
IMDb member since April 2016
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Crossing Jordan

Went too far.
When it started out and through The first five seasons this show was Well done. Unfortunately at the beginning of season 6 they decided that they needed To really get the audience ramped up. At the beginning it was a. It was a procedural show and well done for its time. The cast was quality with Miguel and Henderson and the other players. Unfortunately. They proceeded to.. Proceeded to make the main character into an out of control loose cannon Who had no concern for the law, procedure, or even anyone else. They also made mistakes. Made Mr. O'connell into a hateful character. To put it very simply in season 6 they "jumped the shark "

Midsomer Murders: Death in Disguise
Episode 5, Season 1

Just plain dumb
This is an excellent series but this particular episode is not worth your effort. It concerns a lame cult in a big house. With a bunch of loonies running around contacting the dead I guess, A feral boy running around who doesn't speak. Barnaby is not all that involved in most of the action. And I don't really even think the actors know what their lines mean. The murders when they do come are ridiculous. Nobody really seems to have a clue about anything. I know I don't. Every now and then they threw in his wife and daughter just for some form of sanity in this episode. Very disappointed that such a quality series would put up a Miss like this.

The Art of Racing in the Rain

Kevin Costner
This is a beautiful film. The story telling all is smooth and flowing. It is cast perfectly from the lead actors down to even the dog. Until you actually experience A film You don't realize what a difference the right voice with the right Timbre, And other small variables can make. Especially when it is an integral and major psrt of a film. Any other than Kevin Costner's voice for the dog and narration would have been wrong and just off. This one will tug at your heart strings unless you're made of stone. Gary Cole has a small role but it's important in the film and it works. I wouldn't necessarily call this a family film a little too intense for the little ones but definitely any above that.

Haul Out the Holly

Just plain stupid
If you're looking for a review that doesn't trash this movie might as well move on. I'm well aware that they crank these out in less than a month most times. But I'm sorry it still doesn't mean you have to have quality actors act this stupid. I really thought I was watching a Disney movie where the kids always overract and ham It Up. I almost think some of these actors were that desperate for a gig that they took this because I have seen them in other movies where they do quality work this time they were just told to go overboard. I really feel guilty about giving this one star it doesn't deserve even that .

The Christmas Promise

Very good ,but
As Christmas movies go this is right up there with the best despite my low number. It involves a subject that is very I guess tricky is the right word because everyone deals with grief differently it hits everyone In a different way. Patrick Duffy is a welcome addition and key element in this movie. He gives the perspective of someone who's been there and done that and it's come out the other side. The Christmas twist if you will is well done And it keeps you guessing just long enough to peak your interest. The so called stand by characters on the sidelines are well done as well. A little more explanation on a couple would have been welcome. The ONLY Thing I have a problem with is the end of the movie. A trust is broken and and I'm sorry where I am concerned once broken it almost is never ,ever To get it back completely . The realistic part of the movie is 99% this 1% I'm sorry ruins it for me.

Ghost Town

Strangely interesting.
I watched this in 2022, And I'm just a regular guy looking to Escape with a movie for a couple hours ., Not some fancy schmancy intelligent reviewer. And I figured I was just gonna see some B reel Western horror flick . At 1st I hated it. It was cheesy and somewhat disjointed . But if you give it a few minutes somehow it draws you in. You start seeing the character develop just a little bit, And you have to disengage your logic circuits ( He's out in the deep desert and only has a glass of water and a shot of whiskey wow 😄) Also the make up effects for 1988 are well done. Just give it a few minutes and I think you won't be disappointed. That's just my opinion.

Princess of Mars

Big disappointment
This could have been so good. Instead the acting is stiff Instead the acting is stiff, The dialog is trite and been used a million times. The direction of the camera shots is it is very poor. Like I said it could have been so good. I saw another reviewer say it's not the worst movie hes ever seen, If you want to see a true stinker try Mac and Me. No that's truly God-awful.

