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Runway One

Never Shown Again Since: Travesty.
It's Not Beef ... No my review isn't either but this was how it all started with this being the title of the first episode ever shown in April 1995.

Many may like myself found that this series tended to remind those who remembered Buccaneer from 1980 of precisely that. They are not completely the same but definitely of the same genre. I would call both excellent though Peter Capaldi with THAT Irish accent makes for a strong lead character as more becomes known about him other than his frequent tendencies to tell people to sh*g off / get it sha*gging right the next time! In my opinion the effects of working as a pilot with responsibilities and his knowledge of increased trade being plied are well-portrayed when it comes to his character.

For the airline Buffs the Boeing 707-323C aircraft which this drama features was a real one in service with Burlington Air Express. The Aer Lingus Boeing 747-148s are also real as these once plied the Carrier's transatlantic routes out of Dublin. Principal location this drama was filmed in was Shannon (SNN) which means that on occasions one gets to see Aeroflot stopping over there too like they used to until the advent of longer-range Boeing 767-300ER and Airbus A310-308 aircraft on many services ceased this stopping over from being a regular requirement for the Carrier.


Hardly Ever Heard Of In Europe.
I have always wanted to see this ever since a friend told me all about this and when she saw it in 2012 or thereabouts. Because thanks to a Christmas present I was given aged five (My Book Of Disasters / Scholastic press) I was already well aware of the Tangiwai rail disaster and the 153 lives lost that night. So until last year I have been looking for this on DVD and Youtube and can only find trailers and a three minute clip from the film - nothing else.

I finally got to see this last year as my friend has this on DVD and my goodness was I blown away. Most of all of course by the crash. However there are strong performances throughout leading up to the moment when tragedy strikes and the post-accident cricket match really does come across as a 'Could I ever do that if ever required to' moment. That nearly had me in floods proving that real men do indeed watch stuff like this as well as the fact that real men are moved to tears and mustn't be ashamed of that fact. So all I can say to those around Europe and the UK where I am from is try and see this if you can. The journey to the Southern Hemisphere which may be required ... Will almost CERTAINLY be worth it! 9/10. Recommended to a friend? FOR SURE!

The Last Castle

My First Review of The Last Castle.
Just finished watching this on BBC1 for the first time ... This film is definitely about to land itself in my DVD collection as I had never even heard of it before now. Underlying the synopsis of the film is that wherever there is a will there is a way and in this case it's towards the winning over of one's peers. Psychologically clever and thrilling to watch at the same time there are moments where one begins to watch the film wondering how Redford's lead character is going to cope with life in prison and as the film progresses one can only admire the way he wins and earns the respect of his peer group. Ultimately good triumphs over what begins as a hidden evil which becomes ever more apparent as the film progresses too. I really enjoyed this because of the cleverly written synopsis coupled with strong performances throughout from the cast. Thank you for reading - this is all of course in my humble opinion. Recommended to a friend? Basically YEAH!

The Indian Doctor

Very Impressed Throughout!
The Indian Doctor consists of three seasons all of which are five episodes long. To be honest I really liked every single one of them. The best part I find is that nobody tries to camouflage or disguise their accents here - many of the cast being Welsh just helps to authenticate everything further. At first some may feel this takes a little getting used to but allow for this and prepare to be rewarded for doing so. There are a few wooden performances to watch out for but as the seasons progress these characters disappear into life's rich pattern. Watch out for Sanjeev Bhaskar whose totally transformed from comedy roles such as The Kumars At Number 42 in the most wonderful way within his role as the Doctor. Also watch out for effective performances by Mark Williams and Will Houston as villains - bad guys. Also the coal mine is in Blaenafon and is now a museum whilst locations-wise Blaenafon town and Llantrisant appear to be used. Would I recommend to a friend? Without Hesitating.

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