
IMDb member since March 2016
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Poor writing and left hanging nowhere to guess
"Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way."

-E. L. Doctorow

"You can fix anything but a blank page."

-Nora Roberts

"You don't start out writing the good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence."

-Octavia E. Butler

"Good writing is rewriting."

-Truman Capote

"To write something you have to risk making a fool of yourself."

-Anne Rice

"The worst enemy to creativity is self doubt."

-Sylvia Plath

"Don't just plan to write-write. It is only by writing, not dreaming about it, that we develop our own style."

-PD James

"I never wait for inspiration to strike. That would be a long, sad wait. Successful writing is one part inspiration and two parts sheer stubbornness."

-Gillian Flynn

"A writer never finds the time to write. A writer makes it. If you don't have the drive, the discipline, and the desire, then you can have all the talent in the world and you aren't going to finish a book."

-Nora Roberts

"First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you're inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won't. Habit is persistence in practice."

-Octavia E. Butler

"Bad writing precedes good writing. This is an infallible rule, so don't waste time trying to avoid bad writing. (That just slows down the process.) Anything committed to paper can be changed. The idea is to start, and then go from there."

-Janet Hulstrand

"Write. Write. Write. Don't worry so much about being published or discovered. Worry about writing what you have to write-what you need to say, and how you're going to say it. The rest will come."

-Uzodinma Iweala.


Malaysia will going international someday just need more touch and budgets
We do need more diana danielle in action/drama/war/vintage/oldies/modern in movies , she's really good in movie , i wish she continue her journey like Michelle Yeoh.. she has beautiful aura , producers failed to see that since long time ago... im glad she active back.. i hope producers take her more into film , she really golden hour of our time in malaysia film industries...

What are imaginary friends?

Imaginary friends are pretend friends that children make up in their imaginations. They're usually nothing to worry about.

Imaginary friends come in all shapes and sizes. They can be based on someone your child already knows, a storybook character or even a soft toy. Sometimes they come purely from your child's imagination. They're mostly human, but they can also be animals.

These friends might always be there, or they might come and go. They might exist only in certain spots like the cubby house or at the kitchen table. And they might appear and disappear for no apparent reason.

When do imaginary friends appear and how long do they last?

Children as young as 2½ years can have an imaginary friend. Children might sometimes have more than one imaginary friend.

Children usually stop playing with make-believe friends when they're ready to move on. Imaginary friends are most likely to be around for several months, but they could be a feature of your child's life for a few years.

Why do children have imaginary friends?

Your child's imaginary friend could be someone who:

listens to and supports your child plays with your child can do things that your child can't do is special and belongs only to your child doesn't judge or find fault with your child.

Your child is in charge of what the imaginary friend says, what the friend does and who the special friend can 'play' with. This could also be part of the friend's appeal.

Imaginary friends allow children to explore a make-believe world that they create all by themselves. In fact, children with make-believe friends might be more imaginative and more likely to enjoy fantasy play and magical stories.

The way children play with or talk about their friends can tell you a lot about how they're feeling. Make-believe friends give you insight into your child's inner world, and your child's likes, dislikes and tastes.

Star Trek: Picard

Kinda Sad the franchise failed to achieved what viewers wanted
This should be picard special series but what i watched are degraded storyline starting season 2 to season 3 and fast cash grab with low quality story , picard should be strong and well thinking not weakening , you all hollywood destroyed millions of viewers heart. Very bad industries quick cash grab series ... shame on you all new franchise... has no brains at all.. the actors all good but the story sucks.. kinda pity to all of them... ultra dissapointed... very very shame..... garbage..


As we've mentioned above, your brain telling you when you can't do something starts out as a safety measure to keep you from doing things that you can't do. However, your brain's understanding of what you can and can't do is constantly in flux. Day-to-day experiences can impact it.

If you've recently tried something and failed, your inner critic might still be licking its wounds. Studies have shown that, when we blame ourselves for something not working, we're - at least temporarily - unsure of our abilities to successfully do other things.

New Situations

Because our brains use past experiences to guide us moving forward, new situations can throw us for a loop. This is normal and - for most people - it's perfectly healthy.

However, for some people, particularly people with anxiety, fear of the unknown can be incapacitating. Even if the situation shouldn't feel scary.

Underlying Mental And Emotional Mental Health Conditions

Anxiety and depression are linked to negative self-talk and low self-esteem in a number of ways. In fact, scientists aren't entirely sure of all of the connections.

