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Knives Out

Streamed so Ruin Johnson made very little from me!
I'm still bitter about the dumpster fire he left Star Wars in.

However, after they hype for Glass Onion I decided since I could stream via one of my subscriptions it would be permissible to watch. I'm glad I gave him a chance as Knives Out is rather good.

Every actor gave a top performance with the exception of Daniel Craig, who gave an over the top performance. Maybe that made all the other performances even more believable? Every character was relatable in their own way, and you could sympathise with their positions.

But the real glue, and the reason this film has so much charm to it, is Ana de Armas' performance. There was real warmth to her character. She brought that out, in a unique performance different to her Bond or Bladerunner characters.

Let downs was Johnson's attempt to make the same wealth and servitude commentary he did with Star Wars. Thankfully not laid on as thickly, but it was there. I'm here for the entertainment, not the politics.

That doesn't detract on you the viewer going through the same discovery process as the main characters to solve the mystery. Trying to figure out who did what and who's telling the truth. You're on a journey with them, and at the same time taking every twist and turn. Who is telling the truth? Who is being economical with that truth?

Even after knowing how the mystery unfolds you'd still be entertained on a second viewing just to see how well the characters are portrayed. Hence why, even though I detest what Johnson did to Star Wars, I have to be fair and give him such a high score for Knives Out.

Glass Onion

From the limited imagination of Ruin Johnson.
First hour is dull as Johnson shows you what he wants you to see. Rest of the film is him pretending to be smarter than you as he slowly peels back the layers of the onion to reveal what he hid from you earlier. In reality, it's not smart film making but lazy.

Even the basic structure of the film is the same as Knives Out with a group of individuals all living off the prime and successful person. Making the same commentary that he did with Star Wars about wealth and those without.

In Knives Out you had Ana de Armas' character as the glue between everybody, and trodden on by those unsavoury protagonists too. But she had charm, and her character's warmth is what made the film. Glass Onion has none of the warmth, none of the charm, and vacuous characters. As transparent as glass with nothing to see within.

In Knives Out there was a discovery process characters went through. Took you on that journey to discover the truth. Glass Onion dispenses with the mystery.

It's a film that once you've seen it once there's nothing to go back to view again. Even that once is perhaps once too many.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: As I Have Always Been
Episode 9, Season 7

So good I had to look it up on IMDB.
This is one of those time-looping episodes, but please don't switch off!

Yes, we've seen these in so many series and yes they're tedious. Not this one. Trust me, this is different!


Because the pace is doesn't drop, and script is sharp. There's humour, there's character development, there's a great plot. And each loop is different, each loop moves the story onward.

I had to check up IMDB to see who was behind it. To my surprise it was directed by Elizabeth Henstridge. Yes, Jemma! I wasn't familiar with the writer, Drew Z. Greenberg, but I see his body of work is impressive too.

This was apparently Henstridge's first time directing. The result is something exceptional for a TV series which already was one of the best for plot, characters, and how evil their baddies are!

Top Gun: Maverick

Another Kosinski success.
When I heard they were going to make a sequel to Top Gun I was excited by the prospect, but we no longer have the original director Tony Scott. Who we have instead is Joseph Kosinski, and I'd argue he's even better.

As the name suggests, this film focuses upon Maverick. If you're a fan of the original you won't be disappointed to see what he's been flying since, or that he's still flying.

And it's those flying scenes that are stunning. Far better than the originals, better not just because technology has moved on, but because the actors are in aircraft being flown. Real aircraft, being filmed under the stresses of flight.

Kosinski's previous successes are Tron: Legacy, Oblivion and Only The Brave. If you've seen those three films you already know he's probably the best director working today. Yes, he's that good.

Top Gun: Maverick works because the director, Kosinski, somehow manages to make you feel that you're part of the film, that you're right there with the people in the film. The pace is perfect, the action precise, and yes you'll be on the edge of your seat!