Mac and Me

Oh wow and I thought I'd seen some bad ones
Like everybody else I have to say this isay this is a really really really poor rip off of ET. One reviewer said it should make your top 10 list of the worst ever. I very much disagree with him! In my opinion it should be a viable contender for # 1😄


disagree with the experts
Seems like most of the experts Hated it this movie. I thought it was well done and well acted. So it followed a standard type pattern in places but it also differed significantly and made it interesting for me. As one reviewer said haters are gonna hate, As far as I'm concerned it's well worth a watch.

Dear Frankie

Not enough stars
This is by far one of the best movie I've seen in years ! The cast is perfect ,the acting is exemplary By all . The direction of how she puts the right mood , and lighting to every scene Is just right . If They were there I'd give it 20 stars .


Awful stuff
I hope Corbin , and Eric had fun acting this badly. I've seen their work before and it is exemplary. But in this I think they were told to act as cheesy and as badly as if you were just starting out in the business. They definitely accomplished this goal . On the other hand if they were trying to play it serious OMG !


If you've got a weak stomach don't go near this film 😃. If you like special effects With lots of slime and blood and zombie make up , etc . This is definitely for you !

Dean Spanley

A master at work
The storyline is not for everyone. But the actors working their craft ,that makes this well worth watch. Peter O'Toole is at his very best. In my opinion that's more than enough reason to watch this.

Anacondas 4: Trail of Blood

Poor outing
If you're looking to watch one of the " Anaconda Series " movies Give this 1 A hard pass ! This thing is LAME from the word go . The special effects are barely so so. And the actors, I'm sorry to say this about people trying to make a buck, but my God they must have picked them up off the street . I've seen better jobs done in a grade school play.

Last Chance Harvey

You cast the best
This review is going to be pretty simple. When you cast the best people people you get the best performances and a quality product. Dustin Hoffman one of the best ever. Emma Thompson Cathy Bates ,James Brolin, I mean how can you possibly go wrong with that ,and if they didn't.

The Rookie: Real Crime
Episode 16, Season 4

Not the best effort
They went away from what works for them. Going off in this tangent didn't work at all for me. Almost couldn't get through the episode. I hope this poor outing doesn't hurt the show from moving forward to another season.

How Do You Know

Jack Nicholson
The story line, eh Average at best. Performances by Reese Witherspoon and Paul Rudd ,OK Far far from Award-winning. But Jack Nicholson ,his performance is worth every bit of sitting through the rest of the movie ! It's worth a watch just to see him do what he does best.

Write Before Christmas

The actors
I'm sure some will disagree ,maybe more than some , But as far as I'm concerned you can never go wrong when Chad Michael Murray Is 1 of the leads . This one is somewhat unusual in that there are 3 different story lines. Each 1 You want to see how they end.

A Very Charming Christmas Town

Only so so
This one from lifetime is ,,,eh. It's not bad it's not good it's just sort of typical. No real chemistry with the actors, Not sure if it's their skill level or they just didn't get along and couldn't hide it It's not a bad watch, but if you're going to skip one this would be it .

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service: Docked
Episode 7, Season 19

Another excellent episode Gary Cole is doing a great job for the position he was put in. And the most important thing is They FINALLY got Delilah back in the picture !

Day of the Dead

I really tried
I really wanted, and tried to like this But it's just plain stupid . You've got a lame election going on, A loser about to get married, A nutty funeral home, And several other things at the same time. Oh yeah, plus there's some zombies walking around Eating people . If you can find a central story somewhere in there you're a better Person than I am.


I like it
I saw one reviewer trash it because it didn't "top topper" To him I say, get real buddy topper was a classic. All the show wants to be is a quirky midweek prime time comedy. On that level It. Exceeds beyond my expectations. Almost didn't recognize Rose Mcliver. A far cry from her zombie make up. It's will worth a watch.


Come on all you detractors what's not to like about a movie with Jack Black in it ?

Robin and the 7 Hoods

Well worth a watch
Can't believe the negative reviews. The final gathering of the Rat Pack in one movie, and they played it to the hilt. Sure it's silly and unreal but these are legends we'll not see the like of again . Adding Peter Falk to the mix just made it even better.

The Spy Who Dumped Me

Is higher rating
As far as action and keeping your interest this movie does a great job. But Mckinnon's character, And her performance grated on my nerves every time she spoke. Way too over the top for my taste I know the role was written that way but I just couldn't stand her.

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