
IMDb member since July 2005
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


Im Schloß der blutigen Begierde

Standard horror movie
Watched this film recently, it may have been controversial stuff in the 1960's but seems a bit tame by todays standards. The infamous rape scenes were well shot and although not the most pleasant subject, suited the storyline well and did not prove cringe-worthy or upsetting. There may well have been one or two continuity errors but these did not detract from the story for me. This has been described as a shocking film, all I can say is I must have been watching a cut version then. The gore content is pretty much a lot less than most horror films, the nudity displayed seems tame by todays standards and although I would not let children watch it, as adult late night fare it was an enjoyable horror film and not as bad as I was led to believe. Dated by todays standards but watchable if you enjoy traditional horror films of this era.

The 4400

Excellent Sci-Fi series
I am now on series 4 of this program, and enjoying it more and more as time goes on. Interesting if not the most original story, well told and with good character development.

I judge my entertainment by how hard it is to wait between episodes and how interested it keeps me. Sometimes I can break off half a dozen times for various things in-episode, this series keeps me more or less glued to the screen.

As this program is now finished, my one hope is they did a decent job of finishing it off, rather than leaving it hanging with an un-finished appearance as with some other programs.


Boh lei chun

Romantic Jackie Chan movie
This is a Jackie Chan movie with a difference, it is also a romantic film. The same Jackie trademarks are exhibited, the action scenes and the humour, but the romantic angle is fuller than in his other films. The storyline is based on an old concept, a message in a bottle, but updated. The characters are well chosen and believable. The action scenes are up to Jackies usual standard with plenty of humour mixed in. I really enjoyed this movie as it caters for all the included genres equally. For those who enjoy purely action films stick to Bruce Lee or John Woo. It was not the best romantic comedy I have ever seen, but this is one of the best films that span several genres in equal amounts. Awarded an 8 but perhaps should have been a 9 for its successful mix of styles.

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