
IMDb member since February 2016
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    8 years



Damn funny
Lots & lots of laughs - I burst out a few times :-)

It's really sad that the PC crowd has no appreciation for laughs & gags.

There's a pile of stereotypical jokes & twisted humor. It's defiantly not for kids. The animation is pretty standard & reasonably quality.

Sadly, IMDb has again failed miserably with it's rating for a show I started watching. The rating of 7.6 for Legends of Tomorrow is a sham. That show is very, very bad (nope, won't cut it as a cult classic either).

I'm hoping that IMDb does not continue with the poor ratings, otherwise I'm off to a more reliable site for my reviews.

Agent Carter

Just unbelievable... Time I will never get back
Marvel, what have you done?

I am starting to feel that Marvel is paying quite a few folks to write reviews.

An 8.1 for this? Why oh why would anyone give it this high of a rating. Both the wife & I were surprised that it got such a high rating - we tried to watch but only got through 3 episodes before we said 'no more'.

The production quality is much better than "DC's Legends of Tomorrow", but the writing is just as weak.

If this is what passes as quality programming, it's no wonder that more & more folks are cutting the cord (we did 3 yrs ago).

Legends of Tomorrow

FAIL score on IMDb
I have used IMDb for many, many, years to get ratings on shows and movies that I consider investing time in.

After seeing this show get an 8+ review, I was very interested in watching. After the first episode, both the wife & I were disappointed. There were more plot holes than Swiss cheese, the acting was poor, and the CGI looked like it was done on an old windows 3.1 PC.

Because I generally like superhero type shows, it got another chance.

After watching the second episode, yes - I watched all the way through... (kinda like watching a train wreck and being unable to take your eyes away from it) I felt like it was time that I would never get back in my life, I wondered how much the electricity cost to see it on my TV, and I wondered how the heck the show could be rated so high...

I just happened to notice that there was a third episode that aired earlier and saw that the rating was 7.8.

WOW... SAD... IMDb, you failed me big on this one.

This rating was such a crock that I actually took the time to create an acct to try & balance the rating because there was obviously a whole pile of fake acct's adding inflated ratings to this show.

This show is not worth your time. I'd rather watch commercials than this sad offering.

You have been warned.

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