Kosinski should be getting an Oscar for Top Gun: Maverick.

House of Gucci

Review of the trailer.
Ridley Scott has stated he's baffled by the failure of this film. I'll state why - Tobacco / smoking promotion.

86% of his audience in the UK would find the smoking offensive. He's targeting a viewer base of only 14%.

Then the character in the trailer smoking seems pretty unlikeable. I'm sure Lady Gaga's performance is what was asked of her (she is very talented), but the character alone puts you off.

So, Ridley, if you're wondering why your film failed the trailer did it for me. I don't want to see a nearly 3 hour advert for smoking, and for a character I really didn't care for.

Smoking promotion in film is a pretty lazy prop. You could say in period dramas it's part of the culture of the time, but I'm willing to bet you could remove it and if you have the right script, right actors, and right director, nobody would notice. I put it that a talented actors and directors could convey whatever they're trying to do with that disgusting prop just as easily, and more convincingly.

The Foreigner

An Unexpected Gem.
I'd seen the trailer, and it looked like a good film, but nothing particularly special. What I didn't expect was such a gripping film.

Chan is famous for his action and comedy roles, but here, at the start, you feel the pain through him of a father losing everything in his life. Direction is so real that you're not just observing, you're too are feeling the texture of that pain. I've never seen Chan in a better role.

Brosnan too. I've watched his Bonds, I've watched other films by him, but this one, in the role he's playing, was sublime. Absolutely believable because he wasn't playing a version of Brosnan, but the role in its absolute.

With the recent diet of vacuous Marvel films, anybody wanting some meat in their storytelling is going to enjoy how this film plays out. Yes, there's a plot. Yes, there's revenge. But there's also humanity. And a sprinkling of double crossing. It draws you in, and holds you.

Only at the end did I discovered it's a Martin Campbell film. His work on Bond set the tones for both the Brosnan and Craig eras; an under appreciated talent. Once again he has delivered a film that delivers everything you want from your movie night.

Ad Astra

Watched for free and still was robbed.
Long, slow, boring, and not adding any value to your life.

Got a month trial for streaming and picked this as an alternative to buying the disc, and that is the only good thing I can say about this film!

Lots of comments on the visuals, but really? No, they're not that good. See Gravity - far better.

Acting? Get a cardboard cutout instead. The script is so bad.

Plot? Oh, still looking for it.

Liv Tyler? Ok, that was the second good thing, but she's really only there in distant shots. One start extra just because she's there.

Sunshine (Boyle) got it. We know the long gaps in space travel is boring, so set the scene then cut it out. Someone must have watched Event Horizon and thought mixing with 2001 was a good idea. It wasn't.

I'm being generous with my rating, I really am, but then I've seen some really bad films too (Under The Skin).

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Fixing Star Wars.
Pretty much perfect escapism film making and fixing what gone before. The Rise of Skywalker helps you forget the dumpster fire of The Last Jedi. The Last Jedi was 10% Star Wars, 40% poor action scenes, 50% nonsense that did nothing for the story. JJ Abrams took that 10% and built upon it forgetting the Rian Johnson nonsense and showing how action scenes should be done. JJ Abram is more of an action director than epic story teller so the bias is more towards that than plot of the Lucas films.

The cast deserve special mention for the current three films. Especially Daisy Ridley who held up all three films on her shoulders. An impressive feet for any actor. Adam Driver too as both excelled in this film. And of course the returning actors from the previous films. One in particular, and no spoilers, ramped up his performance like no other giving you the feeling of the power of the Force. Certainly, none of the cast deserve the abuse they've received for any of the films; they're just the performers trying to do the very best with the material they're given.