Some people believe that low self-esteem causes anxiety and depression, while others think it's the other way around. Still, others believe that it could be some combination of the two workings together or that it depends largely on the case.

How Negative Self-Talk Gets In Your Way

If you spend most of your time feeling lost or overwhelmed, you might already understand how these thoughts can prevent you from living a happy and healthy life. However, many people don't even realize that they have these thoughts or don't realize how these thoughts are holding them back.

The Last of Us

All the actors blend well with the story
Good story , the best part of zombies movie , when they arrived at safe house , plenty of equipments , food , drinks and more.

I wish for more seasons for this series , its quite good to enjoy on weekend , nice scene , and funny.

The zombie: Without remorse and pity, driven by a single hunger, and damn near impossible to put down permanently. There have been times since their introduction into movies in the 1930s where it felt like we'd never see a zombie movie again. Then there are eras of the opposite, where you couldn't stick your arm out in a multiplex without a shambling ghoul nearby, ready to chomp. And since we've been in feast mode over the last decade-plus, we're taking a big bite with our guide to the 30 Essential Zombie Movies that you need to watch!

While zombie movies have been for more than 80 years (in 1932 we got White Zombie, in 1943 I Walked With a Zombie), it's commonly accepted the subgenre as we know it today didn't rise until 1968, when George A. Romero unleashed Night of the Living Dead. An independent film with a budget barely above six figures, Night enthralled audiences with its mysterious plot, shocking gore, progressive casting and social commentary, and, natch, the unforgettable hordes of the gaunt, hungry undead. Crowned the godfather of zombies, Romero made five more Dead movies, the best of which are featured in this guide, including Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead.

Jaebeoljib Maknaeadeul

Thoughts of Isekai version Korean Drama
Pro :
  • well written scripts
  • professional actors
  • blending well until the end of series
  • within budgets
  • long duration drama
  • beautifuls characters and actors
  • superb crews and teamworks

Cons :

  • I did cried during the sad scene and crime scene.

  • Heatwarming drama
  • Unforgettable memories in each scenes and actors
  • strong pressure and push content
  • no season 2 mention anywhere ?

  • I wish to see marriage of main character but it was reversed isekai.

  • i hope for more more more of K drama forever
  • 2 stars off because , the ending that i want didnt appear instead the soul show the past what happened
  • i felt painful in the soul and heart , for the whole series stories
  • i got fever and resting right now
  • im too poor to judge



Oscar of wasting time point of no return
Silence; can it really help you get your point across better than uttering words?

It is true that there's immense power in silence. That is why learning to be silent, particularly when dealing with certain types of people and/or situations, it's more beneficial than arguing or shouting.

Can you count how many times being silent saved your purpose?

Silence is like an inspiring Thursday after a troublesome Monday... And let's face it, most Mondays are troublesome. Why? Because it comes after a Sunday which you never want to end. Is it not?

Silence is like a Thursday because it's kind of hard to keep your mouth shut when you have so many things to say. However, you know you have left many other opportunities to speak your mind... What you can't do on Thursday, you could do on the following days... Friday is an end.

Many of us avoid, for example, visiting a friend in the hospital being afraid that we would not say the right words. Yet, your presence says everything your friend needs to hear "I'm here for you".

Keeping your mouth shut and listening is a sign of wisdom, not a weakness.

Skilled negotiators learn first to shut up because most people can't bear the silence. Silence makes most of us add concessions, favors, bonuses, or cut demands (apparently we want less from those who talk less).

All good so far, silence is excellent... But listening doesn't come naturally to the human mind. That's why when I work with people that want to lose weight who complain about loved ones not understanding their struggle, I suggest this exercise: Going to a party together; the overweight person eats nothing, and the loved one is not allowed to say not even a single word all evening.

You might be surprised by the results of this exercise. Forced to remain silent, many people understand better what means the struggle of abstaining from things you feel compelled the do.

Presumably, you want to be likable... All of us do. For that purpose, we talk a lot, unaware of the fact that displaying your knowledge makes you seem a bit pretentious and not admired.

Do you want to influence others? Learn to listen, learn how and when to shut up; learn for your benefit; learn for the benefit of your goal; learn for the benefit of those around you.

Silence is a great teacher because it opens your eyes and your mind to new and exciting things.

