
IMDb member since July 2005
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    IMDb Member
    18 years



"great north- Norwegian language and humor"
About the movie: This movie is about a girl who is found in a coma down by the sea. The year is somewhere between 1850-1900. The girl seem to have a problem to speak, so no one knows her name, or where she's from, so people just name her "Baaremor", the girl from the sea. One day playing at the beach she get to know "Baarr i bekkmortna", this crazy man whose talking 'bout going to foreign destinations with his boat. The main problem here is that no one likes this guy, so when he sets sail to destination unknown with the girl hidden (by herself) in his boat, he's suddenly chased both by the police and the angry people who claims he have stolen from them! Summary: This is a great Norwegian movie filmed in the north of Norway with this beautiful landscape and great north- Norwegian language and humor. When i saw it as a little kid i thought it was a little scary, but when we recently watched it at a friend's house, we found this movie the greatest laugh. Helge Jordal is awesome as this nice, crazy and funny outlaw, "Baarr i bekkmortna"!

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