With so much damage done in The Last Jedi to Star Wars is was always going to be difficult to recover from that film. What JJ Abrams did wasn't just a correction but a revolution of how the Force is perceived and how powerful it is. He ignored the many useless and pointless sub-plots created by Rian Johnston and concentrated on the core themes within all generations of the Star Wars films. We don't know what Lucas would have done, and I'm sure he would have a laid out plan for the three films and followed that, but Rian Johnson had other ideas. Therefore, this isn't "the best JJ could do" but a fitting and well deserved end to the Rey story and the whole Star Wars arc that bolts on better to The Force Awakens than The Last Jedi.

I hope some day we'll learn what Lucas would have done, and while I'm sure they'd have been superb, the end battle scenes JJ Abrams did for Rey would be hard to surpass.

Top Gear: Episode #27.5
Episode 5, Season 27

Your PVR in Top Gear.
I guess it was because of the previous four episodes why I instantly put my PVR in to Top Gear and fast-forwarded through the entire episode. I had intended to stop and watch when Chris Harris got his six minutes to do a proper article on cars, but I seen it was Paddy so didn't stop. Really got no interest in Fintoff learning how to drive either. The LeBlanc series were getting better as they featured more new cars and adventures, but this season has had nothing. It's awful. Where is the automotive excellence we all want to see?

Top Gear: Episode #27.4
Episode 4, Season 27

6 minutes of car reviews.
That's the entirety of the show. 6 minutes covering the Rolls Royce Cullinan, which Chris Harris didn't like. After that, you've got two idiots that you have to fast forward through, and an interview with someone who you really don't care for. The program is sinking so fast you're going to need negative numbers in your IMDB ratings!

Top Gear: Episode #27.3
Episode 3, Season 27

5 minutes of content.
Only 5 minutes, or about that, actually spent on cars. One review of the Dallara, and that really is it. Couldn't even be bothered showing the Stig driving it quickly.

They've taken the very worst of Top Gear, the tired banger racing, and turned the entire season so far in to one continuous series of banger races. If you want view cars and car reviews then your only choice is YouTube.

And for that I highly recommend Carfection.

Jack Ryan

Not Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan.
They took two things from Tom Clancy for this character. The name "Jack" and the name "Ryan". Otherwise they're really playing lip service to the character.

Worse is Admiral Greer. He's been demoted, really quite far. And whilst there was never much on Greer in the books I can't imagine this Greer ever being created by Clancy. Not the authoritarian figure of the books but partly a loose cannon that you really can't picture being in charge.

And save for another couple of names from the Clancy books that's really about it.

This review is for season one only as at this time further seasons haven't been released yet.

What you have instead is a generic story based upon middle eastern tensions. Clancy's books were written during the cold war era so it should be no surprise that the background has had to be updated. Alas it feels that this is a story which has had the Clancy characters overlaid rather than integrated in to. Or even better, created around.

So you've been duped in to watching because you thought you were watching a Jack Ryan series. It's a fraud. But is it any good?

Well, it's not bad actually. There are bits you could write better yourself; painted by numbers. Some good action, bit of tension. Sometimes a bit of poor characterisation for Greer, and other times where the actor really does shine, which is really quite strange as he should be taking what James Earl Jones did and building upon it.

Overall worth watching but I guess we'll only know in season two if they managed to develop more of the Jack Ryan characters or not. It's certainly no Hunt For Red October, although still worth a watch if you want to see a CIA spy series based in the middle east.

The Grand Tour: Feed the World
Episode 11, Season 2

"Cure World Hunger" was their tag. Sounds like a noble ideal. Sadly, it was downhill from there.

To be honest, after the first ten minutes as they had set out how they were going to transport fish from the coast 200 miles to the hungry, starving people I fast forwarded. Stopping several times in between. But it was what we'd already seen the trio doing so many times before.

In the end they were trying to sell rotten fish before flying out in a helicopter. Isn't that just crass?

This is the season where GT should have excelled after finding their feet with the first one. Alas, there was so few good articles. Is the problem they've abused so many press-cars that no manufacturer will let them have access any more? Surely with the Amazon budget they could just buy the cars they're about to trash instead?

