
IMDb member since February 2016
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    8 years


Exorcism at 60,000 Feet

A remake that is worth the watch!
This remake of a 1973 movie that had William Shatner in it. It is spectacularly terrible made for TV movie. ( The Horror at 37,000 Feet 1973 ) I hate when people run a dog and pony show about plot and acting while spoiling the movie. Watch both and enjoy the terrible. We tend to gather and make a night of it. 2 - 3 movies that are in a theme. we sit around snack and talk thrash about the movie. In fact go to Red Letter Media for an idea of what we do;


Best Lawyer show after Perry Mason
Saw this when I was kid. Loved the show. Became a big Ron Lieban fan. I liked how he used to "unconsciously" sing the animal fair song when he was pondering a problem.

If You Could See What I Hear

Don't hold Beast Master against this movie.
Without doubt, this is one of the best movies from the 80's. Marc Singer role is singularly the best thing about it. I have watched this movie several times when it was on cable. It should be on DVD so that others can enjoy the hilarity and soul crushing sadness this movie pulls you through. In the end you are left feeling a silent smile crossing your lips. If you can find a someone who can get this movie saved for posterity please do so.

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