I could go on and on and on and on telling you about the wonders of silence and listening... But that could defeat the purpose. Is it not?

May this collection of quotes inspire you to rise above the noise and learn the virtue of silence.


Demand more series from Jenna and Emma
Emo implies something that is emotional and sensitive. Emo people are depressed, stay serious, and quiet, most of the times. Emotional people tend to be attached to things and people very easily. Emo is also a term used for youth subcultures embodying emotional sensitivity. Emo is a particular style of hardcore punk rock. People of this group are called Emo. Emo is used to refer to any form of guitar-driven alternative rock that is particularly or notably emotional. Emo is used to describe a young person who is over-emotional or stereotypically Emo. The young person makes a public display of his emotions and often faces ridicule and mockery for the same. Emotions are private and should be kept within oneself. Emotions should not be shared with everyone because no one will ever understand your journey and what you are going through.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

One of its kind in this Era
Cyberpunk stories ideas are thinking out of the box , if you ask me what I LIKE ? , the answer are there science fiction / dystopian futuristic / futuristic technological / scientific achievements / artificial intelligence and cybernetics, juxtaposed with societal collapse, dystopia or decay / Fantasy / Reality / Future of EARTH and MARS. What entertainment industries need today are things like this , it doesnt matter if the movie are in reality or animation , they need to adapt what's peoples like today , focus on future and new things , dope enviroments, eyes catching , horny , lust , sex , everything etc etc what's humans needs to entertain them self in dark times or even in boring times. 10 things that i like about cyberpunk animation and games almost beyond perfect what thing i dont like its too short , we needed long chapters for every series , this cyberpunk series has to continue for more seasons upcoming in the future , no matter what it takes this series must foward and never stop exist in the future trending and wide to the universe entertainmentts. If you producer and chairman can smell the scent of profits you are looking at the right place of never ending profitts. If you read this , welcome to NEW WORLD ORDER guys. CHEERS.

Resident Evil

You can continue making worst movie we still watching
In a zombie apocalypse, a widespread (usually global) rise of zombies hostile to human life engages in a general assault on civilization. Victims of zombies may become zombies themselves. This causes the outbreak to become an exponentially growing crisis: the spreading phenomenon swamps normal military and law enforcement organizations, leading to the panicked collapse of civilized society until only isolated pockets of survivors remain, scavenging for food and supplies in a world reduced to a pre-industrial hostile wilderness. Possible causes for zombie behavior in a modern population can be attributed to viruses, bacteria or other phenomena that reduce the mental capacity of humans causing them to behave in a very primitive and destructive fashion.

Generally the zombies in these situations are the slow, lumbering and unintelligent kind first made popular in the 1968 film Night of the Living Dead. Recent films, however, have refeatured zombies that are more agile, vicious, intelligent, and stronger than the traditional zombie. In most cases of "fast" zombies, creators use mindless human beings (as in Zombieland and Left 4 Dead) instead of re-animated corpses to logically counter the "slow death walk" of Romero's zombies. According to a 2009 Carleton University and University of Ottawa epidemiological analysis, an outbreak of even Living Dead's slow zombies "is likely to lead to the collapse of civilization, unless it is dealt with quickly."

In Max Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide a Zombie Apocalypse would be classified as a Class 4 Outbreak. This scenario was portrayed in stunning detail in Brooks' later work, World War Z. For a variety of reasons (including those listed above, and also many having to do with our globalized, interconnected, interdependable civilization - see Modern Vulnerability). The Zombie population rose to match, possibly even exceed the human one, on a global scale. Entire cities and nations were over run with the undead, and the uninfected population had to deal with the large scale breakdown of order in a chaotic dystopia. In The Zombie Survival Guide, Max Brooks devotes an entire section to analyzing what measures should be taken to survive the undead world, and possible outcomes.

Some zombie stories usually follow a single group of survivors, caught up in the sudden rush of the crisis. The narrative generally progresses from the onset of the zombie plague, then initial attempts to seek the aid of authorities, the failure of those authorities, through to the sudden catastrophic collapse of all large-scale organization and the characters' subsequent attempts to survive on their own. Such stories are often squarely focused on the way their characters react to such an extreme catastrophe, and how their personalities are changed by the stress, often acting on more primal motivations (fear, self-preservation) than they would display in normal life.

