
IMDb member since May 2016
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    8 years


The Loved Ones

Haunting hard to forget horror movie
I watch a lot of horror movies and this one will not be leaving your thoughts anytime soon. It's a famous Aussie import and worth the watch.

American Hero

If A Love Song For Bobby Long & Hancock had a baby...
It's a very decent movie but it's NØT really about superheroes. It's about the life of a self proclaimed drug addicted, lazy A-hole who happens to have telekinesis.

The Big Bang Theory: The Speckerman Recurrence
Episode 11, Season 5

Leonard's bully is Sheldon's father
On The Big Bang's spin off show "Young Sheldon," Sheldon's father is played by the man playing Leonard's bully in this episode.

Magical Girl Friendship Squad

Made for women who like stoner cartoons
This show is funny!

Some men might be thrown from it because there's lots of jokes just for females and most men still get upset by this.

If you're a women who likes cartoons ~ This shows made for You!


Worth the watch!
They're short and there's only six episodes but they are so funny! Especially the last episode.

Alien News Desk

Love It ~
It's funny and definitely worth the watch. Especially if you like to smoke.


Not bad!!
It's a prerty good syfy "B" Movie especially if you're into alternate realities. Worth the watch.

Fire City: End of Days

Good special effects & sound quality
There's a lot to unpack here but basically it's fantastic for "B" film. Usually my biggest complaint with these movies is the sound quality but this one's good. If you're into syfy and demons, it's worth the watch.

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