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Felix the Cat Saves Christmas

Worst Felix the Cat movie ever
Among watching this trashfire with my friends, I have offically declared this the worst Felix the Cat movie ever. This movie has one of the crummiest art direction I've ever seen; Who ever told these guys that having Felix not thick lined wasn't a good idea, not only is it a jarring result, but it doesn't make sense why Felix can't have thick lines in this movie. If you're gonna go with the 60's style of Felix, then stick to having everyone have thick lines. Next off, Felix's voice in this feels too babyish and patronizing to listen to. In fact, everyone except for Tom Bosley and Jason Marsden's characters. I'm disappointed that Dave Coulier did a lousy performance as Felix because his Rock Bottom voice is promising. But for the most part, the voice acting is patronizing and insulting to it's target audience; It's like the voices you'd do when you're talking to a baby or a dog except you do it to a 6-12 year old kid and they tell you "I'm not a baby". I'm not saying voices like that should just stop existing because I said so, I'm saying it's the type of voice that kids would hate to hear. The animation is trying somewhat to be Wang Films Animation (Courage the Cowardly Dog, Chalkzone, Garfield and Friends) by having scenes where you still see animation in the body even while they're talking, but they don't really commit to it half of the time and often flip between limited animation, and smooth Wang Films animation (Wang didn't animate for this). When they reuse previous animations though, it becomes jarring to watch. During the Snow Kids Rock scene, I just went on my phone because they just kept reusing animation of the snow kids sledding near the halfpipe. An Audience doesn't want to see the same few scenes reused over and over again during music videos. I will at least say that this was probably a little studio making this cartoon, and Felix's reputation during the 2000's was diminishing (I blame Oriolo) not to mention by the time production of this movie wrapped at around 2003, Don Oriolo was busy working on Coconut Fred prior to Fred's inevitable destruction due to Kids WB dying in 2006. It still is a bad movie regardless, and it sucks that the small studio overseas worked on this abomination because I saw some potential in some of the movie's more smoother animations. If this didn't kill Felix the Cat back in the day, then DreamWorks not doing Jack with the franchise is doing the trick.

Somebody just bring back Twisted Tales of Felix, that was the most faithful to the old Fleischer Felix cartoons.

Rick and Morty

This show was never that funny
Look, I'm gonna be honest here

It's been over 10 years and I confess that this show wasn't as funny as I thought it would be

and it's not because it's weird or raunchy

In fact, I like raunchy humor and weird situations

The latter is what this show is very good at

It's the mean spiritedness and cynical humor in the show that drives me away amongst other jokes that cross the line involving certain babies

But for now, lets talk about the mean spiritedness

Granted, I have nothing against mean spiritedness. Surprisingly enough, Family Guy is mean spirited and cynical but there's at least a level of enjoyment the crew, the voice actors, and the animators put in the show. Not to mention Seth McFarlane has a more charismatic voice and improve skills where Justin Roiland only has the improve skills. With this in mind, it makes hearing Rick insulting Morty, Jerry, and everyone else he meets not at all funny

Ironically or Unironically

All throughout the show, I just couldn't stand Justin Roiland's voice, it sounded like a cynical older brother insulting you and casually referencing random media like no human being would

and don't even get me started with the family dilemna

Now granted in the first 2 seasons (the only bareable seasons of this show) There were a handful of hilarious jokes, but even in those seasons they had those jokes sandwiched with the painfully mean and unfunny family bickering and belittling Jerry

The show has some of the most unlikeable characters I've ever seen

Just by looking at Rick, I get infuriated because he looks so generic and so sloppy at the same time, but what's worse is that he doesn't even look like the "smartest mammal in the universe" as everyone starting season 3 claimed he was, he just looks like a smashed hipster dressed as Doc from Back to the Future

I guess they were trying to be subversive with this character and having someone who is irresponsible also be very smart, but that's why they shouldn't have called him "The Smartest Mammal" starting season 3 because he seems more like a screw up scientist that happens to get stuff right but wasn't always perfect

He seems more like that rather than a drunk mega genius who is never wrong

and that's the only thing the crew will never self-reference about how bad that expectation is

Now about the designs

The best part about character design is by looking at someone, you can see what type of person the character is just by looking at a character

You look at Spongebob, you see a happy-go-lucky manchild Sponge

You look at Bugs Bunny, you see a wiseacre Rabbit

You look at Finn the Human, you see a screwup optimist adventurer

You look at Jenny Wakeman, you see a curious teenage robot bent on saving humanity

You observe Rick's design and you see some drunk jerk who should never handle anything yet is a scientist who can make teleporters out of ores from interdimensional forests

however It would've been fine if they just kept him as the subversive genius who is a super genius but wasn't smart enough to be right all the time. Staring season 3 is when they decided Rick is apparently "The Smartest Mammal in the Universe"

Even though he has shown to be wrong in situations and hasn't made smart decisions during the first 2 seasons

It's hard to even describe how stupid of a jump that is for your main character to suddenly turn out to be the smartest character after 3 seasons

and Rick has done nothing to earn that position

that's why it doesn't work, it's because Rick has shown humanity, flaws, error, and has been proven wrong in situations much to his annoyance

Titling someone like Rick and the Smartest in the universe is just a lazy excuse to have him outwit his foes when it's convenient for him

Meanwhile, Pickle Rick, the worst episode I've ever seen of the show, has Rick just accept his fate towards the "writers speak" therapist who just tells him he's a bad person even though if Rick was the smartest in the universe, he would probably criticize the therapist and her methods which would make for a smart criticism of some therapists.

Heck, Ren Seeks Help had a much more subtle and less patronizing therapy scene than Pickle Rick

It's cheating because the whole episode took place in a therapist's office, but they showed Ren's dilemmas and problems rather than telling the audience how to feel about Ren

Pickle Rick felt like 2 or 3 ideas wrapped in one, but is more of everything that's wrong with Rick and Morty.