The ultimate fate of humanity is rarely settled to any certainty in tales of a Zombie Apocalypse. This is partly because most Zombie works are very intimate, personal stories between small groups, and it is very difficult to effectively add the large scale military endeavor without the story becoming something else entirely. Regardless of the end result, whenever the Living Dead, or Rabid Infected rise in large enough numbers to disrupt national or global traffic and trade, that scenario is a Zombie Apocalypse. And in case of emergency always be prepared at home or at school...especially at school every badass and wimp for themselves.

The Sandman

Almost there , almost of the perfection but why ?
PROS : beautiful arts , magical scene , etc etc

CONS : The dreams world should be more complex crowded & feature that out of the box that not exist yet in this world & should be universe open world in dreams & reality ,

future notes for next series please add more fantasy complex scenes and action that can blow peoples mind to the unknown dreams , last time i dream about something came out from earth and hell fire its not like lord of the ring its far more worst than black hole. Very scary and very godly its like no words to describe how it felt to me and its like " DEATH ".

In this paper, we present a model of a specific category of complex thought and memory processes - figurative representations - which are viewed from a parallactic, psychoanalytic and neurobiological perspective. We postulate that figurative representations can be understood as the products of a complex memory process. Modern memory research distinguishes between a "dispositional space" containing the blueprints for producing representations, and the "image space" in which these representations are fabricated; in other words, between the "archive" and the "workshop" of memory. The selective retrieval of specific memories and the transformation of the Remembered permit the creative formation of different types of figurative representations such as fantasies, dreams, visions and hallucinations. Both cognitive and affective processes can contribute to the differences between these types of representations. Depending on the intensity with which reality is perceived, figurative representations may appear as dreams or fantasies, visions or hallucinations. These transformations can be traced on the basis of known dreams and hallucinations which Freud described in his work, From the History of an Infantile Neurosis. We suggest that parallactic points of view, although nearly identical to one another, are nevertheless wholly incompatible: this gap is inherent in every parallactic model, and possibly has a determining influence on postmodern subjectivity.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Pro : canon

cons : more canon.

What is canon in anime mean?

Canon, in terms of fictional stories, refers to what is considered to be an official part of the main storyline. In practice, it usually determines the material(s) "appropriate" for fan analyses, speculations, or discussions.

Ms. Marvel

The right time to stop supporting hollywood
The more profits they got the more worst movie they made.

  • disney.

This chunk of bad advice is probably responsible for more lost sales than any other human utterance. While people want you to remember their name, it sounds creepy and false-friendly when you repeat their name in a conversation or a document. BTW, substitute "their own voice" for "their own name" and the quote is quite true.

2. "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."

While this seems true at first glance, it's only because the "came from behind against all odds" miracles stick in the mind because they're unusual. In reality, most of the important things in this world are well planned and well executed, without generating any hopelessness whatsoever. Sometimes hopelessness is a sign that you're beating your head against a wall.

Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Little Star Wars 2021

Doraemon always in our heart.
It doesnt matter everytime i watched doraemon movies it always heart warming , hapiness . Sadness ,funny , that meme face hahaha , felt like i've been there enjoy the adventures. Wondering what's coming next of doraemon adventure in the future , maybe some more demigods / mythologies war ? I don't yet see doraemon in ancient Greek mythology scene i hope they made one and epic battle adventures , doraemon future weapons fight againts the DARK GODS UNDERWORLD with ancient Greek mythology LIGHT GODS and DEMIGODS together for universes peace along with time travellers. It just an opinion but this might boom the profit in box office , since alot of fans really want this kind of content to happen next time. Thank you for continued the journey of DORAEMON forever.

Dragon's Dogma

Trash has been made with point of no return
If you're thinking of coming to America, this is what it's like: you've got your Comfort Inn, you've got your Best Western, and you've got your Red Lobster where you eat. Everybody's very fat, everybody's very stupid and everybody's very rude - it's not a holiday programme, it's the truth.

Jeremy Clarkson.

Ambition is a very dangerous thing because either you achieve it and your life ends prematurely, or you don't, in which case your life is a constant source of disappointment. You must never have ambition.

Jeremy Clarkson.

Jigeum uri hakgyoneun

I'm a professional zombie movie judge
Pro : -cute handsome sexy actors -some parts watchable -i dont know

Cons :
  • slow pace
  • too much talk
  • less action
  • no vibe that can act like safe house / camping / eating good hot foods
  • no bath session / or romance sexy scene / explicited are too censored
  • cant see panties
  • cant find any logic why G-O-V armies attack innocent peopless ?!