Not worth keeping your Amazon Prime membership for.

The Grand Tour: Oh, Canada
Episode 10, Season 2

For the better half of the show!
Testing three SUVs is the best of GT. They didn't try to trash the cars as they've done so many times before, but it clearly showed that the only one with 4WD heritage is the Land Rover. In fact, for the final test Clarkson had to cheat and swap to a proper off-roader!

Tesla X finally gets a review. Maybe a bit late from the trio? It shows what the future of automotive will be as everything is there. Electric propulsion and self driving.

The worst? I always skip Conversation Street and Celebrity Face Off. So that half of the show I can't review, but I extract the best I can from the show by not watching the worst.

The Grand Tour: Blasts from the Past
Episode 8, Season 2

Crunching gears and bottomed out £ 1.5 million cars.
Firstly, the only way to watch Grand Tour is to skip Conversation Street and the celebrity part, which I do.

Finally, the Ford GT gets a UK review. It's an impressive car.

But this program was firmly centred on the Jaguar D-Type and Aston Martin DB4 GT continuations. £ 1 million and £ 1.5 million respectively.

These are truly stunning cars. No, they're not as refined as the modern Honda that May drove, but neither are they trying to be. You can't love cars and not love these two! Or even the Honda.

So why the low score?

They took the cars to a banked circuit in Spain, after Clarkson had repeatedly crashed the gearbox in the Aston on the drive there. Then on this banked circuit it's bouncing and grounding as it goes around.

This is an automotive horror movie as a £ 1.5 million car is repeatedly bashed and bruised by Clarkson around a derelict remnant of a former circuit; one they only ever used once and probably for that reason! Hammond sensibly decided he had enough of big car accidents and withdrew from the "competition", but Clarkson repeatedly slammed the bottom of the Aston on the bumpy banked circuit.

I'd have more respect of him if he just said he wasn't going to trash something of such beauty and left it at that.

The Grand Tour: It's a gas, gas, gas
Episode 7, Season 2

Clarkson's documentaries.
Firstly, the best way to watch Grand Tour is to skip Conversation Street and the celebrity bit. It's half the program, but not the better half.

Lamborghini was fun, but Hammond is doing the typical British reviewer who can't just appreciate a car and has to have some type of snarly gripe. Yes, it may have been what it should have been when it was launched, but it's still £ 50, 000 more!

Skipped the refuelling segment when I seen them blowing up cars...

Clarkson's piece on the world rallying battle between Lancia and Audi was him re-finding his documentary skills. If you've never watched his WWII programs do! His car history programs for how the UK lost it's industry should be shown in schools and colleges!

In this segment he documents the history of how Audi got the rules changed to allow four wheel drive, and the lengths that Lancia went to ensure two wheel drive had a last Hurray! Interviewing some of the key persons behind their success.

Clarkson is smarter than the fool he plays, and here he's giving you a glimpse.

So, half the program skipped because, well, it's totally missable. 8/10 for the remaining parts. Half that if you put those bits back in! Half hour of quality programming squeezed in to an hour.

The Grand Tour: Unscripted
Episode 4, Season 2

A show going downhill fast.
They've already run out of ideas for this season?

With Top Gear you cringed whenever they were either banger racing or modifying bangers. This is them modifying bangers, or at least only May is. They couldn't even find three cars, never mind three similar cars for them to compare.

They already have to pack the show will fillers of "Conversation Street" and interviewing two unknowns until they're let loose with a Jaguar F-Type to ruin with stone chips.

Think about how insulting that is if you've worked hard to drive an F-Type and they just take it on a gravel track and have it trashed with stone chips?

Sadly, you tune in for automotive excellence and instead you've got this. It's quickly going downhill.

The Grand Tour: Jaaaaaaaags
Episode 6, Season 2

Banger racing; switched off.
Banger racing from the worst of Top Gear.

