
IMDb member since April 2016
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Bryan Callen: Complicated Apes

Not to bad
It was pretty funny, and insightful in parts. Some parts were messy and kind of seems like he's trying to do a Carlin thing, but all around a good solid special.

Holmes & Watson

It's silly and a fun time
I feel like the bad reviews are from people who wanted to either see this be step brothers 2 or another version of Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes. I liked it I expected not to but it was funny. Stupid? Yeah 100% but not in a bad way. It won't take you back in time on an epic Sherlock mystery adventure layered with dry wit, clever comebacks, and plot twists, but if you want to laugh and not think you are more intelligent than the movie go see it. Everyone in the theater I was in was dying laughing.

Russell Brand: Re:Birth

I didn't think I would like this very much, I don't usually like high energy character stand up but this one had quick witty jokes. I don't know why it's getting bad ratings

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

A learning experience for filmmakers
Really all this movie is good for is learning for up and coming directors and writers. It is a series of short movies in a movie, very good quality film, story's were complete, great film shots and good for a few laughs. That being said I can see why this wasn't a big screen movie. It's just not a movie, it's more like watching that first episode of 20 shows. Really I think it was just the Coen Brothers doing literally whatever they want and to me it was a miss. It just shows sometimes it takes more than cool camera shots and big names to make a good movie.

Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot

Why rated so low?
This was a great quality movie. Great acting.The storyline is somewhat flawed but all around shines a light on addiction. It helps you understand alcohol addiction in that you don't just drop alcohol it is an everyday struggle that runs your life. It shows that even a alcoholic, paralyzed man can see a brighter side in life. This movie isn't a downer, it puts things in perspective. Gritty and real.

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