
IMDb member since March 2016
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Haunted 2: Apparitions

Nothing happens
Well that was a waste of 80 mins!!! Nothing happened at all, it was just a set up for part 3, just people wandering around a field, storage shed and a tent, dong a scance and a light interview and playing a tape back, that's it!!!! WTF!!! What was the point of this? It all looked like an episode of 'Most Haunted' from back in the day as Nothing ever happened on that TV show, disappointing!!!! The acting seemed pretty natural, though so there was that. Shot live and unscripted? That can work but not for a movie like this. Slightly better than an episode of ghost hunting shows. Like watching a slow paced tour of a haunted house attraction during the off season. Maybe something happened in the final act of the movie but an hour in and nothing happens of note?

Bloody Summer Camp

Very good
Bloody Summer Camp was a very enjoyable slasher flick that had a lot of ups and a few downs. Honestly, I loved it but there is a few things that could be done to improve it. It is a very effective slasher that pays tribute to the slashers we all know and love but does struggle with finding it's own identity.

The acting in this one is solid but a little uneven. The leads are all perfectly cast and they all deliver great performances. The characters are cliched but the cast has great energy and do a fantastic job. With that being said, some of the performances were a little out of place. Dave Sheridan has proven time and time again that he can tackle serious roles but seeing him deliver the laughs here was a bit of a disappointment. I really enjoyed him so don't take it the wrong way but his character didn't really fit the film. Also, I would have made him deputy with Rick Jermain as the sheriff. If we were going to get a comedic performance from Sheridan I would have enjoyed seeing him in a Barney Fife performance even though it would have been out of place.


A tremendous sight for the eyeballs
This was a great film to witness. Great editing and camera work from the team who produced this wonderful treasure.

A Pásztor

Enjoyed this so much
Fantastic film! Well acted from those around. It's been joyous watching this from beginning to end.

Jojo Rabbit

A beautiful mother-son movie
I would recommend this film to anyone who's got a heart. It's so beautiful and quick-witted throughout. Every performer in this is hilarious and the soundtrack is unique. Best comedy of the year!

Set Me Free: Vol. II

"Everyone's normal in the country"
So I just returned from watching both volumes of Set Me Free at a test screening and I got to say, this is impressive. I heard just before watching this that it was done on such a shoe-string budget and the thought of this just blew me away, it was handled in such a way that's quite beyond perfection. It's a riveting and harrowing story that focuses on very interesting characters and it delivers such charm and joy even though it is a dark mystery thriller. I think concepts like this are always misled or not done properly in big Hollywood films whether it's the company's interference or not, but Set Me Free grabs an emotional response and it's films like this that should gain public interest and be shown to thousands.

VERY long story short, our main protagonist is Lauren (Nina Taylor) who is confined indoors in a lighthouse by her strange parents whom she addresses formally ("Father, Mother"). She is told to never leave the lighthouse and explore outside for it is toxic and would instantly kill her without a certain protective gear. As days go by her suspicions grow more and she eventually dares to go out, not knowing that the oxygen outside is totally safe and normal (like it always has been). But Lauren is discovered by a single mum, detectives and a social-worker (who becomes a therapist) and soon begins to realise that her whole life in the lighthouse was a lie; the air outside, certain rules inside the lighthouse and especially the people who claim to be her parents. Meanwhile a hardworking journalist (Leila Kotori) gets a position at an impressive news organisation and investigates how to corrupt and expose poor Lauren into the truth behind her past. I'm not going to spoil the entire thing as it's such a complex story line but that's the core point. It's preachy and manipulative – it lets the story speak for itself.

The performances are debatable as some acting is weaker than others but on the plus side it's not distracting. Nina Taylor proves that she doesn't mind being put into the most unflattering light possible and for that she is fearless, bold and interesting to keep watching. The kidnap parents (Steve Carroll and Kim Waters) are truly in the spotlight in my personal opinion as they were perfect as the unusual parents, better than the rest of the performances.

Set Me Free is the kind of film that inspires debate and discussion long after the credits have rolled. It's ambiguous and mystery is a positive, believe me! It's well directed, well written and more importantly entertaining all the way throughout. This is how dramas should be and I wish to see more films like this.

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