
IMDb member since February 2016
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Predictable and fun
It was what it was. I knew going in what to expect. It was fun, and gory. I mean yeah, the foreshadowing made it a bit predictable, but that's ok. Even ancient vampires have daddy issues😂 loved it. I thought it was well played. Think clue meets 13 ghosts meets interview with a vampire. A couple of things I didn't like was the ambiguous portrayal of the monster. Seems like they picked and chooses the classic rules, but at the same time made fun of it. The script was campy but also fun and fit what they were doing. It's one of those movies, that you will really like but not fall in love with. Enjoy!

Super Hot

Not horrible
In the realm of low budget comedy horrors, this one is slightly above average. It's watchable, the writing wasn't lazy. The acting was fine. I'd say it par is 5, it's just a little better.

I Had a Bloody Good Time at House Harker

Watchable, but just barely.
I would call this an average low budget comedy horror. The plot was ok. The acting was actually pretty solid. The gags were weak and the writing was fair. I almost gave it a 5. It got a 4 because it felt like lazy writing.


Not bad
One of my favorite Marvel characters, Spider-Man's favorite antagonist to me. I thought the movie was good, not great, but just fine and it sets up for future appearances of Morbius. I would say the movie was slightly better than Venom. I thought Morbius was played very well by Jerod Leto. So is it worth watching? The short answer is yes.


Can't be more real than actually real.
This is actual real. No actors, no dramatization. Just real war footage. How can you possibly rate another war movie higher than actual war? The only reason I gave it a 9 instead of 10 is a better one might come along.

Studio 666

I liked it.
Know what? I thought it was fun. I went in with low expectations, and was pleasantly surprised. Lots of Easter Eggs. It reminds me of goofy 80's horror. Is it a masterpiece, well no but it's not supposed to be. It' could be an Ivan Reitman film. It just has that feel about it. Watch it, and you'll see what I mean. You probably won't watch it twice, but you'll enjoy it the first time.

Don't Look Up

Just average
It illustrated the points of how stupid society is, but it's pretty average. Worth watching once, but that's about it. The acting was great, the script was ok.

The Witcher

Loved it, really did it justice
I'm a long time Witcher fan. They totally did it justice. The acting and writing was fantastic. Totally loved it. If you were a fan coming in, you will be a fan going out.

No Time to Die

Would have been lower, could have been higher.
Here we go. Not a horrible movie. It was a good movie, almost gave it an 8/10.. BUT there were some things I couldn't get past. Two things really. One, This is James fricken bond. The writers sacrificed a well developed character in lieu of plot.. Two, Bond always wins. That ending was weak as hell. AND everyone was watching the political undertones injected into the movie. I couldn't forgive it.

Vampires vs. the Bronx

It is what it is.
Enjoyable to watch once, not one you'll want to repeat. PG-13 would be just about right for this one. Mildly campy, mildly scary. Kind of a cross between buffy, and a less cool lost boys.

Black Summer

More realistic take on what a zombie apocalypse might be like. Worth watching once. All the hostages never made any sense, but I guess they needed a story line. An occasional happy moment would have brought more love to the characters. Is what it is.

The Orville

It's good.
It's pretty good, I think Seth did exactly what he intended, and did it well. The only distraction is the reoccurring themes that often accompany Seth Macfarlane projects.

Shadow in the Cloud

So bad, it's bad.
At least Sharknado never took itself seriously. Let's keep it real, this is a one star movie. I gave it 3 stars because it was watchable, but it's like the first 5 minutes showed so much promise then gradually fell apart every 10 minutes becoming worse than the previous 10 minutes. I am pretty sure the writers started off sober, then got hammered by the time they finished writing it. I don't mean drunk, I mean mixing drugs smashed. In the end, even Ed Wood would have been embarrassed.

Hubie Halloween

Ehh it was an average Sandler netflix movie
Waterboy meets Halloween, but not as funny. Don't get me wrong, it had some laughs. Just not a classic. The waterboy voice was distracting. All I could think about was Foozball.

The Babysitter: Killer Queen

Enjoyable as speed 2.
Basically, it was watchable but just barely. Samara Weaving owned the first movie. She was barely in this one and they tried to replace what she brought to the table and failed. It was the equivalent of watching sharknado. Kinda fun, mostly stupid, but as far a sequels go. They tried too hard.

The Mist

Such poor writing.
It was pretty bad. Honestly I blame the writers. It was just a really weak story. It's like they never even read the book, or saw the original movie, and had no idea what to do. The subplots were ridiculous and pretty much ruined the feel of the story.

Battlestar Galactica

It's great.
This is one of my all time favorite series. I put it right there with GOT and the walking dead. I give it two thumbs up.

The Witcher

Loved it, really did it justice
I'm a long time Witcher fan. They totally did it justice. The acting and writing was fantastic. Totally loved it. If you were a fan coming in, you will be a fan going out.

Zombieland: Double Tap

I loved it.
Look, I loved Zombieland. I loved Zombieland:Double tap I saw it twice. Don't go all judgmental, just sit down and enjoy the movie. If you liked Anchorman 2 like I did, you will like this. That's the best comparison I can make.


Watchable once
Pretty watchable movie. A little predictable at times, a little weak at times but worth the watch one time. Way more gory than I expected. It's big weakness to me we're the unexplained details they could have elaborated on.

Ready Player One

Classic Spielberg entertainment
I actually own this one. I don't see many movies these days that makes me feel like a kid again, but this was goonies type entertainment. Just a movie that you enjoyed watching and could watch again. Nothing really quotable in it, but it brought back a bunch of nostalgia and reminded me of what was cool from the 80's.

Battlestar Galactica

Just a wonderful series
If you are a sci-fi fan, it a must watch. The writing and casting is fantastic. Great ensemble, great plot.

Spider-Man: Far from Home

More of my favorite marvel movies.
I'm a huge marvel fan boy. Love the direction they took the universe! They took Peter Parker to a place in his life I didn't expect. This is one of my favorite Marvel Movies. Easily the best Spider-Man movie in my opinion. The end credits are a must watch! Walked out of there smiling.

Holmes & Watson

Bad, but not that bad
Definitely not the greatest script, however Will and John's chemistry is always great. I would say save it for a really convenient time. Probably good to put on while making out.

Transylvania 6-5000

It's a fun movie
Don't judge it by The reviews, it's a fun movie that represented 80's comedy horror at its best. Enjoy it for what it is.

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