  • help are too slow
  • those kids need to be creative to create weapons armour etc
  • cant see a kids driving car or bikes
  • no weapons fire toward zombie
  • expansive movie , but the budgets where they put ?

  • lazy scripts
  • lazy storyline
_ time killer

Critical judges comment -->

A zombie crawls through the forest. When it reaches a good spot, it freezes in place. A stalk slowly grows from its head. The stalk then spews out spores that spread, turning others into zombies.

This is no Halloween story about the zombie apocalypse. It's all true. The zombie isn't a human, though. It's an ant. And the stalk that emerges from its head is a fungus. Its spores infect other ants, which lets the zombie cycle begin anew.

In order to grow and spread, this fungus must hijack an ant's brain. However weird this might seem, it isn't all that unusual. The natural world is full of zombies under mind control. Zombie spiders and cockroaches babysit developing wasp larvae - until the babies devour them. Zombie fish flip around and dart toward the surface of the water, seeming to beg for birds to eat them. Zombie crickets, beetles and praying mantises drown themselves in water. Zombie rats are drawn to the smell of the pee of cats that may devour them.

All of these "zombies" have one thing in common: parasites. A parasite lives inside or on another creature, known as its host. A parasite may be a fungus, a worm or another tiny creature. All parasites eventually weaken or sicken their hosts. Sometimes, the parasite kills or even eats its host. But death of the host isn't the freakiest goal. A parasite might get its host to die in a certain place, or be eaten by a certain creature. In order to accomplish these tricks, some parasites have evolved the ability to hack into the host's brain and influence its behavior in very specific ways.

How do parasites turn insects and other animals into the walking almost-dead? Every parasite has its own method, but the process usually involves altering chemicals within the victim's brain. Researchers are working hard to identify which chemicals are involved and how they end up so bizarrely altering their host's behavior.

Brains, brains! Ant brains!

A fungus doesn't have a brain. And worms and single-celled critters obviously aren't very smart. Yet somehow they still control the brains of larger, and smarter, animals.

"It blows my mind," says Kelly Weinersmith. She is a biologist who studies parasites at Rice University in Houston, Texas. She is particularly interested in "zombie" creatures. True zombies, she points out, aren't exactly like the type you find in horror stories. "In no way are these animals coming back from the dead," she says. Most real zombies are doomed to die - and some have very little control over their actions.

The horsehair worm, for instance, needs to emerge in water. To make this happen, it forces its insect host to leap into a lake or swimming pool. Often, the host drowns.

Toxoplasma gondii (TOX-oh-PLAZ-ma GON-dee-eye) is a single-celled creature that can only complete its life cycle inside a cat. But first, this parasite must live for a time in a different animal, such as a rat. To ensure this part-time host gets eaten by a cat, the parasite turns rats into cat-loving zombies.

In Thailand, a species of fungus - Ophiocordyceps - can force an ant to climb almost exactly 20 centimeters (about 8 inches) up a plant, to face north and then to bite down on a leaf. And it makes the ant do this when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. This provides ideal conditions for the fungus to grow and release its spores.

Biologist Charissa de Bekker wants to better understand how that fungus exerts that mind control over the ants. So she and her team have been studying a species related to the Ophiocordyceps fungus in Thailand. This U. S. cousin is a fungus native to South Carolina. It, too, forces ants to leave their colonies and climb. These ants, though, bite down on twigs instead of leaves. This is likely due to the fact that trees and plants in this state lose their leaves in the winter.

De Bekker began these studies at Pennsylvania State University in University Park. There, her team infected a few species of ant with the South Carolina fungus. The parasite could kill all of the different ants she introduced to it. But the fungus made plant-climbing zombies only out of the species that it naturally infects in the wild.

To figure out what was going on, de Bekker's team collected new, uninfected ants of each species. Then, the researchers removed the insects' brains. "You use forceps and a microscope," she says. "It's sort of like that game Operation."

The researchers kept the ant brains alive in small Petri dishes. When the fungus was exposed to its favorite brains (that is, ones from the ants that it naturally infects in the wild), it released thousands of chemicals. Many of these chemicals were completely new to science. The fungus also released chemicals when exposed to unfamiliar brains. These chemicals, however, were completely different. The researchers published their results in 2014.

