
IMDb member since April 2016
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The Wife

The plot is not convincing
Acting was excellent by all. However, the plot was not convincing. Not believable, in other words. Why would she give up on publishing just because she was female? Why would she stick with the SOB all those years, put up with his infidelities? She had a brain bu she didn't use it. The script/writing is flawed. It doesn't make sense. Although the acting is polished , they are working with an imperfect script. The biotech convention at the hotel was unrealisticc. Scientists gathered to discuss the new corn variety. No one looked like a scientist. Scientists don't dress that way when they gather for a meeting. None of that was convincing.

The Lost Daughter

As the film churned on, the word "discombobulated" popped up in my mind several times. I tried to make sense out of it. I strained my eyes trying to figure out the fuzzy camerawork. The direction was confused, the script was uncohesive, and for the life of me I cannot figure out why this won so many awards.


Sorry but this film stinks
Acting....script....direction...cinematography...plot...any part of this fil....simply awful. The plot is not believable. Counterfeiting operations are never that large. Counterfeiting is not territorial and never invol involves murder to the extent shown in the film.

Late Night

Emma Thompson is great as always but this movie does not do her justice. The script is shallow, not very funny. Mindy Kelling's voice is hard to stomach. The scene at the end of the writers around the table was too much....completely unnecessary.

A Good Marriage

Don't bothrer
Typical Stephen King pap: trite, hackneyed, shallow, weird contrived plot if there's a plot at all. Joan Allen deserves better. Boring, dragged-out story that makes no sense.

The Crown

Carefully crafted
Cannot argue with the production...the settings, the casting, the depiction of history...but so far (up to now in the series) the royals have little redeeming value. As Tommy said, he was hired to protect the family from the public and he ended up protecting them from themselves. They are spoiled and dysfunctional. They are symbols, but of what? Part of their realm (Wales) is poor and suffering, and what do they do? They create the Prince of Wales who has to learn Welsh and give a speech. You'd think they'd round up a little money, like sell a few paintings, and bail out Wales But everything is about image and keeping secrets. It's pretty disgusting.

Murder Mystery

Pathetic, contrived
Begins fairly interestingly, descends to ploys and chaos, screaming, explosions, meltdowns, people going berserk...the usual desperate attempts to hold one's attention. Adam Sandler is his usual self...not a very good actor..and Jennifer Anniston starts to look like a limp rag


Must watch
This is an incredibly good series on how rape cases are handled by the authorities. ALL police departments should watch this. It is in essence an instructional guide on what to do and what not to do when a rape is reported. I watched nonstop from 4pm to 10pm. This series is a public service to the world where rapes happen every day.

First They Killed My Father

Excellent moving account of a history
Angelina Jolie is a superb director in this film. Perfect casting, great cinematography and staging, fluid story. Seeing the events from the point of view of a child really impressed me and conveyed all the horror of that conflict. Jolie has shown that she is a sensitive individual who does not follow Hollywood mediocre guidelines; she is led by intelligence, knowledge and a strong instinct to deliver a message to the world.


Watched all three seasons. The longer you watch any series this long. the longer it drags out. unbearable slow-mo. tempting to quit watching. Scenes are dark and fuzzy and constantly move. like a shaky camera. I am convinced after watching this that every single person involved in making it was under the influence. They seemed dazed. stunned. numb. almost inarticulate confused. Camera-work was pathetic. Lighting was pathetic. The actors tried somewhat. with what they were given. But they couldn't save it. They couldn't save anyone if they tried!

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