
IMDb member since April 2016
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Stargate: Atlantis: The Eye
Episode 10, Season 1

Oddness in communication
Excellent episodic situation, but one oddity comes to my thinking. When Maj. Sheppard picks up the Genii communicator, and is using it to talk to (Read that "Taunt") Kolya, the view switches to Kolya in the control room, using a human walkie-talkie. I didn't think they used the same frequencies as us milky-way types, but I'm not saying that this makes the episode bad. Just an odd goof. The storm was very well done, and the characters were becoming more defined, and it's always nice when the writing staff gives us a bad guy really worth hating. Most of the whole series is filled with gems of wit and I love the subtle things that a lot of people might not even notice. (Like when you see Ronon Dex start into a room, see someone conversing, and changes his mind, and walks away.) Things that real people do. It's rare that the characters in a sci-fi show seem like people you might meet. But it is always refreshing when the writers and actors fit together with this kind of seamless synergy.

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