Now about the painful family dilemma, It's not funny, it's just depressing, and I feel bad for Jerry Smith

Sure Jerry's not perfect, but he's the most abused and unfortunate out of the Smiths that can't catch a break or get any sympathy from his family

Sure Jerry tried to cheat on Beth, but I can't blame him because of how much of an ungrateful and belligerent wife Beth was to Jerry

Like God forbid Jerry gets any love from his wife.

But yeah, I just can't stand Rick and Morty

Just go watch Smiling Friends instead.

South Park: Jakovasaurs
Episode 4, Season 3

An Overlooked Jab at Jar Jar
When I first heard about the Jakovasaurs, I thought it was a Dinosaur that wanks and causes a tsunami with it's white stuff but then I saw the Episode, an I laughed at the Sheer Idiocy and Annoyances of the Jakovasaurs. It has some satire on wildlife, and how We can't save every form of life, also It was a clever spoof on Jar Jar Binks, and Kevin McDonald. I like how Annoying they try to be, and really, It's only annoying to the Characters, and that's why it works, and makes Eric Cartman laugh, and gave him Authoritah.

While I understand why it might draw viewers and fans away from this episode, some of them are just mad that Matt and Trey did these things

1. Gave Eric Authoritah 2. Had Ned lose his voice box 3. Had the Jakovasaurs be supposedly annoying and loud

and there's nothing more scarier than Cartman with Authoritah. Even IGN gave this episode a bad review, saying the Jakovasaur gag went on for too long.

Hold up IGN (League of Dumb Critics), Why say the gag went for too long, If the main focus of the episode was the Jakovasaurs, oh that's right, because IGN is made up of Entitled buttnads that can't decide if anything is good or not, mind you this is the same company that gave Fornite a 9.6

Yes, prolonging in media is annoying, boring, and lose taste

Which is why "Seahorse Seashell Party", "Sore Eyes", "Barnmates", and "Sleeping with Hinako" get very boring and stale (Especially Seahorse Seashell Party and Barnmates)

However, if the episode is focused on a subject or thing or place or anything, than your gonna expect it throughout the episode

If you don't have something interesting or contrasting for the episode, then you have stuff like "Sleeping with Hinako"

So DUH IGN, it's an episode dedicated to the Jakovasaurs, what do you expect, Steven Universe, Pickle Rick, Derpy Hooves

Anyway, It's real funny how you can parodize something so annoying and unfunny, and I like how Cartman is the only one laughing with the Jakovasaurs, showing some unpopular opinions with Cartman, and some compasion out of Cartman

He actually loved something for once instead of being a jerk

However, this episode did the Contrasting Cartman thing better than South Park Season 20 will ever do

While not a cinematic masterpiece, it did make me laugh at an embarrassment that was overly promoted by George Lucas himself, and it was at a time when we needed South Park most

The Emoji Movie

Sad Face
This movie is just everything in a kids movie ever, It's Unoriginal, not really entertaining, and it has a bad message, don't get me wrong, a movie about Emoji's is a good idea and I'll explain why, but like Breadwinners, it was wasted off of Twitter, Candy crush, Spotify jokes, PPAP, and bland archetypes like the Odd one out cliché, the Big Mistake Cliché, the Hacker Feminist Cliché, and the stupid best buddy Cliché, but done wrong. It's a puddle of clichés and bad jokes smothered up in one, and the Emoji designs are really bland, the Human designs are pretty good, especially Alex's design, but he's an Idiot, he only sent the wrong emoji and now he resorts to deleting all his data, If I was in that movie I'd tell Alex that his phone is fine. Though the Human Designs are good, and especially Alex's, he doesn't look like he's pandering to the Mexican or Musically community, I'm also gay for him, but that's just embarrassing. I mean, the story could've been about Alex being disrespectful due to him in is Phone world while after he makes a big mistake, the Emoji's try to tell him to talk it out instead of zone out on your phone, that way It can tell people to get off their phones and talk situations out. As it's own thing, it only Encourages people to zone out on their technology, in spite of Alex's design and voice, this movie only gave me limited amount of emotions. Not the worst, but not a good movie.

Animated Atrocities: Duck Karma (The Nutshack)
Episode 6, Season 5

Proof that Mr Enter has gone into a Downward Spiral
There are Youtubers that do what ever they want, There are youtubers that are just bad, and then there are Youtubers that are Sucking the Youtube Algorithm's &*(& only for a Small Fraction of Relevance, and that is Mr Enter. I read his note card and it had lots of Germs ridden all over it, He says that saying that either way memes based off of Low Rated shows are Bad, hold on, this guy and his fans clearly haven't even heard of the word Ironic. Ironic Memeing is the term in which something Bad or unfortunate happens but you can't help but to Laugh at what happened, that's what the Nutshack is, I know my memes. On the other hand, Mr enter decided to Kill the meme by saying that Memes based off of things you hate are Awful, and that's not true, I hate Caillou yet his Crybaby reactions to stuff make me laugh hard because it was a Kids show and most kid shows didn't do those type of stuff, It's not the source material that matters, it's the usage of the meme, but in that Video, he Kills the meme Old Yeller style by forcing the audience and his fans to hate on the meme now, Great Mr Enter, you ruined Dank Memes for good, just when people like SiIvagunner or Emplemon were having a Meme Hangover and making memes, you had to rain on their parade, and not just their parade, but Dank Memeing in general.