With the three of them getting a reputation of destroying any press car they've given a loan of it's hardly surprising they simply can't fill a show with quality segments. Instead, they have to resort to filling it with bangers.

So what this time?

Jaguar have a problem in the US that they've got a reputation of being unreliable. In truth, they are reliable, often more than their German rivals (especially the Bavarian one). What does Grand Tour do? Pick very old and tired Jaguars to showcase on their "car show".

Watched the introduction and them going through the faults their bangers have and switched off. Seriously, I want to see excellence in automotive, not what everybody know - 20 or 50 year old cars that haven't been looked after will have faults!

Don't waste your time.

The Grand Tour: Up, Down and Round the Farm
Episode 5, Season 2

Getting worse by the episode.
Best bit was Hammond in Dubai driving various off-roaders.

Worst... Well you have a selection. Is it Conversation Street? The two unknowns they interview? Or Clarkson trying to pretend he can drive a Subaru?

If you own or have have owned a Subaru don't watch as he kills off an STi. And pretends that he's not using the highly talented Mark Higgins to actually do the stunts.

Sausage Party

The trailers look that it was going to be a fun film. They were probably only non-R rated bits of the film! It's full of profanity from start to finish. Sexual innuendo and just plain sexual jokes. You can put up with a bit of humour like that, but this is 90 minutes of it and almost the entire basis of the film.

I'm just glad I never talked someone in to going to the cinema with me to see this. I'd have been very embarrassed!

Did I laugh? Yes, but more because I'd wasted my money on this! A dejected laugh of why am I wasting my time watching when there's so many other good films? Sadly, that reason was because I'd bought the disc...

So it's a 3/10 mainly because the idea was good, the animation was good, but the constant stream of unfunny sexual jokes and unnecessary swearing isn't amusing.


Incoherent That Fails To Excite.
We all love Bond where he does something seemingly impossible to save the world, or even just the girl. Just as he pulls off another impossible stunt, and the Bond fanfare blasts through the air, you're up punching the air as Bond does it like nobody else!

Except with Spectre.

Every time it builds up to what should be a crescendo of excitement, it steps back. Where you should be shouting "YES!", it lets you down and you simply go "ah...".

Craig brought in a harder edged Bond, just perfect for the current times, but with Spectre they seem determined to go back to the Moore comedies. No shame in the Moore years; they were a product of their time. But now, we want Bond to be the cold ruthless killer that he can be, when he has to be. And in keeping with the books, always looking for that girl...

A prime example is the car chase, and how excited you were with anticipation of the unique DB10 and Jaguar cars? It should have been a ground breaking car chase, and they used up enough Aston Martins that there should be no excuses! Yet, they played this as a comedy and tempered the excitement of the chase by having Bond phoning Moneypenny. And, at the same time removed the "would they / wouldn't they" flirtation of Bond and Moneypenny that we've always wondered over. What should have been edge of your seats excitement was flat.

That's Spectre in one word: Flat. Nothing is ever allowed to excite or entertain you the way Bond should. It was as if Sam Mendes had taken his foot off the gas because he already had a superb Bond film in the bag with Skyfall (which had the best villain of any Bond film - effectively Bond vs Bond). That harder edge we have all enjoyed with Craig was replaced by light entertainment.

The criminal mastermind behind Spectre failed to convince you. Nor his henchmen. Or the various pastiches to other Bond films which came across as a random jumble rather than carefully thought out plot devices. I fear I may be overly generous with my rating for Spectre, but I still love Bond films; just not so much this one.

What's best about Spectre? It makes you realise that Quantum of Solace wasn't that bad.

Under the Skin

Pretentious art-house movie.
That's the best description, masquerading as Sci-Fi.

Part of the film seems to be unscripted with Johansson interacting with the public, spliced with actors playing a role of a member of the public to further the plot. As the film develops there's less spontaneity and more scripted dialogue and scenes. While I mentioned plot, it's a very thin plot as it's a very lightweight film.