The experiments at Penn State by de Bekker's team were the first to create ant zombies in the lab. And the researchers only succeeded after setting up artificial 24-hour cycles of light and darkness for the zombies and their parasites.

It will take more work to learn how the parasite's chemicals lead to zombie behavior in ants. "We are very much in the beginning of trying to figure this out," says de Bekker. She now studies ant zombies at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany. There, she is now probing how that daily cycle of sunlight and darkness affects zombification.


Confusing and no meaning storyline
Wow , congrats for making boring tv shows again and again , now it was funding by APPLE it self. The producer and writer really alien enough to made this kind of worst movie , dude you better invest to " VISION " animation instead of this movie , I can't find any clue about this movie about , no meaning and useless story. Its quite headache to watch , since it was mess-up at the first place. Its getting worst and worst till ending , We dont need season 2 for this. Truely dissapointed of wasting money from your idea of greedy--full.

Coming 2 America

The Legacy Vibe no longer there maybe just little
We can see fresh actors there , and few legends actors back in action , somehow i don't feel like the old-days of coming to america 1 movie , i found also alot signatures move + trademark words stuff missing that make this story funny and entertain to watch. I believed most viewers abit bored for this latest continue series for season 2. I guess hollywood industries no longer can make good stories nowdays , i found almost all movies released by hollywood are getting more low budget , simple and bored. Many peoples can felt that , movies of this era getting bored and don't have stuff that out of the box , what the producers only knows that , they can wash dirty money & avoid high tax and make quick profit for it for short term. We should by now focus on INTER-GALACTIC MOVIE AND FUTURES with SPACE WARS and make new movie on another planet like MARS and UNIVERSE , please find something new and think out of the box , find what peopless interest in entertainment please dont follow your own brain to make movie , make movie based on games/fantasy/novel can improve alot film industries nowdays , peoples are moving into gaming what they want to see are OPEN WORLD movie just like in games romance/sex/nude/naked/war/chaos/entertainment jokess/ etcetc. I know you guys wont read this , if this just a peek please take note and made it happen someday. Thanks.

The Matrix Resurrections

I've been waiting this for so long , this what you gave us?
I gave 5 star because 80% of viewers gave under 3 stars based on polls & rotten tomatoes official website.

Next year im reach 72 years old , i went to cinema by wheelchair just to watch keanu reeves.and some legends back in action.

What i can tell , it does not feel like the old days... i cant find any suprise like i watched this matrix long time ago , the feel the impact , the scene , the special move things i want to watch like back there , nowdays they dont put it again..

the wars like lazy a** scripts by producer and writer that want to produce this movie at fast pace as simple and low budgets..

i dont know man... why like this nowdays it goes for all movie...

as die hard fan like me , i can only accept the actors scene but not for the story.. it should be like original but its not and also because keanu reeves is there & I had to accepted the reality by taking the RED PILL...

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

AS DIE HARD FANS disappointed beyond recovery
I can't even,, Consider this a good one , i remembered correctly the story are more interesting back then in oldays... , i just don't know why hollywood industries getting sucks lately.

I believed JAPAN movie industries in animation and story are out of the box , when you gave the paperwork to english peoples this is the most lazy stories i've ever watched ,, worst till i had no words to described anymore..

i wish i could give 1 star but they just deleted it without my consent , so i give 5 star not because i like the movie just because i want my message to be read by worldwide viewers...


Cant be even put in my collections of RESIDENT EVIL vault !!!

Weak plot weak weakkkk !!!! Disgustting !!!

No Time to Die

I felt some part of the movies has goosebumps vibe like old days , but i do felt nostalgic in most scene even it showed in modern scripts action , also this movie also connected to covid situation nowdays. I think most of peoples might notice about all out war that might happen in the future , this movie producer gave HINT about what's going to happen in reality someday , this HINT also might lead to WORLD WAR 3 and some deep news has been viral alot in social media and reddit , about theory of nukes warfare under the sea on south china sea right now.. Since china has build man made island and planted an ARMY HQ BASED in the middle of the sea to take control the world , in the future. Maybe we 'all guess it right.

I don't think BOND died , since the last HINT gave us HOPE... LONG LIVE THE QUEEN.... SALUTE...

pros : cried depression cold etc etc

cons : addicted.