Honestly, the Nutshack meme was pretty Ground breaking on what you could do with a Garbage intro of a Embarrassing show, you can even make the longest video on youtube or just experiment with the effects, although it's not relevant now (Especially when Mr Enter Reviewed it) it had a big effect on what you could do on the internet. In this video he had to aim for the Meme that was the famous, and he only did it for 3 reasons

1. Rebeltaxi

2. The meme was so popular

and 3. to kill the meme only because he hates the show,

If you don't like the meme, then why are you using the Internet?, I know to express(Force) your opinions to(on) people but if you hate CDI Link, Arthur's Big Hit, Bee Movie, or SiIvagunner in general, then stop using the Internet, Its that simple, If you don't get the Internet, then why are you using it? After this review on the Nutshack which for some reason got more view than Rebeltaxi?, everyone hated Dank Memes in general and wanted to go back to the Old era of Memes in which doesn't even have any Offensive, or Challenging content, besides, he doesn't know his memes, why is he talking about this again?, oh yeah, For your REVENUE. He only did this to plot a double ratings trap on SiIvagunner fans and Rebeltaxi fans alike, and after that, nobody can laugh, Thanks to this video, I can't even find something funny anymore, the Mainstream media now has further control over memes again, thanks to that Brony, and just when you think that Normies have token over memes again, things like Nice Bike Girl or Cash me Ousside or Fidget Spinners are now a fad but stuff like Boneless Pizza, Peter Sallis, Viewer Mailtime, and Brown Bricks with Minecrap fade from obscurity for being stupid or Offensive, thanks Mr Enter, thanks to your Normie fanbase, memes aren't even funny anymore, after this review, Dank Memeing became a lost art on the Internet, and coincidentally, This was after Rebeltaxi's review and also after Ralph the movie maker's review, so you know who to blame for the Norminization of media, Behind the Meme and Mr Enter.

I have no hope in Dank Memes due to what Mr Enter did in 2016, 2017 is even worse.

P.S. he still loves memes from 2008 and early 2014


What's all the fuss about
No seriously, I still don't understand why this is getting hated on. I don't know if this is a small channel telling you this or another Mr Enter clone but it's just a cartoon Meant for kids, And there you go in the comments,"But but Brian, just because it's a show for kids doesn't mean that it has an excuse to be bad", Well It can be criticized, but when you criticize, please calm down, Use Rational Thinking, and Give us reasons why its bad, and even if it's bad or effortless, why are you watching something that you hate, it only gives the Show the power you don't want it to have.

About Chalkzone, it's a creative premise, first seeing it as a kid, I was amazed of the Drawings and songs in the show, I still can't get the Mosquito song out of my head, its so catchy. As a kid, I wondered, where do Chalk drawings go when they get erased or washed out by the Rain, well this is the Answer to your problems. With all the Funk and Electronic music in the show, it sorta fits the Alienated mood the realm of Chalkzone gives me and other people when hearing it, The voice acting also fits Rudy and Penny too, but just when you think I'm done with that, Snap however is the Reason I watch the show,His design is so Unique and Obscure that you don't even know what he was based on which brings good mystery to the table, and he has this energy of a Main Character and Rosey O Donnell combined, he sounds like Rosey, but acts like a normal Citizen in Chalkzone, exhibit A, they third segments in Chalkzone where it's just Snap in a random scenario in chalkzone. The drawings that Rudy makes in order to save the day are phenomenal that I couldn't believe that a human being would do that, and what attracts me the most is the Chowder Effect on The Chalkzoners outlines, it gives it a visually appealing outline and a creative way of outlining characters. Like Catdog, this may have gotten hate because people want to hate on certain stuff in order to feel confident, this show encouraged me to draw.

The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack

Candy and Adventures
This show shows that Just because it's gross or its ugly doesn't mean it's bad. I like gross out, but I like it when it's done right, and Flapjack shows how you can do it right, It differences itself from Ren and Stimpy by being more slow paced, Calm, and more Quirky if you're thinking of the Sea Urchins Episode. Honestly, watching an episode is like watching Spongebob, it's real satisfying but it gets dirty and gruesome that it increases the engagement. When it gets gross, it's actually funny. The animation is slow yet it has some structure and feels like a Pirate map, the voice acting is well done in this show, Flapjack feels like a kid, K'nuckles feels like an Irresponsible Adventurer, and Bubby feels just like a sassy yet mother like character. The Characters are also great, its People like the Urchins,Punsy McKale, and Peppermint Larry that make me laugh even harder than seeing Steven,Garnet,or Peridot. I honestly don't see why Mr Enter hates this show only for gross out, I also don't see why it caused him to become a Virgin, It's calm and interesting but gross, and when it does get gross like in the Kitten Scene,it's calm and Subtle about it. Saying that I'm not a fan of gross out just because of Asperger Syndrome doesn't mean that you have to say that Patrick McKale isn't Human or that J Q Qunitel should die, Aspergers isn't something to say only to get furious about a cartoon and cyberbully writers of the show, as said by Zach Bellissimo, If you don't like these shows then don't watch them. Either way, if you're a fan of adventure and like to have a good ol'chuckle with the writers of the show, then this is the show for you.

Shorty McShorts' Shorts: Bozzlebag's Zip
Episode 3, Season 1

Too Short 4: Welcome to the Cosby Realm
At first, looking at this, it's not as bad as it seems, but just when we step into Admiral Bozzlebag's Dimension of weird and surreal characters, It gets vague. For starters, I don't hate David P Smith, but His other Pilot, Yes, is much better, it's about a Merman who tries to influence a family, and even a robot and emo to try to follow your Dreams. Here, A Family is rewarded to move in after Fred Switches jobs as mailman of Admiral Bozzlebags, Seems simple enough, They meet him here as to Colin's frustration of the Admiral, OK I guess, They try to make their own theme song in at least 10 seconds which causes Colin to get fired up, Eh?, Which results him to try to think of a song in 10 seconds with the Admiral himself and then the Parrot convinces him to say sorry for being a grump to his family, It's real vague now. At first, they really got me excited for it, especially with the backgrounds, the Retro animation, and the 70's TV Series setting Bozzlebag's Lives in, but as it went on, it sorta went vague. The main problem with Shorty McShort's Shorts is that most of them are 5 to 4 minutes long, This plot has lots of great potential for 11 minutes so that they can explore more of the world and to reveal more of the Parrot. It has a great story about a Family and their Edgy Teenager son who doesn't even want to be involved in this situation and I Know what they were going for in this short, Try to have fun in your life and don't get too stuffy and let people have fun, but they execute it in a vague way. The Parrot I Guess is trying to convince him to try to lighten up with his Dad, but he did it in a way that even the kid can't understand, I mean could He at least told him why, or gave him some advice on that. In the ending, he reunites his Dad while he sings the Bozzlebag's Zip code song. Do I think it should get a series. Well, No, It starts at their house then ends in the Dimension, It could be good as a Dreamworks movie in 2006 or 2005, but If you want to make it a series, then who will be Colin's friends, What is Bozzlebag's Zip like, It has unanswered questions that it never does anything with. Now Bozzlebag's Zip it

Shorty McShorts' Shorts: My Mom Married a Yeti
Episode 2, Season 1

Too Short 3: Yeti is Bigfoot I guess
Before I Go one about this, I just want to state that things are gonna get weird in this pilot so keep your Butts on the chair.