The biggest difficulty the viewer will have is getting over how often the film just seems to stall for yet another art-house film segment. Perhaps one of the few movies designed for texting breaks? To get through this, and I hate to admit this, I got my computer out and started browsing all of it's locations. Had I not viewed at home it might have been my first ever walk-out film.

Is it all bad? Scarlett Johansson does an excellent job of the material she has. She plays the part as good as anybody could play the part, better than the majority of actresses could. If anything her quality shines through.

Fundamentally the problem is that it's a self-indulgent film from the director spending money he could never have found without Lottery funding. Trying to make an advert for future works rather than a commercial film to stand up by itself.

Boredom would be the other difficulty a viewer would also have to overcome.

Coltrane's Planes and Automobiles

Informative program; arrogant presenter.
Firstly, he's not too arrogant when presenting this informative but sometimes quirky documentary. Perhaps the best part is the steam engines and the Sir Walter Scott on Loch Katrine. So impressed by that I visited Loch Katrine, took a ride on the Sir Walter Scott and even got in to the engine room for a closer look. For the engineer in me it was fantastic.

And here's the arrogant part. I'd heard of Robbie Coltrane's reputation for being arrogant and ignorant towards his many fans, especially since the Harry Potter films. At an automotive event I tried to say to him how much I enjoyed this program, for it's a subject he's obviously passionate about, but alas his reputation preceded him.

Great program but the man himself should consider how his many fans have helped him gain his fortune to spend on such automotive and engineering delights. As such I've deducted two stars from the rating for this program.


Rushed ending.
For the first half of the film they set up the circumstances of how Alex Murphy became Robocop, and it's rather well done too. With the assistance of Samuel L. Jackson's character it's described how, in the world in which Robocop is set, robots are banned within the USA's borders, and therefore the idea of Robocop is born. A human inside a robot. It's done fairly well, although perhaps more emotion form Kinnaman and Cornish would have helped.

There's then the amount of "badies". There's three main foes which Robocop faces, but so little links the three of them. In fact, there's only a link between two of them and the third only becomes a foe in the closing of the film. You have the feeling that the writers lacked the imagination to create a strong foe, or even a plot connecting those foes.

Comparisons of the original are easy to make, but dangerous too; it's a different film. For example, this Robocop is more athletic. The original had stronger foes, this film they're almost sidelined; an inconvenience to the plot of Robocop's creation. There was a sharpness with the ED-209s but in this film again they're like an after thought. In this film the ED-209 battle was rushed to the point where it's just machines fighting machines in a blur of special effects. That fight is rushed so that finally Robocop could face his final foe in what really was an anticlimax against Michael Keaton, who's character has absolutely no menace to him at all.

Gary Oldman plays Dr Dennott Norton and when you look back it could almost be described as a film about his character. How he created Robocop, and his regrets when his boss changes direction of the Robocop program. Certainly himself and Jackson are the stars in this film.

Ultimately the third part of Robocop feels rushed and weak. Overall it lacks the wit, sharpness and intelligence of the original, but Oldman's character added a more human element. Ignoring the original film, it's really a lack of a strong intelligent plot and rushed end which takes from what could have been an 8* film to 6*.


Film making at it's very best.
It's been a long time since I've seen a film which raised the bar like this one. This isn't just a excellent film, it's a lesson to other film makers.

Alfonso Cuarón, the director, has an amazing ability to draw the viewer in to the film whole. The long tracking shots hold you. I was impressed with one of his previous film, Children of Men, and Gravity raises this standard even further. I can not speak higher of how brilliantly the direction of this film was executed.

The best advice I can give to anybody interested in watching Gravity is don't look at any stills from the film. Don't watch or read any reviews. Try and see the film as fresh as you can. Let Alfonso guide you through; be seduced by his wonderful work. And you'll leave the cinema in awe of Gravity.

Gravity is without doubt one of the best, if not the best, films I've ever watched.

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