
IMDb member since January 2016
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A masterpiece!
The first thing I must mention is the script. The narrative and dialogue are a masterpiece. It's evident that Diego, the director and writer of the film, tirelessly refined and perfected it.

The storytelling and the way it communicates what happens and has happened is incredible. This film speaks to both those familiar and unfamiliar with the history of Venezuela.

Each character embodies an aspect of Venezuelan identity, making it easy to relate to on many levels. The lead actor takes you on an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish.

The performances are impeccable; they made me laugh and cry. It was a beautiful and extremely emotive film, but it also had moments of tension that elevated the production to another level.

This film is and will likely remain one of the best in history that narrates Venezuela's story from a very unique perspective, through the life of a student and the impact of their reality reflecting what many have experienced.

Diego, thank you for creating this film, and thanks to the entire team for this cinematographic beauty.

War Blade

Good story for a "one man mission"
The director's storytelling in this film approaches an almost impossible mission. It's evident that he performed wonders within the budget constraints. However, the cinematography and narrative flow betray a level of experience one might not expect from an independent film. The action sequences are particularly impressive for an indie movie, and the standout performances of Joseph Millson as Robert Banks and Alina Tamara as Saskia elevate the film substantially. Both actors deliver remarkable performances; Alina, in particular, effectively conveys a range of emotions, ensuring that her character Saskia shares equal prominence with Robert. Her portrayal is nuanced, oscillating between vulnerability and strength, embodying a character whose fate-whether as a saviour or otherwise-remains a compelling aspect of the plot.

Director Nicholas has done an incredible job under financial constraints. It's apparent that with a larger budget, his vision could have been further realized, but he and his team should take pride in their accomplishment.

I recommend this movie to those who appreciate lesser-known war stories, are fans of action, or enjoy films centred around a mission. The movie's unique approach and commendable performances make it a noteworthy watch.

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