So this is an Interesting one, A Yeti...... Hold on a second their, Yeti, this is clearly a Bigfoot, It's obvious that whoever made this

Dennis Messner

Must've known that the Yeti and The Bigfoot are related. This short is nothing special, but there are some key elements of Visual comedy like when Heichriven, a 16 year old dance with a Third Grade girl, Nice cover up of Pedophilia, it doesn't go to the extreme of making Heichriven stalk April. Though where some of the weakest points of the short fall in is the writing. Don't get me wrong, I like Family Sitcoms like The Simpsons, Oblongs, and even Family Guy at times, but at least they don't jump from one scene to another, Say like the opening, It first starts with the kids arguing about their personal space in which Og doesn't like, then It cuts to the Hairless Lady and Og Announcing that they're gonna be chaperones at the party, where did them announcing the prom come in? But there's some good times with the short, Like when Og becomes berserk, sure it jumped from Heinchriven slow dancing with April to Og getting mauled by bears, but with the reaction that Og made was phenomenal that I'd count it as a plus to the really jumpy short. I mean to be Honest, The concept is great, It's what happens when Spot from Teacher's Pet accomplishes his dreams of becoming a human boy, except fro Og, it was easy, except for his Lower Self Control that made sense in a way, and the animation has an Olive the Other Reindeer feeling to it, according to the art style if you add outlines, It is the Dennis Messner Art Style we barely know today, yet some scenes like the Car crash scene were jumping endlessly, it had some good moments, but not enough to be remarkable. Would I see it as a Disney Channel Original, The answer is

Yes, you're not reading this wrong, but Yes.

Despite all the Jumping of the writing, it could work as it's own series, I mean, a family of X Y chromosome kids could work, and struggling with Instincts is a creative Idea in my book, Though it needs to be rewritten with no jumps in the story. Now I'm out to capture Bigfoot

Shorty McShorts' Shorts: Dudley and Nestor Do Nothing
Episode 1, Season 1

Too Short 2: Ya do nothing, no one get's hurt
When I heard about that two main characters were gonna do nothing in any situation, I was not surprised about it at all, This concept has been done before many times, but when I saw the short itself, It did something unique,

1. It had a mixture of Flash and Stop motion

2. It made the characters do something for the fate of the universe.

When I first saw the opening scene of this, it made me wonder, how does Dudley and Nestor survive all of this? Maybe luck, or that they are powerful demigods that can survive any disaster by doing nothing, they don't even have to do anything about the problem, they survive every accident. Anyway, Dudley and Nestor then have other threats in which their powers don't work on, The Kodama Twins, Are they good Characters?

The answer is, yes, they are what Dudley and Nestor need in order to do something about the problem, They are the straight women in which Dudley and Nestor can listen too whenever they Do Nothing. So Dudley and Nestor then have only one scenario that they have to do in order to enter in the space station, Drink up Dudley's Soda. It leads to a major plot detail that brings up possibility, Nestor trying to send Dudley to the Restroom yet goes to all the madness and mayhem to find the bathroom. It's one of those Scenario type of cartoons in which one character tries to accomplish a task yet is over pushed by obstacles, and they did it real well, One of the most iconic scenes was when Dudley and Nestor Did a guitar solo, it made me laugh real hard. The only criticism I have is why didn't Dudley and Nestor just asked the Teacher in a different approach, like asking, then Mr Whizzy or whoever he is can let them wander to the rocket, and why was it in Flash animation, I have no problem with Flash animation, Especially in this short, it still feels Stopmotion, but used in flash. Flash Animation is a tool in which you can make characters move fluently without too much of work yet it takes work to do it, here the flash looks great, but what made life with loopy great is because it used a mixture of 2D and 3D stop motion, I mean the Dudley and Nestor short looks great, but the 3D/2D stop motion of Life with Loopy was more creative, but either way, Dudley and Nestor Did Nothing to offend me;

Shorty McShorts' Shorts

Too Short 1: The whole thing itself
By Disney standards, this would be 2nd place to Pickle and Peanut, but by Disney Channel Standards, It's really weak, and short, no pun intended. For ones who've been living under a rock or haven't been that active on Disney Channel, Shorty McShorts' Shorts is this Short lived Short showcase of Pilots for said original series that were mostly Awkward and Bad at times yet some of them are gems, but it has a Dark Secret that I'll go on in a bit. Now lets talk about the Season "2" thing, It's a bit odd that they have 2 Seasons yet not that much shorts to call it a season, I'd call the whole series a season 1 because it had not that much episodes. The animation is actually OK for some shorts, but ones like Dudley and Nestor,Bozzlebag's Zip, My Mother Married a Yet... I Mean Bigfoot, It's Jerky yet it works in a way, but the only thing I'm not OK with in the shorts is that there's no Traditional Animated Shorts in the showcase, The only short that wasn't flash animated in the showcase was an Unaired short called Grungy McGee which had great CGI. A Brief Description of the Well Known shorts

Dudley and Nestor: Good but could use some better writing

My Mom Married a Yeti: Jumps all over the place with the writing, but I'm Curious

Bozzlebag's Zip: Weird, but vague at the same time

The Phabulizers: Good, but the song ruined it for me

Boyz on Da run 1-3: Great, Humorous, and well directed, but could use some altercations

