makeup but that made it seem even more real to a little kid.The movie is what it is, a cartoon adaption, but for a movie made in 1987, they almost got it perfectly right.

Fantastic Four

Average superhero film, and that's not a bad thing
It's a nice movie I suppose. Seen through a younger viewers eyes this movie appears to be more awesome,and has good special effects for its time. Seen through an adults eyes this movie was just average, Jessica Alba however was not average, seeing her in tights makes this movie very watchable.... I do think movies like this are fine, not all superhero films have to be overly serious,well acted and violent. The audience for movies like Fantastic 4 are out there.The characters personalities stay true to the comic book and thats very important.I've seen this movie 3 times and I'm not a fan of seeing movies more than once usually.Fun silly movies will do this to me.

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