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The X Files: My Struggle IV
Episode 10, Season 11

Season 11 finale!
Wow! What an episode!! CC did his job! Great great great episode! There were some shocking scenes and twists! What a way to end the season! Yes, season because there should be more seasons!! This episode had moments for every fan! haters will be there, but this episode was awesome! Season 11 was way better than season 10! I'm glad we had these new episodes! I loved them all and It's hard for me to choose my fav ones! I guess I know...

The X Files: Familiar
Episode 8, Season 11

Pure X Files!
What can I say? Awesome episode!! It's like the old ones!!! This new season have been really really great!! This episode is true X files! I really enjoyed it!

The X Files: Rm9sbG93ZXJz
Episode 7, Season 11

Loved the episode!!
Excellent episode! Excellent season!! Glad they're back!! The X Files! The Truth Is Out There!

The X Files: Ghouli
Episode 5, Season 11

Excellent episode
Wow!! This new season is really great!!! Excellent episode! Man, they should be doing more seasons! This one is better than season 10 (I loved season 10)! This episode is like the old X Files. Mythology and MOTW episode at the same time! Wll done! Keep going!!

The X Files: Kitten
Episode 6, Season 11

Walter S. Skinner
Wow!! I really liked this episode! It's not the best of the season but hey! This season really kicks ass!!! I really really love this new season! Hope they do more seasons! The X Files is the one in a million, The X Files is different from the rest of the series that are out there. I don't care what people think as long as I can enjoy this! Thanks CC, DD, GA, MP, WBD, the writers, directors and cast & crew!!

The X Files: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat
Episode 4, Season 11

The X Files is back!
I loved this episode, classic darin's episode. This season eleven is really good. Hope they do more seasons but there are haters everywhere!

The X Files: Babylon
Episode 5, Season 10

Excelent episode!
I loved this episode! My fav episode from season 10!! The X files always had an episode about religion, catholics, angels, etc. They showed us the bads and the goods of them. Why shouldn't they talk about muslims? Excelent episode!

The X Files

Best series of all time!
This is the best series tv has ever made!! CC is a genius and I really love is work! Mulder and Scully are the best characters and they both have inspired dozen of people all around the world. I watched random episodes during my childhood and when I got the chance to watch the whole series I fell in love. I'm a writer and Chris Carter inspires me for writing. I'm really happy they're back! I really love the new episodes. if you ever watched this series, you know what I'm talking about and you'll love these 2 new seasons!

The X Files: My Struggle III
Episode 1, Season 11

This episode is awesome! I must admit that CC came up with an easy solution for the season 10 finale, but I really really loved this episode! The last ten minutes were "wow". I didn't expect that ending! I¿m glad The X Files is back!

The X Files: This
Episode 2, Season 11

Cool episode
This episode was really cool! I'm really loving this new season! hope there will be more The X Files episodes in the future!

The X Files: Plus One
Episode 3, Season 11

Great episode!
I really liked this episode! I'm enjoying this new season so far. I loved the story. I really like Chris Carter's stories. Ready for the next episode!

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