Too Many Robots: Creative concept but it's a little bit Cliché

Troy Ride: Eh, Not really that interested but it's fine

Shezow: Eh, not a fan but it could've been something on Disney

Mascot Prep: Excellent, but it could be a little bit better

The Imperfect Duplicates of Dodger Dare: Eh, but Gravity Falls Did it more creative and better

Flip-Flopped: An Excuse for airtime, but oddly Controversial

What I'm trying to say is that most of these Shorts are OK and Eh if you get to learn more about them, but a major theme in them is that they have a great concept yet they don't necessarily do that much in them, In the Too Many Robots one, they make the Cute blonde girl a whinny teen, yet she would rather be OK with not that many robots, and that's OK and all if she has a big IQ but She's from the country and she's new to robots, shouldn't she at least be a little bit into the Technology. The Voice acting is great, but the writing is very generic, some of the shorts have great concepts in them yet they don't do that much. Remember when I said more like Shatty McShatt Shats, I was wrong, This is just Disney's answer to Oh Yeah Cartoons and What a Cartoon, and that's OK and all but try to not rush a little amount of shorts as Season 1 and Season 2. By the way, There were 7 Unaired shorts that never aired on TV including a Viewer's Choice episode, so now it's about time I review the shorts separately and add some new Information.

Bottom line: It's Mediocre

The Powerpuff Girls

One of the things I hear when cartoon network is mentioned
When Cartoon Network is mentioned, people always think of Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Gumball, Regular Show, and other thin lined TV shows, But despite your opinions on that,one show came to mind when i think of it, The Powerpuff Girls. though they may seem feminine on the outside, they're Powerful, Strong, and Merciless on the inside. The art style is inspiring to artists like me who wish to become an animator one day, and it was inspired by UPA and Hannah Barbara with the thick lines, I like how artistic the backgrounds and character designs are in the series.If you like Iconic voice acting then this has lots of Iconic voices, hell, Tara Strong was known for Bubbles and was acknowledged by Disney After that, and without Bubbles, we wouldn't have Truffles. Even the writing contains lots of witty dialogue and brutal fights, with no mercy, I mean Damn Powerpuff Girls, you just mutilated a clown, what most people would stand out is the villains and not the girls, but without Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, than we would just have the evil villains planning, they PPG steal the show. For how savage and merciless the girls are, they give purpose for how much they don't give mercy, and that's why I like the show, it's nothing like Nickelodeon's lineup or Toon Disney's lineup, but it was part of a unique lineup of cartoons called the cartoon cartoons with unique styles and witty dialogue, and out of all the cartoon cartoons, it was one of the most iconic CN TV series I've ever seen. Calarts needs more people like Craig McCracken on TV nowadays

South Park: Member Berries
Episode 1, Season 20

The Hatedom needs to stop picking on this season
Honestly,*beep* what PIEGUYRULEZ Says about this masterpiece, Season 20 and 19 were actually good. It taught us about Reboots and Allegations, it taught us satire on how Allegations trolls like Keemstar make can have a big effect on society, it even Portrayed Hillary Clinton as a shady president who wants stuff her way, and the Member berries and Butter's *beep* in the air really shows that Trey Parker and Matt Stone know what they're doing, hell thanks to the Crybaby sheep of the internet, the latest episode states, that the Serialization is over, so go get laid you Burnt Piece of Pie sheeps, because this season told some big things that no one would say, besides, it's 2016, the worst year ever, we got horrible stuff happening, Sheep become more severe,Keemstar,Angry Joe,MrEnter,PIEGUYRULEZ,and Saberspark controlled the Sheep, Trump and Hillary were our Candidates,and so much more this year, so we needed South Park to help us out, not some Internet Shepard like PIEGUY. Honestly, Hatedoms in 2016 are more deadly than last year, with Popplio, Might Magiswords, and now this Season of South Park, goddammit, IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE NEW SEASON THAN DON'T BOTHER.Honestly, Matt and Trey really outdone themselves in this season.

The Grim Adventures of the KND

a fist full of Cartoon Network
Wow, When people think KND and Billy and Mandy, they'd expect less, here they raised there expectations and made by far the best crossover ever. Featuring References to other cartoons in the network,Great team ups and cartoon interactions, and just the fact that Ed Edd n Eddy's voice actors said yes and voiced the Edds is just why i like this crossover. Most crossovers are just people interacting and Doing stuff in the show, say like the PPG TTG crossover, but in here, The characters get to actually make a big mess in the shows by Changing the KND, Assimilating characters from other shows, and even calling other cartoons in the episode like the Edds, Andy Johnson from Squirrel boy,Adam Lyon,and the main 3 Dexter kids, so yeah, its unique from other crossovers and Richard Horvitz, Grey Griffin,Greg Eagles,Carl Harvey Greenblat,Vanessa Marshal,and Rachael MacFarlane all get to interact with Ben Disken,Lauren Tom,Dee Bradley Bradley Baker,and Cree Summer while also having fun with each other which more Crossovers should do more other than just interacting with each other most of the time like in PPG vs TTG or sorta in Say Uncle, but say they were good, but not as good as this crossover. If you spot it on your browser, go ahead and watch it or yourself.

Teacher's Pet

little in attention, but big in taste
This show, this makes me wonder what my pets are thinking, and that's what it does, it shows a point of view of a dog who doesn't want to be a dog, and that's creative and something Gary Baseman would actually do, and he did it. The cast contains Nathan Lane,David Ogden Stiers,Mae Whiteman,Jerry Stiller, and Wallace Shawn, hell even Pamela Adlon and Rob Paulsen voices characters, and there performances are astounding, including rob, it was his time to just goof off as Ian Wazselewski and act so retardly hilarious. The only problem i have with the show is that, it barely has any attention. Back then people from miles began watching stuff like Recess, Pepper Ann,Teamo Supremo,Mickey Mouse works, and Disney's Doug, it just makes me cringe that not that much people even watched Teachers pet, and this was Gary Baseman's magnum opus, hell it even got a successful movie that still people haven't even seen it due to that there currently either watching Rugrats or Ren and Stimpy or any other 90's cheese, this was just underrated yet it was good, hell i can consider Nathan lane was jumping around at Disney when they made it, so it has lots of consideration in the show,which is good. Personally, I suggest you watch it if you haven't heard of Gary Baseman

The Oblongs...