Free Guy

For the first time in history i gave 10 stars in IMDb
To All producer , writers and crews actors , thank you so much for making Movie film like this for this new era of time , its so similar to Ready player one, Marvel , Capcom , ALITA , Edge of tomorrow ,Jumper, Independence day , star wars , pacific rim , ghost in the shell and many more to listed. I believed this is the time that , hollywood and other film industries follow trending what fans & viewers want to see in film industries , its just like squid game. Please always think out of the box when you making movie once you do that , profit that you will gain will be infinite of never ending income. Please don't lost touch to this genres of the next upcoming movie series , always pick your movie based on fantasy / digitalize / modern world / open world / handsome / beautiful peoples / chaos / war / epic / god battle / greek mythology / space galaxies / romance fantasy with anything out of this world etc etc are really what modern peoples nowdays want it in movie. Free guy. All the characters in freeguy really blending together , this what make me felt chill of happineess... Please we need more movies from ryan renolds act and some other actors , that really fit to handle fantasy modern open world... thank you again , to Ryan Renolds * the crews , we LOVE YOU.. thank you for bringing this chapter alive.. we want to see you more in the upcoming movies soon.. sincerely fans..

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Did i just saw glimpse of DEVIL MAY CRY in live action ?
In the future we need more fantasy open world series in MARVEL its kinda trending for along time , fans and peoples waiting for something like this , its hype above all movies... So the myth has been adapted in movies ,mystical beings fought face to face , it's been a long time to watch movie like , we did watch chinese fantasy series with low budget dragons & mystical beings , but not like this , we could see proper visual effect arts of the fight , I wish marvel studios could do more beast fighting in fantasy realm with HEREOS and VILLAINS, or LIMBO like Devil may cry kind of... yeah it does looks like DANTE running above dragon back fighthing his Devil father.. end up his father saved him and let him inherit the fortunes power of the families.. anyway im still waiting DEVIL may cry movie live action , i dont know when the hollywood going to adapt the movie someday.. i hope the dream come true for all of us.. If you want more profit just do movie like this , peoples like it very much.. fantasy all.. humans dreams to be like that , but it will happen only in afterlife... i mean for real , you should check your religion books about afterlife..

Kidô senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei

Story has no impact like old-days of GUNDAM series
5 stars for the arts but sub-5 stars for the storylines.. I'm one of very rich person in Asian , and im very die hard fans for some anime's like GUNDAM , i owned every titles/figures/limited edition stuff from 1st to the end.. I also sponsored twice and organize GUNDAM events in the past 5 years ago.. I really hope GUNDAM new franchise could bring the story more suprise and chaotic , the deep sound of GUNDAM should be ultra sound effect , of their gear changing , cracking , shooting , laser beam breath-taking sound and effect / etc too many too listed i guess GUNDAM new gundam franchise should refer to old story battle-way scene more dramatic , romance of uncensored , real-life action and with more ultra wars robotic scatter around the space and earth , and more blood scene , exploded peoples , should be show in the GUNDAM series.. This new title i dont see that much or very invisible to viewers eyes.. I hope GUNDAM franchise must read FANS survey , some of them has better idea of making GUNDAM more lively and best to watch based on what FANS feeling and like, that's what make the market of GUNDAM more profitable instead of using idea from the " INVESTOR or WHITE PEOPLES " that knows nothing about GUNDAM and only care about their profits or maybe just to clean their dirty money by using this investing method into animation industries and don't care about what FANS like , its like " THROW away the.opportunity of making good movie.. Animation nowdays the ARTS are getting better but the storylines are getting worst and worst , even FANS voice and idea , you all PRODUCERS don't ignored it.. Once you made things like this , in the future ,, fans peoples won;t pay what they don;t get in the first place.. too many wasted on scenes that has no value to watch for.. JUST my 2 cents!

Thank you...


Good written stories , matching , blending as perfect together , nice to know that LOKI is still virgin LOL.

Great to know he died as a man and as a good balance dark light GOD.

Van Helsing

Good drama movie series till season 5
Somehow i wish there will be season 6 by next year , this vampire hunter vs vampire was a good stories , sad , pressure , chaos , dark , etc etc i love this kind of series , I wish netflix could produce more dark movie series like this even its not a vampire type maybe can go for old modern war and not refurbish story .. we need new fresh idea for next up coming movies series.. its kinda sad how vanessa end up on sad room sleeping for eternity .. they should find a way to make balance for dark and light not like this , make vanessa sleep and dreaming like that.. its hurt and sad ... alone in dark with light touch...

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