Ode to the Oblongs
Out of all the adult programs, there was one unique TV show that Didn't go to the extreme, yet is features comedy for adults, and that was the Oblongs. When others think this show, they think the Mutant Simpsons- guy's burgers, but i think of it as a unique family sitcom. You get Your sensitive 60's Dad that has medium intelligence, A Slacker/smoker Mom, Two Siamese twins which one of them is homosexual and this was before gay marriage,a hyperactive normal son, and a Calm tattletale daughter which has never been done before, since when did Lisa Simpson or Meg Griffin ever spilled the beans or Tried being normal. The animation has to be why i watch the show, it has that Billy and Mandy/Gerald McBoing Boing/Whats with Andy/Kaput and Zosky style that is rarely used by media nowadays, I honestly prefer thick lined animation over this Cal arts Style that has been Plaguing TV shows.The Plot is that The Hill Residents made some toxic waste that was sent into the valleys,leaving nothing but Toxic radiation to all the residents in the Valley. The Characters all stand out of the Simpsons and Family Guy characters, Milos Friends in general are nothing like your nerdy typical geeks, they are just average people, some people like them, and some of them don't, like the Hill residents. The Debbies represent the creativity of what you could do with the snobby blonde popular girl, you could make it a clique trend, this is real, its on musically,and Tumblr, besides its better than Bully with leather jacket or Pop singer with pasta hair. I like how the voice caster tries to find the best voices for them, they chosen lots of people to do Bob Oblongs voice and they chose Will Ferrell, which shows how intelligent the Voice caster is with trying to find voices, its better than just randomly selecting College students to voice characters in shows like in The Powerpuff girls reboot. If you see any airings of the show, i suggest you join the Oblongs in their misadventures, and if you can't then watch them online.

The Powerpuff Girls

Powerpuff Sluts
Out of all the CN shows they could've rebooted, why did they pick The Powerpuff girls, they got 6 seasons and a movie, and that's too much seasons, but that's nothing compared to Simpsons, but the Simpsons are not that terrible. This is the cringe Liverpool, you got one of my favorite characters being such a Slut, Blossom betrayed as the typical white person, and buttercup is an atrocious carnivorous bully punk that bullies one of the top ten ginger women in media history, Blossom has to be the most underprivileged character and one of my favorite ginger women next to Shelly from Pokemon and Mrs Jewls from Wayside. Don't get me started with Bubbles, in this version, she contains all the cringe worthy jokes and memes ever produced, hell she even cutted her hair short because of the feminist tradition everybody in the USA are doing, hell one of the Roller derby gang is a feminist, you got the beard, the fatness, it just contains the soullessness of the Ghostbusters 2016,and Alvin and the Chipmunks.One of the reasons I stopped watching TV, is that one of my favorite characters, Sara Bellum was rejected out of the show because The creators thought she was to offensive, to whom?, she represents the hotness of cartoon redheads, hell, she made me love cartoon ginger woman even more for that her face was covered by her hair, and I respectively like that trope, so Nick and Bob, why are you doing this. By Looking at the animation, it looks like its been produced by a College student smoothing everything and spreading the Calarts Cancer one scene at a time, but really, its Bob Boyle and Nick Jennings, a writer of Clarence,creator of Wubzy and Ying Yang Yo and a writer of Spongebob made this show, this is out Bob Boyles animation feel to be this edgy, i'm convinced, someone in Cartoon Network is actually working to revive the Hub, because these are the types of shows that would belong on an Unnecessary Channel Like Hub. The only things i like is that it still keeps the design of Mojo Jojo, Villains Like Jemmica and Princess Morebucks still keep the Ginger girl spirit i witnessed in the old show, and the concept can be done right, we can still have the villains, they just need to loose the memes, Feminist propaganda,and Smooth Bland animation. Aside from my suggestions to change, It still Chooses to contain Fat Feminists,Memes,Selfies,,twerking,Outdated Memes,Frisks,Sartorious,Bearded women,Elsa's,Trumps, or any other cringe worthy trope everyone is doing. it just is a water down Edgy Take on a classic, i mean why didn't you reboot Billy and Mandy, or Camp Lazlo, or Robotboy, i don't know why they choose the PPG.

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers

They sure did avoid being eaten alive
When i was a kid, there was Nick, Cartoon Network, and Disney channel, out of all the shows i watched in the 2000s, what do i watch for pleasure and leisure time, Brandy and Mr Whiskers. Love it or hate it, this show enlightened my childhood,its just your Castaway comedy like Gilligan's Island except the two main characters don't want to leave,they like it here in the amazon. As Characters, Brandy reminds me of my Comfort zone,and Mr Whiskers reminds me of my Crazy side, which in that case, they are great companions, you get a Normal teen girl dog,and a Hyperactive Get dirty Rabbit,a Voice of reason Boa Constructor,Twin Toucan sisters fighting,A Caring but stupid Giant Otter, and a Dictator Gecko which is my favorite character due to that he has a good voice and some good gestures he does in the theme song. Right from the bat, people will obviously call the animation a Gary Baseman short called Cancer, but to me, its a good art style that in some cases, Lola boas design looks like she is moping and Ed looks smug every time he appears, which he sorta reminds me of some *Beep* in the hood. It gives me a feel of Gilligan's island if you put Hillary duff and buster Baxter falling to the amazon and experiencing the amazon fauna acting crazy and just being people, and there you are in the comments, "Brian, this show gives me a feeling,it makes you forget i before e", well think again,after i watched the boarding episode, it told me that you should stick with what your best at, not e before i, and it was MAD who told us that this show switches I before E around, and that's not true.It didn't choose to be Adventure time, It Also Didn't choose to be Steven Universe or Gravity Falls,it just chose to be itself, and I'm happy that Russel Marcus used up such good talent,speaking of, what else is Russel Marcus doing now,*Looks at Wild Grinders, Ricky Sprocket, and The Packages from Planet X* oh,OK. All in all, it had such talent.

Mad: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Icarus/Adjustment Burro
Episode 11, Season 3

Such original concepts gone stupidly
Remember Wreck it Ralph and Adjustment Bureau, well imagine if it was MAD-ified and written horribly. For example, Diary of a Wimpy Kidicarus is just Diary of a wimpy kid done wrong, wheres manny and Rodrick when you "NEED" them,also they got most of the characters wrong as usual and i'll quote them for you. Donkey Kong has a blue tie, robotnik has no sunglasses,Mario and Luigi have no necks,wario wears a blue cap,Princess peaches hair is Curly like some 80's blonde girl which me like,Links hat isn't right,Toads outfit isn't right,and earthworm Jim looks more like a bicep than a worm, at least the Breadwinners Simpsons parody looks like the Tracey Ullman Simpson, but it still doesn't look like the Simpsons. What I'm trying to say is that its a good concept of putting video game characters in school,but you can't have Diary of a wimpy kid without Manny and Roderick. As for Adjustment Burro, they got Tigers character incredibly wrong, he's not a troublemaker, he's just a goofball,FYI his eyes are wrong. Next thing you'd spot out is that lots of people want this to become a movie because of MLP. It makes me cringe the way MAD is pushing My Little Parasite into episodes because we all like long *beep* Creatures like those, why not add Fluttershy, Twilight sparkle is a nerd, Fluttershy is the Shy one, hence the name Shy, so Eeyore would really rather fall for someone that's the same personality. It sucks, the Parodies in this episode don't even hit, its cringe worthy and stupid, like RacistMario, it had horrible animation, and cringe worthy voice acting, Except for Fred Tatasciore and Tara Strong, But just don't watch it, instead watch Wreck it Ralph.

The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange

Earrape in a bottle Orange echo flavor
Out of all the internet Cessations, why are executives always choosing the bad ones, the trend all started with Making Fiends, a good TV show that caught the hearts of the big screen and online by adding one of the top ten cutest female characters, Charlotte, she is next to Layla from Hey Arnold,Ruby Gloom,Louise Belcher, and Amy Anderson from Supernoobs, but Annoying Orange traps the Under 10 demographic by adding edgy humor, Unironic bean can jokes, Radically bad attitude,Ear*Beep* Characters, and Twice as Maniacally frightening animation as Angela Anaconda that can give people nightmares about food giving you the flipped birds and eating you,no seriously, where to start,how i started to find it bad is that i found out that the TV series anchored the Franchise to the deepest and darkest and dankest trenches ever, the truckloads, than it stopped trying to grab attention of you tubers afterwords, and i'm glad it did, because the show is just your childhood nightmares trying to devour your brain one by one, it does this by showing you the most brain dead jokes and stories ever, seriously, this gave cartoon network a phobia of making something based off of something, but that's why we got Bunnicula to do the trick. Do you have the feeling that you wanna go ape*beep but some snot butted person prevents you from doing it, well that's this *beep* show, it manages to combine the baaing of a goat with the squealing of a cow after he gets grinded in a slaughter house when it comes to being annoying, and it literally states it in the title. Its annoying and loud that i sometimes have a feeling that i wanna eat more vegetables more because of show like this, this is why people hate Mr Meaty, shows like this that cause them to side with vegetables and eat them,and that's bad, i like meat and fruits, but i eat up my fruit fast before it chants and forces me to subscribe to his awful videos,and the worse character of all isn't grapefruit, its orange and apple, whenever apple gets mad, i just wanna rumble my face into a wall in order to forget, and orange,ugh, they put lots of money on making him the most tedious character ever that should've been in a juicer, he has that squealing little voice most brunette Swedish you tubers use when they squeal in their webcams, so it reminds me of the lost remains of cartoon characters every time they do anything in this TV show, and it frustrates me when Danboer Manages to embarrass Tom Kenny,Patrick Warburton,Bill Farggerbakke,Grey DeLeslie,Thommas Lennon,Jhon DiMaggio, and Harland Williams, the guy who was in Freddy got Fingered and Ned's Newt,yes, seriously, did Cartoon Network seriously tell Danaboe to kidnap all American voice actors to voice ugly David Lynch Food

CN :alright Danaboe, i want you to steal lots of voice actors that lots of people will know Danaboe :With Pleasure CN : make sure you also embarrass Rob Paulsen in front of the audience Danaboe :Alright, Rob Paulsen speak like an alien commander Rob Paulsen :Indeed, Surrender Precious Earthling Danaboe :and Tom Kenny, get com fused Ton Kenny :Alllllllllriiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!!,Ugh what am i doing here?

, even i hate the voices of the squealing demon fruits as much as you. Danaboe should just keep his Under 10 fan base to himself on the internet, because i don't recommend you to see it, and if you do, then cover your ears


So much waste on a cool concept
At first, I hated this show to death, but now, I just hate it because it had wasted potential. I like video games, and so does the creators, and I love the video game references, it's better than throwing in the Mario bros or Pacman, but they mostly waste the writing effort on gross out humor, 90's lingo, and annoying rapping. Outside of this show, the writers are OK people, including Bill and Bob, but Wasting a crazy and cool concept on Farting and 90's lingo doesn't really give your show good ratings, and that's why Nickelodeon canceled it, also because of Spongebob. What I like about the show is the animation, in the TV Series, it has 8- bit/flash animation, It's silhouette friendly and Most of the characters are great and colorful characters in the series, Swaysway and Buhdeuce are meh, they're annoying characters. With all those aspects used more, it could've earned a 3rd season, but due to the Overuse of Gross out and 90's lingo, it never made the mark. Keep the Booty Kick thing, but try to use your good aspects, I mean the music is Great and reminiscent to 80's and 90's video games in which the creators loved as kids, but The writing, isn't, The characters can be in any situation,For example:

an Octopus eats up the rocket van while T-Midi,Swaysway and Buhdeuce go crazy and fight each other for survival in order to live their final hours


Swaysway and Buhdeuce stupidly eat a bread that causes them to Hallucinate that they're in a Rob Zombie universe

something like that, what I'm trying to say here, is that They have great characters, Impressively done animation, and Nicely executed Setting that they could make many stories in, but they choose to overuse Photoshop. In shows like Fish hooks,Spongebob,Brandy and Mr Whiskers, TTG or Uncle Grandpa, the Photoshopping has a purpose, It could be used for backdrops ans picture frames,Realistic objects,or just as props and Backgrounds, what Fish Hooks does to use the Photoshop tool to the Finest, is that a background Designer draws the Background and then they use Photoshop to texture, and fill the scenes with great realistic features in the Fish's perspective and to even amaze the audience in what you can do with Photoshop, how the Breadwinners does it is by putting it on the Ducks faces and the bread, Putting the Photoshop on the Bread is where they should've stayed at, Putting it on the ducks only makes your background characters one dimensional, with Fish Hooks, it uses it for the characters that aren't Marine Life, that way it's Experimental. Breadwinners should've kept all it's good attributes with them

Animated Atrocities: One Coarse Meal
Episode 13, Season 1

My Most Hated MrEnter review ever
All though i have mixed feelings for this episode of spongebob, it's just the isolation of plankton,but Mr Enter Shot Burgers out of his ass to give it an F, and it rather deserve a D- for getting out of place in Mr Krabs character, but earning a record for the most extreme spongebob episode. He went to his Pony dungeon, sat on his computer, and told us the plankton committing suicide told people to kill yourself, What, that's like If i got attacked by a Cat and then my mom would just jump into a lesson on how to spell cat, from his logic, if a cartoon kills himself in an episode, than you should do it too? When i saw the episode, it didn't tell me to commit suicide, it made me loose all hope in spongebob for showing us Mr Krabs character as an asshole, and i like that *beep* tip wad. He and his rabid fan base even went to tell Zeus Cervas that your gonna die and were gonna kill you, and when i heard it from my brother, i planned to stop watching Mr Enter, because we as a community can't relate to a crybaby that would kill a horrible writer, AVGN hated Fred Fuchs, but he didn't want to kill him, he worked on to make a funny horror series called,"What its like Being Alone", But Jesus,Cervas moved on to work on Uncle Grandpa and Star vs The Forces of Evil, i always wanted to kill The Creator of Crazy Frog, but he made Gummibar for god sake, the beholder of the internet. If your reading this, go report Mr Enter off of Youtube and Twitter,and make sure he doesn't live, you'll end up in jail if you death threaten any writer/actor/executive.

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius

10/10 Best Anime Ever............Just Kidding,But its still good
If you feel down in life, go watch jimmy neutron. Its so funny that i laughed so hard when i was a kid that i dedicated Carl as the strongest anime character ever,Just Kidding. With its funny humor, its messed up plots which are good, and its funny to listen to voice acting, i can say that what i'm watching is a reverse version of scaredy squirrel and the Butt Ugly Martians. As you can see, this show is sorta like Dexter's Laboratory, but what splits Dexter from Jimmy is the characters, Jimmy acts like a boy and his parents know about his lab,while Dexter hides his creations from his family and acts like a scientist. When this show hits, it hits not just the fans and kids of today, but the Dank Memers on Instagram use them which like johnny bravo proves that you can add jimmy neutron anywhere. The inventions are so advanced that i can recall Jimmy Neutron to help us destroy ISIS. Jimmy as a character has the enjoyable trait of Rolie/Bart/and Martin Prince. The Animation is good CGI that i rarely get from nickelodeon, we usually get AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlvinnnn and the chipmunks,planet sheen, and Fanboy and *beep**beep*. With its humor,inventions, and struggles Jimmy goes through, I can asure my favorite character, is Carl Wheezer, he has the best quotes, voice, and motions in the show, Once His *beep* was pregnant, and i laughed out of my couch and into the floor to laugh. If you see Jimmy Neutron, then i recommend sit in your seat and wittiness the exotic humor.

Mega Babies

Making rugrats on steroids
No seriously, this show actually makes Rugrats look like a David Lynch horror film. Seriously, where to start in this show. Mega Babies?,more like Powerpuff girls on crack with all the animation sticking the middle finger at us.Little known fact, people got scared of sex after watching it, and i can see why, because the babies are so annoying that it tells you that you'll have the most annoying babies, like they hate the new generation. The color scheme is just icy caribou poop, the voice acting is just one line at a time for everyone except for the nanny. Nurse Lazlo is the only character i like on the show because she actually is like Squidward or Mr.Gus, they're the Straight men that they can relate to, except, the Mega Babies don't listen to the Straight men, the babies are so annoying that their cries aren't crying, its Sonja Ball,and Laura Teasdale screaming for help from Cinegroupe's Wet Dream featuring the worst animation and sound effects, like seriously, listen to the jumping sound effects. I have to agree, this show really made me scared of getting the Succ, I recommend you skip it at once.


Clever and Cunning
As Cartoon Network was at its worst, there was hope in the channel featuring clever 4th wall breaks,and clever dialogue, that my friends is Chowder. I watched all the episodes, and i found myself laughing at the visual gags and the jokes and dialogue, so unlike Animaniacs or any 90's trash, they braked the 4 wall a lot and hard that I fell down the floor and laughed at the jokes for how much fun the writers and actors had together. The voice acting is pretty good to listen to, Dwight Schultz and Tara Strong really have fun with their voices that they even remember the fun times they have, the animation is fluid, and can be appreciated to aspiring animators like me. My favorite character is, Everyone, you can all get a kick out of their stupidity,comedy,and stories as well as their designs. Nicky Jones's perfect performance shows that you can make kids voicing kids, instead of just a grown woman voicing the role. With its well done stories,Punchlines, and acting,I recommend you see it.

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